NOVEMBER- 30 day shred



  • lassoeire
    Today is Day 6! I was going to do Yoga X instead but ran out of time... I'm on level 2 - and so very sore! :laugh:
  • SharonDelorey
    Day 7 complete. It was a bit harder then I thought as I'm a little hungover today, but I did it! I still did my 100 jumping jacks afterwards, but I couldn't muster up the energy to do anything else today. I'll have to push myself a bit harder tomorrow. :happy:
  • fit2sit
    fit2sit Posts: 82 Member
    Moving into the new lab and standard time really put a halt on my 4 mile runs everyday. So I pulled out my wife's 30 day shred DVD on the 3rd, just finished day 4. I'm going to try and not take a rest during the 30 days since it's only 20 minutes, I'll keep this thread tagged to see everyone else progress!
  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    Well ladies, I have been doing the 30 day shred for a bit, off and on, but haven't had time since I joined the group. I plan to try to make time tomorrow. I need the motivation to stick to it every day for a week or 2 so I can see what it does for me. Maybe then I will want to continue it on a day to day basis. I just have such a hard time staying motivated. I WANT to be in those skinny jeans, and in that bikini but am so unmotivated and I do not know why. I mean 30 mins a day is not too much to do but we are just so busy that I am barely home long enough to get it in.
  • edinat
    edinat Posts: 159 Member
    Good JOB everyone ! i had to take a "rest day" so today is day 6 for me :) yayyy ! so far so good !
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    OOOOPS!! Turned my alarm off and slept on this morning, so missed my workout. I WILL be up tomorrow!!!!!!!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Day 6 for me. Those arm raises and lateral lunges are the only thing keeping me from moving on. They kill me....something to be cautious about. I had been squeezing my shoulders up to my ears when I was doing that....when I relaxed I felt it much more in my arms and a lot less in my neck...don't need any big man muscle neck now do we?
  • SharonDelorey
    I just finished Day 8! My legs are constantly sore, not aching but I'm very aware of them at all times. I just cheated and watched the level 2.... it looks a lot harder then level 1. I hope I'm up for it!
  • Kerry1023
    Day 4 level 1 done.. feeling it today. Had a hectic weekend and wasn't able to fit it in. Thurs was my last workout. Feels like day 1 again :(

    Need to stick with this!

    Great job on everyone for being so dedicated. It's pushing me forward!
  • SharonDelorey
    Day 4 level 1 done.. feeling it today. Had a hectic weekend and wasn't able to fit it in. Thurs was my last workout. Feels like day 1 again :(

    Need to stick with this!

    Great job on everyone for being so dedicated. It's pushing me forward!

    You are doing great Kerry, it's easier for me because I'm not married and don't have kids to look after. Keep it up! You can do it!
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    txchic- I have done the same thing! I did day 1, but haven't done anything since. I am restarting today and plan to do it everyday except for my long run days (10 miles this week). Maybe we can stay on the same track and keep each other motivated! I lose motivation easily!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Doing the 50 min JM metabolism workout is highly recommended if you are like me and have more free time on weekends. It will kill you and no weights are required so I liked the greater cardio focus. I am doing 30 DS daily + a 20 min fast walk so thats only 250 calories burned daily for me so my food intake is between 1200-1300 other than Friday nights I eat about 2000 (my cheat day) and fast until dinner Saturday where I eat 500-800 calories for the day.

    I'm still only doing 90% of the side lunge arm lifts from level one, 5lbs seems to be too heavy for that movement but I only don't lift up 4-5 x of that portion of the circuit (and you do about 25 lifts total there) and I still lunge so it’s ok.

    My butt hurts today so it looks like the lunges are working, lol!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member

    One thing that frustrates me (and I am watching the DVD on a bluray) is that it takes about five minutes of the DVD to get to the starting point of the exercise and I cant fast forward or skip any of the intro! Anyone else have this problem?

    You should be able to use the move forward buttons to fast forward ahead through the introduction of the girls, that’s weird it’s not working. Blu ray is Blu Ray and DVD friendly so it isn't because of the player. I workout in my bsmt so it’s only a DVD player there and I skip ahead fine. Try different buttons, perhaps you your clicking skip which wont help once the workout has begun.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    has anyone ever done the whole 30 days without breaks? is that recommended? yes, I know, if I'm to sore my body is telling me to take a break, but as I just started I'm curious. :smile:

    Actually you aren't supposed to take a break even if you are sore, it is intended to be continuous. It depends on how ‘sore’ you are, if its just a soreness keep pushing but if it’s a pain then you pulled something. Recover and then come back and don’t do what you did last time to cause the injury.

    I'll check back with ya Dec 2 to proudly let you know I've done the full 30 days ;)

    I haven’t taken a break yet (and I am out of the house 6:30-9:15 Tuesday nights so that’s hard) but I do the 50 min banish fat boost metabolism DVD on Saturday's instead b/c its harder than the 30 day shred and burns more cals so that’s definitely not a break, just a spice of variety.
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    OOOOPS!! Turned my alarm off and slept on this morning, so missed my workout. I WILL be up tomorrow!!!!!!!

    Missed out on my swim this afternoon, so did my Jillian sesh instead!!!!! Yay, me!!!!!
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Day 7 done (yeah I'm one that takes a break and my muscle thank me for that lol) I've found something that helps me (I don't have the DVD and this is on demand through my cable, so I only have level 1 right no) but after I got the basic instruction down I've started using my mp3 player and listening to music it makes it go by quicker atleast for me.

    You guys are all doing great :) A little nervous I have a weigh in for another challenge I'm doing coming up and I'm hoping that I lost at least a pound
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Wasnt home on Saturday so I missed Day 6 but I completed Day 7 & 8. I plan to move on to level 2 on Thursday.

    LilynEdensmom- I also started using my ipod and I have more energy to get through the workout.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member