

  • Really? I am so glad you said that because I have been meaning to research those. I think my boyfriend would make fun of me every single day if I got one because of the South Park episode about it. But if it really works then I don't care, I think I just may invest!
  • Thank you ladies, it seems like you are all really workin' that arm flab away!
  • I still feel the need to log everything, I know how many calories I eat without it but it is nice to see all the other nutrition facts at the end of the day! It honestly makes weight loss more fun!
  • I am so in! good luck to all, can't wait until the end of the month to see everyone's results!
  • I love listening to music while I am on the treadmill and though I would never run until I drop I love this quote from the song "Fool in the Rain" by Led Zeppelin- "I will run in the rain 'til I'm breathless and when I'm breathless I'll run 'til I drop". Very motivational to me.
  • It was about 283, I kept having to stop and pause my hrm and the video because my daughter was awake so I didn't even track it, I think it probably would have been less if I did it through and through.
  • If you want to go back and read all the calories I have tracked it's, usually 1200, or less, in fact. It has ben strong 2000 twice. Thanks though!
  • I am definitely in! I definitely want to reach my goal by my daughters first birthday which is mid june, but memorial day will be even better! What is your goal? I would like to weigh what I did pre pregnancy. How much would you like to lose? 30-35 pounds. What is something you can do to reach your goal? Once it's warmer I…
  • I am not sure every one understood. I track 3500 calories a day, but for actual exercise I only burn about 1200..well a little more recently ti make up for 2 days of not tracking. I am always moving which is how I track so much but the real burn is just as much as all of you so please realize I ask not anorexic, unhealthy,…
  • I'm only strutting this for less than 2 weeks, and those of you who are being rude, please stop, thanks.
  • I don't really eat gluten so I don't eat as many calories as I should. I rashly enjoy working out and I want to get the baby weight off faster than what I have been doing. I gained a lot of weight with my pregnancy, went from 117 to about 200 and I'm 5'5". Thanks for those of you who are interested and giving me support.…
  • Actually yeah, I was just going to add that you need to calculate calories consumed into the mix. My numbers averaged 4000 the post two days and I never eat above 900 calories a day so I am only about 400 off maybe today I will tery to step it up and get to 4400. My boyfriend got me the the iron man triathlon timex blah…
  • Sorry, yesterday I didn't get around to it, I am going to do it soon because they extended the on demand feature for 3 more weeks. I will let you know the results, just waiting on laundry to dry because I have no clean clothes.
  • This is great timing because I think tomorrow is the last day it's on demand. I will test it out for you but look for an answer from someone around the same weight as you. I'm about 145 right now and I will let you know as soon as I can.
  • Thank you all and good luck to all of you as well! I plan to weigh in weekly and I'm hoping to lose more than what they predicted for me (1.6 lbs/wk). I will try and add you once I figure out how to.
  • Thank you so much, you don't have any idea how much I appreciate that. I am very excited to see the results! I have only done it once since I joined MFP because I want to put the exact amount (I obviously need an HRM) I estimated 110 I think but I know that's waaaaaaaay wrong!