30 day shred starting jan 1--anyone in?



  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    day 4 level 1.... i woke up early to do it today. i find i'm allowing my body to go deeper into the exercise.
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Good Morning Shredders,:flowerforyou:

    Just finished L1, D8. Wow, I can't believe that I've been doing this steady for 8 days now. :bigsmile:

    I noticed yesterday and today that my strength is much better. Up until then while doing the 2nd set of anterior raises, I was slowing down a bit and Anita and Natalie were getting a side lunge ahead of me. But yesterday and today, I completely kept up. I'm feeling it, believe me. But, I am keeping up to the girls and this makes me very happy.:happy:

    I have also noticed that when I'm doing certain moves, especially the ones where you twist your torso, like the punches, bicycle and even the side lunges (because I'm shifting my weight), I can feel the muscles on the sides of my abdomen working.

    What a great feeling to know that I'm working out again.:love: I also feel like I have more energy now.

    Have a great day Shredding everyone!:drinker:

  • Hi! I just heard about this website now. How is the 30day shred going? Is it worth a purchase?
  • I'm still on track -- day 7 yesterday, scheduled to do day 8 tonight. I'm happy -- no, thrilled -- to report I've lost 5lbs since I started last week. I track it as circuit training too.

    I hope everyone here sticks with it!
  • Definitely!
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Hi! I just heard about this website now. How is the 30day shred going? Is it worth a purchase?

    linzbclark - DEFINITELY worth the purchase!

    If you haven't tried it yet but need to loose some weight then I highly recommend buying the dvd.

    If you're familiar with Jillian Michael's then you already know that she delivers when it comes to getting in shape.

    Good luck with what ever choice you make as long as you simply get active.

  • angelsandwolves09
    angelsandwolves09 Posts: 264 Member
    Day 5 Level 1 Finished!! Can't believe it's been 5 days since I started!! I have noticed that I can start going deeper in the exercises and my endurance is definitely so much better than when I began!! Still don't have the push-up thing completely down but I managed to do 3 without stopping!! That is a huge accomplishment for me!! When I finished the 3 I went back to the vertical push-ups to finish. Thanks to everyone for all your support!!

    Good Job to everyone!!
  • ebh1024
    ebh1024 Posts: 186
    Yippie!! Day 3 (actually 2 days in row complete). It felt so good today to exercise. I plan to continue tomorrow as well. Hope everyone has had a great day.
  • angelsandwolves09
    angelsandwolves09 Posts: 264 Member
    Yippie!! Day 3 (actually 2 days in row complete). It felt so good today to exercise. I plan to continue tomorrow as well. Hope everyone has had a great day.

    Great Job!! Really glad to hear you are sticking with it!!
  • emkamp03
    emkamp03 Posts: 44 Member
    wow after an unexpected visit to my moms, spending over 8 hours in a car in less than 24 hours....I DIDN'T miss my shred! But man oh man did I not want to do it when we got home at 10pm tonight! I just didn't let me have a choice! 7 days strait, getting strong!
  • nrskim
    nrskim Posts: 3
    Just started today! Any suggestions on how to accurately enter it?
  • nrskim
    nrskim Posts: 3
    Never mind...I see to log it as circuit training! Thanks! :happy:
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    8th day on level 1. I can hardly believe I have not wimped out yet like I usually do. This is probably my longest stretch of exercising each day since I was in high school. I am not telling Jillian I hate her as much as I was so I guess that means I am getting stronger. :smile: Still have not been able to get through second set of "girlie" pushup yet, my arms give out on me but I am determined to get there and then I am going to try regular pushups.
  • jroulo
    jroulo Posts: 50 Member
    30DS Level 1 Day 9. I did take yesterday off from all exercise. I felt like wonderwoman with fully rested muscles. I'm really enjoying this program.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I had much success in 2009 by losing 12 lbs with the 30-day shred right before my BF's wedding. I am running right now and looking to incorporate this back into my work out routine. :flowerforyou:
  • Jessibear2854
    Jessibear2854 Posts: 82 Member
    Boy did I fall off the wagon last week! I got so busy with school and my son that I was way too tired to work out after he went to bed. That also happens to be the only time I can get homework done, so homework won! I need to figure out a better system.... maybe getting up early, though DS gets up at 5:30 anyway so that would mean 5:00. So hard to do in winter when it's dark!
  • FLmom2J
    FLmom2J Posts: 67 Member
    We were out of town Friday-Sunday and I didn't do a single day of shred :embarassed: BUT and I'm back on track and will be picking up where I left off and will be doing day five level one today. Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Did L1, D9 today.:drinker:

    Then, I put my ipod on and did a lot of housework. I made sure to wear my HRM (heart rate monitor) so I was able to log some pretty sweet numbers into my exercise log. :love:

    I am definitely feeling stronger and WOW I can already feel that I have so much more energy. :bigsmile:
    When you don't workout, you also don't generate any energy to burn.

    When you do workout you do generate more energy to do more things.

    It's weird, but true.:huh:

    Hope everyone is on track with getting Shredded.:drinker:

  • Day 9 this morning -- I'm finding I enjoy it more in the evening when I'm downstairs in my "gym", versus upstairs in the bedroom, plus in the morning I feel like I'm still half asleep. However, I'll keep up with it every day, be it morning or night.

    I hope everyone sticks with it!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    l1d7 done.
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