30 day shred starting jan 1--anyone in?



  • angelsandwolves09
    angelsandwolves09 Posts: 264 Member
    I finished level 1 last week and spend the long weekend away from home...so starting level 2 day 1 tomorrow!

    Wish me luck!

    Good Luck!! lol it was pretty tough for me....but I did a "pre-session" with level 1 before i started level 2....just to kinda get back in the hang of it.....Congrats on gettin back to it though!!!
  • emkamp03
    emkamp03 Posts: 44 Member
    Ok plan when I woke up to just do my best and not over stress till my knee pain goes away.....Then about 8:30 I saw our pug had pulled something out and was ripping it up. When I went to see what it was I discovered it was those blocks of mouse poision:noway: So called the vet they said cuz I live 30 mins away and they told me to get peroxide and induce vomiting and keep doing it until he has nothing left in his stomach. :sick: So I spent all morning trying to keep my 2 year old occupied while shoving peroxide down his throat and cleaning up the yak. :grumble: He didn't take much in so I think he will be ok but it was a long day. So I guess I had my "rest" day after all. I will be picking back up tomorrow on day 15!
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Level 2, Day 7 - D. O. N. E. - DONE!! :drinker:

    Wow, I have to say that Circuit 3 of Level 2 is KILLER! :explode:

    Those overhead military presses, squatting V raises and plank jacks are what really make my "eyeballs sweats"!:cry:

    Well, only 3 more days of planks to go.:wink:

    Have a super day shredding everyone!

    Just push through it, it's only 20 minutes of pain and torture, lol. :devil:

    Debbie :flowerforyou:
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    D2L2 I'm still following Anita is some poses and taking short water breaks. how do those girls do those exercises without a quick drink of water?
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    Level 2 day 4 (total 16, didn't count days correctly in a previous post, today is 16 in a row total shred.)

    Still starting out pretty strong but finishing weak. That last round just about kills me, even my cat sweats watching me at the end.
    I only had to stop the dvd once today and I didn't do all the reps at the end. Hoping that it will be easier by next week. I am still going to push play. Noticing that I really do have muscles in my shoulders and am seeing a little defintion in my arms and my abs feels stronger. That keeps me motivated. But I am not going to lie, this level is wiping me out physically. I could barely lift my arms this morning to wash my hair.
  • kristiek7
    kristiek7 Posts: 198
    I've just started this. How is everyone breaking it down? I mean, are you doing 10 days of each level, or something different? Just looking for advice on the best way to approach it. Thanks!!
  • I would up skipping Sunday (as well as Saturday) because of my shoulder pain, did L2D3 yesterday (Monday). I'll hit the yoga mat again tonight! Hope everyone is seeing the benefits of this great workout!
  • I did 11 or 12 days at Level 1 basically because I forgot to switch, lol. Ten days at each level makes sense but truly it's up to you, your comfort level and your abilities. I haven't watched Level 3 yet (I'm still in the beginnign days of L2) -- I can't imagine what torture she brings to us then!

    Good luck!
  • jroulo
    jroulo Posts: 50 Member
    Today was level 2 day 3 for me. Still really have to work to push throught the entire workout. Can't say that I'm loving level 2 yet.
  • the squatting v raises kick my rear
  • emkamp03
    emkamp03 Posts: 44 Member
    ok my day off yesterday didn't seem to help my knee pain. Any ideas? It hurts toward the outside of the knee by the cap and after I exercise the pain will shoot down my leg. I really really really don't want to take anymore breaks. I am determined to finish.
  • angelsandwolves09
    angelsandwolves09 Posts: 264 Member
    emkamp03- i would suggest maybe trying to wrap it in ace bandage or a knee brace for a few days to see if it helps any. I tend to get fluid on my knees a lot and that is the only thing that helps with me....

    Day 2 Level 2 finished....bout killed me cuz i'm runnin on like 5 hours of sleep in 2 days...but i did it and am about to try to get some sleep...lol...

    Great Job everyone!!!
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    I've just started this. How is everyone breaking it down? I mean, are you doing 10 days of each level, or something different? Just looking for advice on the best way to approach it. Thanks!!

    kristiek7 - Welcome to getting "shredded" by Jillian. :flowerforyou:

    Everyone has their own daily demands so you just need to figure out what type of routine works best for your lifestyle.


    I set my alarm clock to get up earlier every morning :yawn: so that I can get it over and done with every day, before the distractions of "life" come crashing in.

    Some people do this every other day, mixing in a different type of workout on alternate days.

    So, just do it your way. The main thing is to just get moving. Before you know it you'll be feeling more energized and toned.

    Don't forget about what Jillian reminds us of - "Think about jean shopping, better yet, bathing suit shopping." :blushing:

    So just do it your way.

    We all look forward to reading your posts and getting inspired by everyone's successes and "challenges".

    Good luck!

    So, I just finished L2 D8!! :bigsmile:

    Only 2 more days of dealing with Jillian's obsession with plank moves. :grumble:

    Have a great day shredding everyone!

    Debbie :flowerforyou:
  • xnattiex
    xnattiex Posts: 143 Member
    Just got my copy delivered so i think i will start tonight :) Wish me luck! lol
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    Total of 17 days on this program. WooHoo!! Day 5 of level 2 and I am still struggling with my endurance at the end. Working the same arm muscles for the whole last segment just about kills me. I have also noticed that it takes me a lot longer to recover on this level than it did on level 1. I am going to keep pushing myself until I can get through all the movements without resting.
  • ebh1024
    ebh1024 Posts: 186
    Level 1 day 8 complete!!

    I missed yesterday, but just really did absolutley "Nothing" and it was nice. Being at home with three (actually had 4 this weekend) kids during the snow days, weekend and MLK day, I needed a break. I am not one that just "sits" it feel as if I always have to be doing "something". Well, I just decided yesterday was a lazy day and I have no regrets!!

    I did notice today getting easier. The side lunges with latteral raises, absolutley kill my arms. But I managed to finish both segements today. I also did some of the Wii Biggest Loser too. I think I'm off to a good start today.

    Have a nice day!
  • If my math is correct, I did day 4 of Level 2 yesterday.....still having to go very slow (ie, not keeping up with the ladies) on some of the planks. But I'm happy to say I keep going! Hope you all are too!
  • emkamp03
    emkamp03 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks for the idea! I don't have any of that at home so if they are still hurting the next time I am shopping will have to check it out. I am using tylenol to try and keep inflimation down (taking it well before I exercise) and ice after. I am not doing the planks and am subing out for something else. and not doing the plank twists cuz they seem to be a killer on my knees!
    I am not getting the cardio I use to get, but I keep on going! day 16 done!!!! Level 2 day 6 complete....WAIT that means level 3 in like 4 days....hummmm might just have to watch it tomorrow to see what is in store. Anyone else looked ahead?
  • Just finished day 1 of level 2, those planks are killing me!! :(
    Hope it'll get better tomorrow!
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Good morning fellow shredders! :flowerforyou:

    Just finished L2 D9! :drinker:

    Yikes, tomorrow is my last day of Level 2 then it's on to level 3. It just CAN'T be any worse than all those plank moves.:huh: It will be a nice break to be finished doing planks EVERY DAY.:bigsmile:

    For some reason, I noticed this morning that I felt like I was a lot stronger. I was popping in and out of the moves with more ease and stamina. (That doesn't mean I'm not saying bad things to Jillian inside my head though! :devil: )

    Well, reading all of your posts, it sounds like everyone is doing great. I truly admire the people who openly admit their personal struggles but persevere and push through as best they can. I am proud of you!:love:

    Have a super day shredding everyone.

    Debbie :flowerforyou:
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