I need help (binging)

Hi, I am relatively new to MYP and I wanted to lose about ten pounds and feel better about myself. However, I have always struggled with binging. I started about four days ago and have binged today on probably around 5000 calories worth of whole grain breads/healthy cereals. I dont really have any emotional issues when it comes to food, however I did feel this overwhelming primal instinct to eat and eat alot. How do I avoid this? I am a 21 year old female looking for some advice. I am in college and am pretty stressed out most of the time.


  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    You say it's not emotional, but then say how stressed you are. I imagine stress is playing some role. You might need more protein or filling foods to help keep you from going crazy on carbs.
  • belllam
    belllam Posts: 7 Member
    try to chew some gum - without sugar of course and remember that a gum is about 3.5 cal a piece - or some coffee sweets - without sugar too, mine are just 8 cal a piece - or drink water. drinking something hot is good too because it gives you the sensation that you are full, so tea is good (black tea helps a lot).
    try to think how you will feel better when you achieve your goal weight and if you prefer to eat something that will satisfy you in just that moment or to achieve something that is going to satisfy you forever.
    good luck
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    More information will let people give you better advice. Height, current weight, how much you are trying to loss per week/what your cal goal is.

    My guess is you restricted too heavily and now your body is HUNGRY, but that is taking a lot of assumptions.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    My first question would be :

    Are you aiming for a weight that is not healthy for your height?
    I notice you want to be 112 Ibs. Are you short ?
    I have personally found that my instinct to eat, and keep eating, kicks in when I go below a weight that is healthy for me.
  • LBennett34
    LBennett34 Posts: 25 Member
    Do you live in a dorm? Roomates? Alone? These things matter... Is it sweet carbs or salty carbs? Both? I had to bite the bullet and get ALL the carbs out of my house. (I have Ezekial bread and rice chex for my family). It was hard to do. I LOVE salty, crunchy carbs. We've had a much cleaner diet for several months but I still get whizzed at myself for NOT having the carbs as I stare into the fridge and pantry wishing them to appear. I take deep breaths. I drink water and grab a small piece of fruit. Its not the same as a mouthful of carbs but my weight goal and my health are more important. You have to choose... instant gratification (then regret) or reaching your goal. My 48 lb goal seems impossible. I can't picture myself in shape. But making SMALL changes and good choices every day lead in the right direction. Again, and I hate saying this because I could devour some carbs right now as I write this... It's a choice.
  • tshuk00
    tshuk00 Posts: 17 Member
    Talk to your campus mental health resources to discuss your issue. Eating disorders are no joke, and if this is not long term behavior you have a better chance of catching it and modifying your behavior and thought patterns successfully.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    If you binged 5000 calories on whole grain bread and cereal, you're about to become very intimate with the toilet tomorrow morning. Anyways, lots of schools offer free counseling for eating problems! Talk to them if you feel it is a persistent issue. Otherwise, it is all about will power.