SortaBadass Member


  • Hehe, I think we're from the same type of people! I'm a veggie but I don't think it's a huge deal if people get confused. I mean, I have the weird diet so it's up to me to ask clarifying remarks to make sure I can eat whatever's offered. If it's easier for people who eat fish to call themselves vegetarians to explain…
  • My favorite veggie sandwich is probably alfalfa sprouts, greek or garlic hummus, and two slices of provolone cheese on a wheat or oat nut bread. I will make it at 6 a.m. and eat it between noon and 1 p.m. and it will not have wilted or gotten soggy in my backpack during that time. I'm also a big fan of grain + protein…
  • Lansing but I went to school in the UP.
  • Sweet Jane
  • I'm 5'7" with a medium build as well and I think (in my skinnier days) I was about 140 or 135 when my thighs stopped rubbing together. It does depend on how your body distributes weight, though. My fat cells are big fans of my thighs.
  • Speaking of taking spicy foods with breakfast... I once accidentally put cayenne pepper on my oatmeal instead of cinnamon. (NOT a morning person.) I thought it was really good and still do it every once in a while. Definitely was a surprise that first time, though.
  • bump! Don't do the seafood, but I'd love to modify the coconut curry for another dish. Who am I kidding, I could just eat (drink?) coconut curry by itself.
  • I'll second Larry: I'm very much a numbers person and seeing my progress mapped out in graphs and spreadsheets helps a lot. It's easier to resist getting caught up in the moment when you recognize that today is just one day in a long string largely marked by success. Like pretty much everyone human, I also tend to get…
  • You look great! I can definitely tell that you've lost weight from your face.
  • I've found taking a multivitamin and/or iron pills every day helps a lot. Another good recipe hub is
  • I'll second that I love Dance Central. It's really fun and there is a feature that tracks your calories based on your weight and how much you're moving. (Not sure how accurate it is, but the game still gets you moving.)
  • I can't wait for Skyrim! My little dunmer archer spent lots of training time in the plane of Oblivion, and now she's ready to take on a dragon. I second Kitten's anticipation for ME3. Let's see where this Shepard/Garrus romance goes... ;)
  • I have more than 10 pounds to lose, but I just had to tell you that your dress is beautiful! Now I want to find one like it for a wedding I'm attending this summer.
  • Something good and fatty so those lipids can grab up the loose -OHs. A few years ago I came up with this recipe: I sliced tofu about 1/2 thick, coated it in flour, salt, pepper, and whatever else my hungover self was craving, and fried it in a pan with about a 1/4 inch of olive oil. I thought it was really good and the…
  • Second everyone else: you should become less obsessed with time. To avoid this in my own life -- because I can totally become obsessive if I let myself -- I make a big pot of crockpot food and eat it throughout the week whenever I haven't planned out a meal. It helps cut down my food anxiety/obsession knowing that I have a…
  • I feel for you all who have overcome ed or are struggling with it now. *hugs* You guys are so strong! I know you can do it. EJ, if you have rituals surrounding your eating, maybe you could try to break those by using healthy food? For instance, if you always eat alone, you could try eating something healthy that you…
  • I love your attitude! I especially loved this line: "So for everyone out there, log your food eat healthy and be happy :) weight has to come off it has no other choice hehe" You're the perfect example of why calorie counting works: you have a realistic goal, you're honest with yourself, and you are still living your life…
  • Meh, looks like I'm ending at 171, putting me down two pounds. Considering that I feel more energetic and spry, I think that's fantastic. Good luck, ladies!
  • Great post. <3 xkcd and wikipedia.
  • My non-veggie BF likes to stir fry it with teriyaki sauce and put it over rice... He told me the other day that he actually likes it better than chicken. I like to stir fry it with lots of veggies and some garlic or ginger... Mmm.
  • LOL! There's nothing like a romantic sunset over Booty Bay to get my heart a-pitter-pattering. My boyfriend and I met in the lab where he worked. I was on my knees, digging through his lab's fridge to find some blood agar plates, when he asked if I needed help. I looked over and saw the coolest shoes I'd ever seen with a…
  • I wouldn't worry about it. In order to have actually gained 4 lbs of fat, you'd have had to consume and metabolize 14,000 calories last night... Not likely. It's more likely that your weight is just naturally fluctuating. Did you have a lot of sodium? That can make you retain more water than you would otherwise. In short,…
  • You probably expected a response like this, but I wouldn't worry about it because it's probably water weight. Women's bodies are quite good at fluctuating from day to day (seriously, my weight chart looks like a seismograph). It could be because you didn't drink enough water yesterday when you worked out and so your body…
  • w00t! Down two pounds! Look out ladies, I'm gunning for you. ;)
  • Like a lot of the others, I'm not a huge water fan either but I make myself drink it. I bought a metal reusable water bottle, and for some reason I like the taste out of it better than out of plastic or glass.
  • I love this thread! Ashley and Bride, you ladies have talent!
  • On your upper toolbar, go to "My Home" > "Settings" > "Diary Settings" and it's at the bottom of the page.
  • Hi, Walshots. Here's a link to a how-to that may help you out.
  • Good to "meet" you! Best of luck with your weigh-in!
  • Hehe, I love this! I tend to approach this by asking if I'm on track for the week, not for the day. If I've been good all week then I'll eat what I want, whether it's Friday night or Tuesday afternoon. If not, then I've already been living pretty large and probably don't need more. I just call it life. :)