LADIES! How do you feel about..

Your arms? What are your favorite arm toning exercises?


  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Chin ups.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I hate my arms. i do 30 day shred to help and use a resistance tub at my desk to do curls and triceps exercises.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    chair dips
    arm extensions
    more push-ups
    bicep curls
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    i like to do the ones over/behind my head to work the flab part lol also, even though we always laughed at it... my sister got me a shakeweight and it works your arms REALLLLYYY good! its a good investment if arms are a trouble spot.
  • repete11
    repete11 Posts: 53
    Push-ups (lots) and tricep extensions are the best exercises I have found. It's amazing how fast push-ups make a difference. Try doing 20 each night before bed and up it by 5 each week. You'll be amazed...
  • kinectamama
    Thank you ladies, it seems like you are all really workin' that arm flab away!
  • kinectamama
    i like to do the ones over/behind my head to work the flab part lol also, even though we always laughed at it... my sister got me a shakeweight and it works your arms REALLLLYYY good! its a good investment if arms are a trouble spot.

    Really? I am so glad you said that because I have been meaning to research those. I think my boyfriend would make fun of me every single day if I got one because of the South Park episode about it. But if it really works then I don't care, I think I just may invest!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I just finished P90X - and LOVE Them. I have that definition in my shoulder and tricep and bicep definition. I use 20lb weights and want to up them a bit. Any program I've done previously just didn't do this to my arms the way P90X did.
  • jesseBYAH
    jesseBYAH Posts: 446 Member
    i like to do the ones over/behind my head to work the flab part lol also, even though we always laughed at it... my sister got me a shakeweight and it works your arms REALLLLYYY good! its a good investment if arms are a trouble spot.

    Really? I am so glad you said that because I have been meaning to research those. I think my boyfriend would make fun of me every single day if I got one because of the South Park episode about it. But if it really works then I don't care, I think I just may invest!

    LOL that episode is hilarious :) I've been thinking about getting one too, though. I would just be sure to use it when no one else was around, hahaha
  • tmaksparkie
    tmaksparkie Posts: 279
    Me I love my arms it's my mid section I don't like, but I do weight training 3x a week so arms can look great with weight training. I like curls, rows, bench press just find what you like.