tshuk00 Member


  • You keep going back to "average". That's a terrible way to estimate food. Logging by weight is as accurate as you can get. 5.3 oz potatoes are an average size of potato that you would get in a bag of them- they're not the same as the giant baking potatoes you buy individually, at least not in the US.
  • According to the USDA, 100g of potato is 77 calories. 5.3 oz is 150g or 115 calories. He logged half of 5.3 oz. Look very specifically at what you took a screenshot of.
  • He logged half a potato.
  • They're not within reason and that's what we're trying to tell you at the end of the thread. Unless you are pushing yourself to the level that someone doing a full Ironman race is, you're just not burning that many calories in a day, let alone multiple times a week. You're likely not estimating your food correctly either.…
  • @danieltsmoke, let me give you a frame of reference for what I am doing. My diary is open so go check it if you want. My starting/current stats: Weight: 300lbs (Jan 2015)/253 (today) Calorie goal: 1800 per day (Jan 2015)/1600 calories per day (today) In 6 months I have dropped about 45lbs without restricting nearly as…
  • Unless you're consuming over 9200 calories per day, you would be losing weight at an alarming weight. Those "fitness trackers" are notorious for not being accurate. The most accurate way to track your burned calories is using a heart rate monitor. Let me put it this way, a person who weighs 210 lbs would burn about 3500…
  • This is also really dependent on what type of gym you go to. Chain commercial gyms have less people dedicated to seriously lifting in general than smaller local gyms that are more lifting focused. That's not to say you don't see people lifting, but seeing people doing traditional power or Olympic style weightlifting isn't…
  • Personally I found reconstituted PB2 to be really gross. Putting it in things for the flavor is pretty nice though- I add it to my protein shakes sometimes (chocolate protein + PB2 + banana!) and I've heard of adding a bit to things like brownies or cookies flavors it nicely without having a weird texture.
    in PB2 Comment by tshuk00 April 2015
  • Try using fat free Greek yogurt (I like Chobani because it's low sugar compared to most other brands) instead of sour cream. Much better protein, far less calories, and it has a very similar taste and texture.
  • I've lost 180 sticks of butter. I have 280 sticks of butter to go.
  • Talking to your doctor and a nutritionist is going to be your best bet. Dietary cholesterol has little to do with your blood levels.
  • If you want a meal replacement bar but not necessarily protein, try Lara Bars. They're not too bad for you. If you want extra protein they have their Alt bars, which have about 10g of protein in each bar. You CAN use protein bars as a meal/snack replacement as long as you're fitting them into your overall daily intake…
  • No, it's not the chocolate and processed foods, it's your hormone cycles. It's called hormonal acne for a reason.
  • One thing you can try is checking what your BMR is and what you can consume weekly without weight loss. Remember that number, so even if you go over your weekly goal but fall under that, you know at the very least you will remain level and will not be gaining. That said, I'm sure you've heard it before, but seek…
  • If your BMR is 1175 why are you going *over* that amount? What happens when you plug your numbers in, set how much weight you want to lose, and it calculates your goal for you on MFP?
  • Talk to your campus mental health resources to discuss your issue. Eating disorders are no joke, and if this is not long term behavior you have a better chance of catching it and modifying your behavior and thought patterns successfully.