SqueakyBeans88 Member


  • Why not try it for 4 weeks or so and just see what happens? You'll soon know whether or not you're either slowly gaining, maintaining or slowly losing? Trial and error if you keep a close eye on any changes. I'm 5ft 3.5" and 153lbs and I know now from months of trial and error that (with no exercise involved as I have an…
  • Maybe do what you normally do during the week, but what I do is stay BUSY... do some DIY, a project, put scrapbooks and photo albums together, make something, meal prep, see friends/family, hit the shops, go for a long walk, cinema etc. I think of food so much less when I'm well occupied! I also like to push breakfast and…
  • I do this and tend to yo yo a bit within the same 14 pounds but I'm trying to think more take it one day at a time, or even one meal at a time. I have a habit of putting things off (the typical "start on Monday" syndrome, one last cake etc.) when really I should just think - if it fits my macros I can have it, or if I…
  • Oh of course not, I've no interest in trying to "prove" anyone wrong... each to their own. I just wondered if I'm missing out on something potentially beneficial for myself that everyone else seems to be getting into right now.
  • This is exactly what I keep thinking like it's just a bit of a fad and there can't be much weight loss science behind it, you've helped convince me I'm not just being cynical about these particular dieters and the methods they swear by! lol
  • I'm the opposite. If I'm rushed I'm unlikely to log a green tea or peppermint tea if I know it to only have say 1-3 calories, however I track every cup of water (and track each of these types of tea as one cup of water) - I don't miss out logging any fluid as I personally believe water intake has an impact on weight loss…
  • You don't know this persons starting weight, what they already consumed each day calorie wise before starting this journey, their muscle mass, height, daily activity level etc. Each persons recommended daily calorie intake for maintenance OR weight loss is entirely dependent on the individual and their circumstances -…
  • I have this problem too, I can eat like a saint all day all within my macros and even my evening meal is usually very good. However come "dessert time" I want a little something, then something else, then something else. I usually crave buttery toast, nutella, chocolate, crumpets, cake, biscuits etc.! All the bad carbs. I…
  • Surely it's natural to just eat when you're hungry... if that's 11.30am for example then so be it, don't let media or other people pressure you. Your body is telling you to eat now as soon as your tummy grumbles! If you're not hungry, don't force a meal down your neck. I however am starving within an hour of waking lol
  • Maybe you could pre-make some low carb or protein pancakes to reheat the next morning, or some scrambled egg or low fat pre cooked sausages/bacon medallions I have a MyProtein Impact Whey Shake for my breakfast with 300ml either skimmed milk, soy milk or water. I take my shaker to work so it's convenient and quick. Not for…
  • Immortal by Fall Out Boy Burn it to the Ground by Nickelback Out of the Black by Royal Blood Awesome stompy rock songs great for lifting or smashing the treadmill!
  • I'm 5"3 1/2 and I'm not always hungry at all and I maintain a healthy weight. High protein, high fibre. Less simple carbohydrate. That's probably all it is
  • I add some dark cocoa powder/chocolate protein powder and sweetener with a drop of vanilla essense. It's lovely like that :-) Alternatively maybe a teaspoon of low sugar jam to make your own fruity yogurt http://mozzypop.blogspot.co.uk