

  • yeah, that happened to me a year ago. for me, i got out of that rut by changing up my workouts, taking different & new exercise classes (boot camps), as well as doing interval training. instead of doing the same old, same old (ie. strength training with same machines & then level 1 eliptical every time), i discovered more…
  • nice! i wasn't even able to jog for a minute 5 weeks ago, but i've been following the couch-to5k-program and now i can jog for 5 minutes straight! never thought it was possible, but i'm building my endurance each week. this is a 9-week program that prepares u for a 5k, altho i keep thinkin it will take me a lil longer to…
  • yes i have had candida & the candida feeds off of sugar. so as long as u keep eating sugar, u keep feeding the candida. in order to get rid of the candida, u have to starve it by not eating sugar. then eventually u can eat natural sugar again (such as fructose in fruits), but u will definitely want to stay away from high…
  • YES!!! I just started doing interval training on the elliptical a couple of weeks ago & am seeing progress MUCH faster than when I was just doing the same level & speed on the elliptical! Definitely a great way to go, especially after you hit a plateau doing an exercise the same way over & over again. It's good to mix it…
  • well you are doing it the healthy way and she is not (in my humble opinion). it is generally not ever recommended to go lower than 1200 calories, so 700 calories does not sound very healthy to me. i think that it is also common for people who lose weight really fast to gain it back really fast as well. she is not going to…
  • yikes! taking antibiotics is not a good idea when you have candida as it can make candida worse because antibiotics not only kill the bad bacteria, but they kill the good bacteria too. the good bacteria is what helps keep the candida under control. if you take any medication for candida, it should be anti-fungal…
  • yes! i am way too familiar with candida ugh. the best thing i found was avoiding sugar, which is what the candida feeds off. also getting lots of good quality probiotics is extremely helpful because it puts healthy bacteria into your system to help fight off the bad bacteria. i have read a ton of books on different candida…
  • hmmm well if the chlorine is in the water that washes the carrots, then the carrots are absorbing the chlorine & if we're eating those carrots, we are getting chlorine into our system. chlorine is a toxic chemical, which is why i use my brain and avoid it as often as possible. the water in my house is filtered, i do not…
  • yeah i notice when i'm not exercising it is easier for me to stay under my calorie goal because i'm not burning as much. but when i exercise, i'm hungrier and want to eat more. so i would say for me, i have a harder time trying to not go over my calories as opposed to not getting enough calories! i've heard that if you…
  • right on. i guess i need to get back on my omega supplements and trying to exercise more consistently. it definitely does feel liberating to be pro-active about my health! thanks for all your responses! :o) p.s. i live in indy & we have blizzards here too ugh. i grew up in iowa tho, so i know the weather is usually a lit…
  • well my LDL is 82, my HDL is 36, & my total number is 133. hopefully it's not too terribly low because i saw that low cholesterol levels can lead to anxiety, depression, strokes, heart attacks... it kinda freaked me out. good to know i'm not alone! i think i can tell about the vitamin d not absorbing well, because i take a…
  • i like the endangered species dark chocolate that comes in boxes with 10 individually wrapped pieces. one wrapped piece equals only 50 calories. plus it's gluten-free & vegan friendly! :o)
  • i'm working on this area too. push-ups & reverse flies seem to be helping ----> good luck! :o)
  • yes, i have this kind of experience when i'm having my period... also, muscle weighs more than fat, so maybe you're building muscle? or maybe you just reached a plateau and need to lower your calories or up your exercise?
  • Oh bummer, I just realized we can't reply to specific posts... oops! I just wanted to say thanks for the good suggestions on healthy snacks as well, that will definitely be helpful. I just love what you all had to say, thanks so much! :o)
  • Yeah, breaking it down to one day at a time (even one meal at a time) really helps make it more manageable and less overwhelming. Glad to know I'm not alone, thanks for the motivating words! :o)
  • Yeah, I am definitely weighing myself too often! And it is also that time of the month where my weight naturally seems to go up for a week anyway. So you're right, I think I do need to cut myself some slack. Progress, not perfection! Thanks for responding! :o)