Definition of Meat



  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Since I had the misfortune of posting in this thread, so it's still showing up in my recent topics, I might as well add that this thread is blowing my mind. Vegetarian does have a definition, it means one who does not eat meat. Saying, "I'm a vegetarian but I eat fish" just sounds pretty dumb.

    here are other examples of things that sound dumb:
    I'm an atheist, but I still believe in god and stuff.
    I don't own a TV, but I still watch the one in my bedroom.
    I have never missed a day of work in my life, except those times I went on vacation or I was sick.
    It doesn't count if it's in the butt.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    It doesn't count if it's in the butt.

    I almost spit out my coffee, dammit! LOL!
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I disagree about labels making things easier for people. Compartmentalizing life doesn't make it easier.
    I dunno, labels make it a lot easier to know who's cool enough to hang out with.

    I don't know if you're lactose intolerant enough to hang out with me, Bender. I heard that you can eat yogurt!
    But ... but ... but I didn't even like it!

    That's what she said.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    That's what she said.
    I can provide legal affidavits proving that is NOT what she said. Hmph.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Did you try looking up pescEtarian?

    I stand corrected. But I for one, knew of vegetarian and vegan. And because of that in this thread I've been called a ding-bat and ignorant (and not in a constructive way).

    I just don't see the big deal. What happened at your brothers house, well, that was just rude, and if you weren't a vege-whatever, it would have been something else.

    You believe fish is meat. I was raised that it wasn't. Oh, the definition may be there, but that's how it is. SO, if you come to my house, tell me you're a vege-whatever who doesn't eat fish either. And then we'll be cool.

    Hope this doesn't end up a double post sorry in advance if it is...responding from phone and it can be hinky.

    I used the terms ding a ling and ignorameouses in my original response. Upon rereading the post I can see how it might have been read as if I was referring to OP as those names. I was referring to the people in my real life who are crappy with me when I eat veggies instead of Dorritos and who consistently offer me chicken despite over 14 years of being lacto/ovo vegetarian minus the 3% of my life when I am a pescetarian (ok so maybe 8%). Using the term vegetarian with those people gets them to stop offering me steak because maybe I would like it done their way. My dear departed mother in law actually made me lamb once. I wouldn't use any label for myself if I didn't have to interact with otherwise wonderful people who just don't get this..and I wrongly called them ding a lings and ignorameouses on an online forum they will never see.
  • ruffledviolet
    ruffledviolet Posts: 260
    Not directly to me, and not by you obviously. I just don't see what the deal is. You have rules, I can respect them, you just might have to tell me what they are. Doesn't make me a bad person, or you, just with different beliefs. I don't think I'd ever be a full-on vegetarian, but I can understand your reasoning. I'll admit, I feel GOOD after a vegetarian meal (with or without fish.)

    But *most* of the vegetarians I know are so...I don't know, almost angry. Like they're defending themselves. And the OP kind of reminded me of that. Not everything in life is "my way or the highway." Some people go to a gym...some people stay home. Some Catholics go to church...some don't. It takes all kinds.
    Okay, I really don't know where you're coming from... No one here said anything about anyone being a bad person because of their different beliefs when it comes to their diet. No one said vegetarians were better than pescetarians or vice versa. (Unless you're counting the people who are just making jokes because this whole thing is getting ridiculous.)

    The problem is the use of the word "vegetarian." That's it. A meal with fish is not vegetarian. Just like a triangle isn't a rectangle. And that's all this thread was originally about. And I've already explained why the word use is a problem. If you're still confused or offended, then maybe you should reread the whole topic slowly. And if you then still think the word "vegetarian" has different definitions based on beliefs and that it's okay for people to just make up their own definitions as they please, then fine go make up definitions for other words in the English language and good luck not getting in trouble with the law and not losing friends who can't figure out how to effectively communicate with you.

    About the vegetarians you know being angry and defensive, it is probably because we get so much crap from others. At my old job, one of my coworkers kept telling me that I "better not ever have any kids because they'll die of malnutrition in my womb." I don't want to have kids anyway, but this was still hurtful to hear. Comments like that aren't uncommon. And it isn't like I go around telling people that I'm a vegetarian, but people will ask why I am not eating certain dishes. (Yes, I have that I'm a vegetarian in my signature, but that is because this is a diet community, if this was a website about anything else I would not advertise it.)
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Seriously. As a veg and now a vegan it made me so mad when people would ask, "but you eat fish, right?" Or even better when they'd ask if I ate chicken,.


    But really, it's not their fault. It's the fault of all the people that call themselves vegetarian yet still eat fish (pescatarian) or chicken (OMNIVORE).


    I drives me crazy. It's got to the stage that some restaurants mark things as veggie when they include fish.:explode:
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    maybe people arent as knowledgeable as you folks...judgemental much...?...

    Yup, I am judgemental. Everyone is, it's a human condition.

    I'm not so much judgemental as very frustrated.
    When I turned veggie, 18 years ago, this fish & chicken problem just didn't exist. Nowadays just about everytime I have to say I'm a veggie the response is 'Oh, but you do eat fish don't you.'.
    Too many people are saying they are veggie even tho they are not, just to seem more 'intersting or indi or trendy', take you pick.
  • ssernst
    ssernst Posts: 69 Member

    But *most* of the vegetarians I know are so...I don't know, almost angry. Like they're defending themselves. And the OP kind of reminded me of that. Not everything in life is "my way or the highway." Some people go to a gym...some people stay home. Some Catholics go to church...some don't. It takes all kinds.

    It sucks that so many people view us this way. It makes me sad, but living in beef country I see it every day. When I tell someone I don't eat meat, they immediately roll their eyes or make some sort of snarky comment. I'm not a cowboy but I live in 'the cowboy state'. I get worse reactions telling someone I don't eat meat than I do saying I'm an atheist around here. If someone eats meat, fine. Just leave me alone about what I eat. I think most of us feel that way. (totally off the subject of whether fish is a meat. sorry!)
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    I always thought anything that was born with a face qualified as a meat product.

    I am a meat product.
    Thats what I was gonna say!!! LOL By the way, it's true. Ever heard of frog legs???:bigsmile:
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 702 Member
    I always thought anything that was born with a face qualified as a meat product.

    I am a meat product.

    I am a meat popsicle.

    And to think, I could end this thread right now if I commented on this, so may things I am thinking so little leeway....filter, filter, filter, filter, filter...Ok, I am good.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    I always thought anything that was born with a face qualified as a meat product.

    I am a meat product.

    I am a meat popsicle.

    And to think, I could end this thread right now if I commented on this, so may things I am thinking so little leeway....filter, filter, filter, filter, filter...Ok, I am good.

    I take it I am the only one who got the meat popsicle quote. Its from the Fifth Element! Just so happens to be one of my favorite flicks!

    I also am a vegetarian but I don't fit into labels very well. I just tell people I eat healthy and meat just doesn't fit in there for me.
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 702 Member
    I always thought anything that was born with a face qualified as a meat product.

    I am a meat product.

    I am a meat popsicle.

    And to think, I could end this thread right now if I commented on this, so may things I am thinking so little leeway....filter, filter, filter, filter, filter...Ok, I am good.

    I take it I am the only one who got the meat popsicle quote. Its from the Fifth Element! Just so happens to be one of my favorite flicks!

    I also am a vegetarian but I don't fit into labels very well. I just tell people I eat healthy and meat just doesn't fit in there for me.

    Haha...don't care where it is from, it still makes me
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Since I had the misfortune of posting in this thread, so it's still showing up in my recent topics, I might as well add that this thread is blowing my mind. Vegetarian does have a definition, it means one who does not eat meat. Saying, "I'm a vegetarian but I eat fish" just sounds pretty dumb.

    here are other examples of things that sound dumb:
    I'm an atheist, but I still believe in god and stuff.
    I don't own a TV, but I still watch the one in my bedroom.
    I have never missed a day of work in my life, except those times I went on vacation or I was sick.
    It doesn't count if it's in the butt.

    bahahaha this is the best thing ever. Is it too soon to say I love you?
    I am a vegetarian, and no I don't fish. It cracks me up when people ask me that typical convo =
    "Do you want some bacon"
    "no thanks"
    "how come?"
    "I'm vegetarian"
    "Oh ok what about this snapper"
    "Um I don't eat that either"

    It seems there are so many fish eating "vegetarians" out there that people now expect it as the norm.
    I use the "I don't eat anything with a face" line to explain it to most, but as my boyfriend likes to quip "nothing has a face once it's skinned" . I hope I'm not an angry veggie. I'm really happy with my choice, but I'm down with yours too. And I regularly cook part meat part non meat dinners for friends :)
  • SortaBadass
    SortaBadass Posts: 46 Member
    Fish=Fish-only eaten on Friday during lent--or at a big Catfish Fry in the summer.

    meat was not anything but BEEF--so maybe that is where they come from. :ohwell:

    Hehe, I think we're from the same type of people!

    I'm a veggie but I don't think it's a huge deal if people get confused. I mean, I have the weird diet so it's up to me to ask clarifying remarks to make sure I can eat whatever's offered. If it's easier for people who eat fish to call themselves vegetarians to explain refusing a burger, that's cool. Everything helps and hopefully they will stop eating fish someday. (Ex-deckhand, so I have some personal reasons to hope for that.) To me, the goal is to help out the planet, not to change people's vocabulary.

    However, I did have a chuckle when a waitress the other day told me that the only vegetarian soup they had was chicken noodle.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    That's what she said.
    I can provide legal affidavits proving that is NOT what she said. Hmph.

    Let the jury see the evidence and let them decide!
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    That's what she said.
    I can provide legal affidavits proving that is NOT what she said. Hmph.

    Let the jury see the evidence and let them decide!
    Mannnnnnn ... this thread hadn't gotten a reply in, like, 13 hours! And you had to go and resuscitate it ... Dag, yo.

    Anyway: The jury has been compromised! It's all your people! I want a new, FAIR, jury selection! And I want to take this to a different district, where I can receive a fair assessment!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I'm sorry, but where in this thread were you called anything? The post I responded to is the only one I saw (and now this one too of course).

    Not directly to me, and not by you obviously. I just don't see what the deal is. You have rules, I can respect them, you just might have to tell me what they are. Doesn't make me a bad person, or you, just with different beliefs. I don't think I'd ever be a full-on vegetarian, but I can understand your reasoning. I'll admit, I feel GOOD after a vegetarian meal (with or without fish.)

    But *most* of the vegetarians I know are so...I don't know, almost angry. Like they're defending themselves. And the OP kind of reminded me of that. Not everything in life is "my way or the highway." Some people go to a gym...some people stay home. Some Catholics go to church...some don't. It takes all kinds.

    By saying vegetarian, people ARE telling you what their rules are. That's the point being made. It is frustrating when other people misuse the term because they are too I don't know what to say what they actually are.
This discussion has been closed.