NOVEMBER- 30 day shred



  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    I was thinking about doing each level for 10 days then moving on to the next. This way I will have completed all three levels in the 30 days. I just hope levels 2 & 3 don't kick my butt too hard!
  • So I have just completed my 2nd day of Shred and I am wiped!!!!

    Some of you are saying you are energised - will I ever be energised or will I be crawling around on my knees for ever more :sad:
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    So I have just completed my 2nd day of Shred and I am wiped!!!!

    Some of you are saying you are energised - will I ever be energised or will I be crawling around on my knees for ever more :sad:

    It took me till the fourth day to not feel like death after doing it
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Day 4 Complete....I cant believe I did 15 of the pushups today, :noway: Thanks to this push up challenge I joined this month (push ups are my worst enemy).....After I finished the 30 Day Shred, I decided to see if I could do some of her Banish Fat Boost Metabolism DVD. I did the entire DVD, that was a good workout. I like the different cirucuits, well not Circuit 4, not feeling the mountain climbs and plank exercises. I was sweating and exhausted after this workout. I will definitely be adding this DVD to my workout schedule. :smile:

    I'm doing a pushup challenge too! So far I loving it. Did 52 regular pushups today and then a bunch a girlie ones during Shred.

    We're probably in the same challenge...The one Im in is titled "November Challenge". do 50 push ups a day (wall, counter, girlie and/or regular). Congrats on doing 52 regular pushups! :drinker: (water).....I hope I can do at least 5 by the end of the challenge.:noway:
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Day 5...tomorrow will probably be my rest day...but I still plan on doing some type of work hopefully walking some this evening.

    Feeling good finally :) My two year old is like a mini trainer :P, she'll sit that and go down mommy during pushups and repeat after jillian lol
  • Am i too late??? its only the 5th lol, this would be great for me actually I am just starting to have to wrokout at home and this is the one video i have..let me know if its not to late!! I would love to start it with you all!!
  • Azzrielish
    Azzrielish Posts: 44 Member
    I just saw this challenge!

    I started on October 25th so I am a little ahead of the game although I have missed two days since then. I'm walking 3 miles most days and doing Level 1 of the shred. I take a break from one or the other every few days because its kicking my butt!

    After day one and two I HURT! My glutes were on fire! I had to use my arms to get out my chair at work! I think it was around day 4 they stopped hurting. Now after day 7 (I think) of level 1 I am finally feeling like there has been improvement.

    I find it really hard to motivate to do it (even though its only 20 minutes) but once I do it I feel good (that is - after I've stopped). I try to do it as soon as I get home from work otherwise I get on the couch and its all over!

    One thing that frustrates me (and I am watching the DVD on a bluray) is that it takes about five minutes of the DVD to get to the starting point of the exercise and I cant fast forward or skip any of the intro! Anyone else have this problem?
  • debjunti
    debjunti Posts: 40 Member
    I just did the 30 day shred for the first time and I have no idea how to put that in the exercise tracker it won't except anything I try! Hows everyone else charting it?:embarassed:
  • Day 5 complete. Not sore anymore, but still feeling the burn. I did 100 jumping jacks at the end again.
  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    I just did the 30 day shred for the first time and I have no idea how to put that in the exercise tracker it won't except anything I try! Hows everyone else charting it?:embarassed:

    I log it as circuit training, since that is essentially what you are doing. That is the only thing I could find.
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Hi there guys :flowerforyou:

    I know you are all on Day 5 of this I just started it today :blushing: but would love to join ye :wink: If it's too late I guess I could start a new thread just give me the nod thanks :drinker:
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Completed my 4th day and it was hard!!!!!!:sad: I`m putting more effort into the strength exercises, but the cardio is still the bane of my life!!!!!!!! I`m not going to finish the Shred by the end of November but will have made it to Level 2 (take a look, it`s hilarious!!:laugh: ) and will, hopefully have completed the entire 30 days by Christmas. Haven`t lost any weight this week :grumble: but am waiting til I`ve completed the first level to see if there`s any change in my measurements!:noway:
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Rest day today! Focus on making good choices with food today. We have a trip to Red Lobster planned so I'll have to really investigate the menu.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Rest day for me as well :) k.
  • I wanna join too!! I have had this video for a while, and keep saying I'm going to do it for real (this time)! I think 5 days was the most I ever made it. I know it is a little late, but better late than never...right?! :)
  • Day 6 complete! I'm aiming to not have any rest days.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    You guys are doing great. If you take a rest day get in some good stretching. Maybe check out Jillian's Yoga DVD. Great job on the first week.
  • I know i am a little behind but i did day 2 today!! and after i did a little more cardio, looking at day 3 tomorrow
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Decided to take advantage of the extra hour lol since I didn't get to spend it sleeping...Got day 6 done, though I'm rethinking to late doing this before work lol.
  • dford5
    dford5 Posts: 92 Member
    Day 2 done. I had to take 3 days rest to recover from day 1. I was so sore and stiff!! But I did notice that today was somewhat easier. I didn't have to take too many breaks.

    BTW, how are you guys entering the workout into the exercise logs?
  • Today is Day 6! I was going to do Yoga X instead but ran out of time... I'm on level 2 - and so very sore! :laugh:
  • Day 7 complete. It was a bit harder then I thought as I'm a little hungover today, but I did it! I still did my 100 jumping jacks afterwards, but I couldn't muster up the energy to do anything else today. I'll have to push myself a bit harder tomorrow. :happy:
  • fit2sit
    fit2sit Posts: 82 Member
    Moving into the new lab and standard time really put a halt on my 4 mile runs everyday. So I pulled out my wife's 30 day shred DVD on the 3rd, just finished day 4. I'm going to try and not take a rest during the 30 days since it's only 20 minutes, I'll keep this thread tagged to see everyone else progress!
  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    Well ladies, I have been doing the 30 day shred for a bit, off and on, but haven't had time since I joined the group. I plan to try to make time tomorrow. I need the motivation to stick to it every day for a week or 2 so I can see what it does for me. Maybe then I will want to continue it on a day to day basis. I just have such a hard time staying motivated. I WANT to be in those skinny jeans, and in that bikini but am so unmotivated and I do not know why. I mean 30 mins a day is not too much to do but we are just so busy that I am barely home long enough to get it in.
  • edinat
    edinat Posts: 159 Member
    Good JOB everyone ! i had to take a "rest day" so today is day 6 for me :) yayyy ! so far so good !
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    OOOOPS!! Turned my alarm off and slept on this morning, so missed my workout. I WILL be up tomorrow!!!!!!!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Day 6 for me. Those arm raises and lateral lunges are the only thing keeping me from moving on. They kill me....something to be cautious about. I had been squeezing my shoulders up to my ears when I was doing that....when I relaxed I felt it much more in my arms and a lot less in my neck...don't need any big man muscle neck now do we?
  • I just finished Day 8! My legs are constantly sore, not aching but I'm very aware of them at all times. I just cheated and watched the level 2.... it looks a lot harder then level 1. I hope I'm up for it!
  • Day 4 level 1 done.. feeling it today. Had a hectic weekend and wasn't able to fit it in. Thurs was my last workout. Feels like day 1 again :(

    Need to stick with this!

    Great job on everyone for being so dedicated. It's pushing me forward!
  • Day 4 level 1 done.. feeling it today. Had a hectic weekend and wasn't able to fit it in. Thurs was my last workout. Feels like day 1 again :(

    Need to stick with this!

    Great job on everyone for being so dedicated. It's pushing me forward!

    You are doing great Kerry, it's easier for me because I'm not married and don't have kids to look after. Keep it up! You can do it!
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