

  • I am 5'4 and have been stuck at 120-125 for the last year now. I really want to get back to 108-110 range. All of my weight is in my stomach right now. I have adrenal fatigue which causes the spare tire. I have tried everything - every diet, running, videos - every diet pill out there and nothing seems to work. So I went…
  • I haven't checked in for a few days.... I have been doing the shred. I did it monday - friday last week and also ran three miles each day. Over the weekend I ran three miles and did a kick boxing video by Jillian. Back to shredding this week. I am doing it five days like she says on the video and then mixing it up with the…
  • Day two of shredding... Good luck everyone!
  • I'm in... I was planning on starting it today.... I've done it before and really liked it. I have done some of Jillian's other video's as well.
  • 1. 36 2. Apple (my weight is all in my lower belly, top half of stomach is flat) 3. Both for me. I exercise pretty much every day but notice that when I eat right it makes a bigger difference.
  • I just started the shred again.... It seems like I get through level one and then something happens. I am hoping to make it through this time.... I did it last year and really liked it. I noticed a huge difference in my lower stomach which is my problem area. I just bought the 6 week 6 pack. I am going to try to mix it up.…
  • I'm with you - I need to get my motivation back up. I have been at a plateau for a long time now and it's really frustrating. I do cardio pretty much every day - I think I need to mix it up and watch what i eat. It's hard because I have two kids and they are veyr picky about foods.... How do you like WW?
  • where are my shredders?????
  • I ended up starting yesterday. Sunday was beautiful and I got all of my flowers planted outside... Bring it on Jillian!!! I am also running three to five miles a day...
  • When I started running I would go to a track and jog one lap around and then walk one lap around... I builit myself up. I would try to go little further each time. I now can go five miles straight. (at least I was able to before winter) Go at your own pace - you will know when you are ready for more. GOOD LUCK!
    in walk/run Comment by kargreen March 2011
  • I totally forgot that was today... The custard ones are my favorite. Good thing I am staying in for lunch today and going to the dentist this afternoon.... (LOL)
  • Anyone have any ideas on how to lose some water weight (and quick). I have the bloated belly this week and have to get into a cocktail type of dress on Sunday. I've been working out like crazy and drinking a ton of water.....
  • I am loving having the gym set up in the basement. I don't have to leave work at lunch time and go out into the cold and snow but I can get a pretty good work out in. I started off with 20 minutes on the stepper, 50 crunches on the ball and 10 minutes of the ab pro circle. I then did the shred video (another 20 minutes).…
  • I didn't lose any weight this week... to be honest i fell off the wagon. I had friends over that I haven't seen and made lasagna and she brought some Italian cake. OMG - I felt like i was gaining weight just looking at it. :( On a better note - The neighbor (at work) and I have set up a small gym in the basement. We have a…
  • the squatting v raises kick my rear
  • I am starting tonight at 7pm. I figure that gives me time to get home and get something to eat before fasting. I'm going to try to stick with something good.... yogurt and maybe making some eggs. I promised my hubby chicken and dumplings tomorrow. YIKES!!! Actually most food doesnt bother me unless you throw a pizza…
  • I fell off the wagon with the shred... I have been running 3 miles per day and trying to do crunches at night. I'm going to start level 2 tonight....
  • FOR WEEK ENDING JANUARY 22, 2011 NAME...............................CW................................NEW WT.........-/+.......BUST/CHEST............WAIST...........HIPS BLACKSWAN…………...140.……….............................................…….....……36.……….………29….….….....37…
  • Hi. I started the 30 day shred on Monday... so today is day 3 level 1. I have done this before and I noticed a big difference in my legs, arms and belly. Good luck everyone!!!!
  • Happy New Year everyone... I am going to start tonight! I had planned on doing it a few times over the holiday break but everytime I wanted to someone would be having dinner or drinks - something to throw it off. I tried to behave and I did work out over the holidays... I even got an ab pro circle that I got put together…
  • I hope I am not too late to join! I want to lose about 10 -15 pounds. My weight goes up and down (5 pounds each way). I run all the time and have been doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I just seem to be at a plateau and I want to get past it. I have always been very self concious about my weight.... I don't need to be…
  • I think I am down in inches because my dress pants fit differently but I didn't lose any weight at all. I am actually heading to the doc's this afternoon to have blood work done. Both of my aunts have thryroid problems and are anemic. I already know that I'm borderline anemic but they haven't found anything wrong with my…
  • Dear 12 year old son that I love more than life - I know that getting up in the morning is hard - believe me I don't like getting up either. It's part of life and we all have to do it - whether its for work or for school - it's life! Every morning I get out of bed and wake you up first so that you have enough time to get…
  • Thanks.... I have been looking at different videos to change it up a bit. I love to run but was told it's not good to do it everyday. It's my stress reliever. Anyone have any good suggestions on video's?
  • Today is my last day but I am baffled... I have done this along with running every day for 30 days (did not miss one day). My stomach feels a little firmer and I can tell a difference in my arms and legs BUT I did not lose 1 pound. This was a huge let down for me. I was hoping to lose at least five pounds. Thyroid issues…
  • Dear Self - I know you have lots of errands to run today at lunch time - picking up pictures at Sears, getting gas, car wash, and stopping at the grocery store BUT please do not be tempted to stop at any fast food places along the way. Don't throw the 30 day shred and eat stop eat down the drain. You only have a week to…
  • Day 24 - Bring it on Jillian!! I have to make myself do this every night but I once I do I feel so much better. My husband just laughs at me - Laugh now sucker when I have a beach body again like when we first met you'll love it!!!
  • Dear guy driving on the shoulder of the road as I am running down it, First the white lines on the road are the one you need to stay between - you do not cross them and you do not drive on the shoulder coming straight at a pedestrian jogging. Second, I had on running shorts, a hoodie, earphones and RUNNING SHOES - that…
  • I made it until 6:30pm. I have been about an hour or so off. Not too bad I guess. I had homemade sauce that I pulled out of the freezer so I made spaghetti. I am doing the fast again today... Just trying to get a jump start before Thanksgiving.. :) Happy Thanksgiving everyone... (I will not be logging what i eat tomorrow -…
  • I did really well over the summer too and then started to gain it back (grrrhhhhh) so I got a picture out of myself at a weight I liked. I put it on my desk at work so whenever i go to eat junk I see it and think nope - not going to get there if I eat this... I need to bring it home so I can look at it if I feel like I am…