NOVEMBER- 30 day shred



  • I've completed 22 days of the 30 day shred. I think i pulled something in my back - it's that or level 3 kicked my butt. Back at it tonight!!! I see a difference in my arms and upper abs but not the lower.

    I'm also doing the eat stop eat diet. I have 8 hours to go before I can eat something.... Wish me luck!
  • Alright, day 23 is complete! Only 1 week to go! I wasn't as fatigues tonight as I was last night. That's promising. I have noticed some changes kind of all over. I feel stronger too.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Day 20 done, and I kept up with Natlie (on level one except for the squats on the last circuit ) and went 5 minutes back into it again...

    I feel freaking awesome tonight...
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Day 7 of Lvl 2 Complete tonight
  • Just keep trying, dont give up. You might miss a day but get back to it as soon as you can. I havent done 30 Day Shred since Saturday but Im going to try to do it today. So far Ive completed 9 days of Lvl 1 and 6 days of Lvl 2. My goal by the end of the month is to complete 10 days of Lvl 2 and 3 days of Lvl 3.

    Good Luck Everyone!
    did u see L3 .. hehewe are going to sweat like crazy :) thanks fo pushing its just hard to start... :/ i will do 30day shred till end of december twice a day then switch to other dvd i'm thinking no more trouble zones... but here comes holidays and all the yami food hope we can all know our limit :)
    keep with good work !!
  • Day 24 - Bring it on Jillian!!

    I have to make myself do this every night but I once I do I feel so much better. My husband just laughs at me - Laugh now sucker when I have a beach body again like when we first met you'll love it!!!
  • Day 24 is over! I rocked it! Like the other levels, once you get used to the moves they don't seem so bad, but still really tough. I can't decide what to do once this is all over. Any other DVD suggestions?
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Day 21 done yesterday I just felt like crap when I got done, think the sore throat bug is making its way threw me so I went to bed not to long after it..

    Day 22 done today I wanted to do it twice (maybe once I get back home) since I know I will be close to going way over my calories ... depends on how I feel.
  • Day 25 is complete! I was able to kick my knees higher doing the "rockstars" tonight! I can feel myself getting stronger. I even felt some definition on the back of my shoulders that wasn't there before. Lovin' it!
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    You are all doing so well!!!!!!
    I'm hoping there will be a December 30DS thread, if not I'll have to start one!!!!!
    Since hurting my neck last week I've been really poor. Tried to get back into it earlier this week and I felt like I was back to the beginning!!!!!!!
    Will be having a go tomorrow morning and see how I go, still on level 1. Level 2 looks like a dream at the mo.
    Still, onwards and upwards!!!!!!!
  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member
    I just completed day 29--one day to go!!
    My rock stars are more like pebble stars, but at my age I'm happy.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Ive been slacking on 30 Day Shred lately.

    Day 8 Lvl 2 completed tonight
  • I just did Day 27 of the Shred. I missed Friday, not because i wanted to, but my power was out all evening. I'm pretty annoyed that I'm a day behind, but I still only have 3 days left.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Ugh I missing alot of days b/c I'm really sick, so more than likely I will just be starting over again, if I can get over this crud.
  • Today is my last day but I am baffled... I have done this along with running every day for 30 days (did not miss one day). My stomach feels a little firmer and I can tell a difference in my arms and legs BUT I did not lose 1 pound. This was a huge let down for me. I was hoping to lose at least five pounds.

    Thyroid issues run in my family. I seem to have a lot of the symptoms but my test came back fine (or so I was told). It took my aunt's doctor two years to figure out that she had thyroid problems. I do not want to wait that long...

    I'm not quitting - I am getting Jillians fat burner video
  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member
    Today is my last day but I am baffled... I have done this along with running every day for 30 days (did not miss one day). My stomach feels a little firmer and I can tell a difference in my arms and legs BUT I did not lose 1 pound. This was a huge let down for me. I was hoping to lose at least five pounds.

    Thyroid issues run in my family. I seem to have a lot of the symptoms but my test came back fine (or so I was told). It took my aunt's doctor two years to figure out that she had thyroid problems. I do not want to wait that long...

    I'm not quitting - I am getting Jillians fat burner video

    Congrats!!! I finished on Saturday, took yesterday off--first time in 30 days and started back in the groove with Cardio Max plus my usual. I just lost my normal 1lb per week, but I really notice a difference in my back and arms. I'm in my 60s so don't expect the fast losses that I had in my 20s, I just like the way I feel.
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    I'm back on track! Starting again from level 1, but am doing it every day this week. Then, I'm moving up to level 2.
  • Thanks....

    I have been looking at different videos to change it up a bit. I love to run but was told it's not good to do it everyday. It's my stress reliever.

    Anyone have any good suggestions on video's?
  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member

    I have been looking at different videos to change it up a bit. I love to run but was told it's not good to do it everyday. It's my stress reliever.

    Anyone have any good suggestions on video's?

    I have a whole selection that works for me (disclaimer--I'm old). One thing I missed about the shred every day was mixing up my routines. I walk, bike, ride my horse almost every day, then do a dvd and do tai chi everyday--some yoga most days.
    My go to dvds are BL cardio max (I do the second level--hate the twirpy other trainer) and BL sculpt. I have a 45 min step and a two kick butts (they,re old but I like them). If I'm feeling not motivated or sore I have WATP Walk and jog or Walk and Kick.
    If we have a winter like last year I also have an exercise bike that works the arms too and an old rowing machine, but I like to get outside when possible. So dig out what you have and mix them up--I plan on just adding the shred--all three levels to my mix.
    Since you like to run (I'm assuming outside) get out your old bike. I like to ride my horse and hike, but I added the bike because you use different muscles. The other thing about a bike is it keeps you honest--if you stop pedaling you fall over.
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    Did anyone complete the 30 days today?? Wondering about people who measured how much you lost in inches? And pounds. :) I slacked off early on. :o\ Gotta get back on the bandwagon.
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