pz5wjj Member


  • I just bought this program and started yesterday. Totally worth the money for the convenience factor noted above. I have neither the time nor the motivation to do it myself so having it all prepped was a total bonus. All the workouts are different - which I like - so I don't get bored. I tried others - like Body for Life,…
  • Hi. Just joined. Started 21DF on Monday... so day 3 today. My legs are so sore I can barely move. :smiley: -- but that's a good thing, right? I'm doing Whole 30 not Shakeology.
  • Hey did you guys see Jillian has a new DVD out today? Called "Yoga Meltdown." Has 2 levels that are 25 minutes each.. I think I need to go get this and start mixing it up with the Shred. I think I've decided to get the diet book too and follow her 30 day diet plan. Will have to find it though.
  • Good for you! That is awesome -- and so glad your parents are supportive! Hopefully they'll follow your example!
  • Just found the thread. I love Clean Eating too - the cook books, the magazine, everything! I always say my mom was the "original crunchy mama" because she raised us this way -- no processed foods, no sugar, all whole grains, she made all our bread, shopped at co-ops and we even drank raw milk fresh from a nearby farm. It…
  • I've had too c-sections too -- my last was 5 1/2 years ago. Even after I got rid of all my pregnancy weight and more (which has creeped back up again) I had that nice little muffin top. And still do. I really don't think there is anyway to rid it all. My sister who is SUPER FIT and has hardly any body fat has had 3 babies…
  • Amen sistah! I keep telling myself that too. Although it is a bit depressing when the scale moves soooo slowwwlllyy... I keep telling myself "at least I'm losing inches!"
  • I thought L1 would be easier too - but NO! I think my stamina is better so I can get through them a bit better, but No, it was not "easier!" Partly because I think it works different muscle groups -- or works muscle groups differently (?). And also I think because I can "do" some of them now (as opposed to just flailing…
  • Hi Kim- I'm doing something similar to the 30-day slim down, but I had to modify it to fit time commitments - and I have a 6-week goal/plan to complete it. Since I work on Tuesdays and Thursday's, I'm doing 30-Day Shred on those days (I don't have as much time and like the 20 minute work outs on time crunched days), then…
  • Just did No More Trouble Zones -- AWESOME! Hard as all get out but still fantastic! I loved it! Lots of the same moves as 30DS and a few new ones - Very hard, but really really good! Going to try BFBM either tomorrow or sometime next week.
  • Mschelle - I have those two DVD's too - I haven't tried them yet -- may do one today. I need to do the 20 minute workout on Tues/Thurs so I think I'll stick with the Shred on those days. yesterday I did the Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga DVD. It was good, but I feel I need to have a cardio too. I did sweat a lot and I…
  • Day 30! Done done done done!!!!
  • I love the Food for Life Organic Sprouted Grain breads like Ezekiel bread and 7 Sprouted Grains and the cinnamon raisin with all natural peanut butter on top is my favorite. They are in the freezer section and they are SO good for you! They have 80 calories per slice and only 5 cals from fat (0.5g per slice), they have 4 g…
  • Finished Day 29 today! Me happy but my bum is killing me! I got No More Trouble Zones, Banish Fat - Boost Metabolism and BL cardio yoga DVD's today. Starting next week I'm going to be incorporating them into my work out. Since NMTZ & BFBM and 50 minutes each, I may have to think about how I do those because I don't really…
  • Oh that looks cool! I may have to reassess my work outs and try that! :smile: We shall see when I finally make a decision!
  • congratulations Michelle! I'm going to finish off this week on L3 just to keep the routine and finish the week out! Next week I start my "new" program! Woo hoo! So proud of you!
  • "KWIM" = Know What I Mean! LOL You're right - just being there and supporting each other is great motivation! And I'd love to know how some other DVD's are - I can get bored if I don't focus! My sister is doing P90X -- I think that's a bit too intense for me and the time commitment is just too much for me! I'm already…
  • Next week, when I'm done with the Shred, I'm planning on doing the Couch to 5K from the Cool Runnings website on Mon/Wed/Fri and then on Tues/Thurs and one weekend day either continue with the Shred or do the Banish Fat/Boost Metabolism, the BL yoga or another DVD like that. The thing is, I love that the Shred is only 20…
  • After four days off, I finally finished Day 28 - Level 3 day 8. It was very hard but I did it! Feels good to be back on the wagon! Happy me!
  • I have a cheap-o non-digital one from Target. And I really like it - I'm sure it's not super accurate though. I may have to invest in a digital one after all these accolades! I, too, measure everything - my husband thinks I'm nuts - but he's very fit and athletic and works out a lot and has a very high metabolism -- unlike…
  • Well done! You're going to finish before me! I am taking the weekend off so I can rest my knee. Sucks with the finish line so close, but better to not get injured! Come Monday morning I'll be in a world of hurt I'm sure!
  • Yes, my problems are more just below the knee on my left side. And you are all welcome for the knee stuff. I didn't write it - it's from the Shredhead's website - I just C&P'd it! If you haven't checked out Shredheads yet, you should - great information! Just Google "shredheads" and it will bring you there. And I'm due to…
  • Yum! Portabello cap pizza! Don't think it would fly with my husband, but still - YUUMMM
  • Since I'm currently having leg/knee issues and there are heaps of comments about hurting knees, I thought I would share this with you all: Taken from "Shredhead's" blog: http://www.motherhooduncensored.net/shred/2009/12/a-more-kneefriendly-shred.html Level 1 Knee friendly link:…
  • Awesome! Thanks Panic, I was afraid of that! I may make Parvati's (thank you!) recipe and then try and hunt down some wheat gluten for another time! I love the CE Mag too! Parvati - thanks so much for the recipe. I have one similar, but it doesn't call for a water bath. I usually heat the oven to 200 then turn it off and…
  • good morning everyone! Just finished Day 27! I did not do Level 3 though. Because of my leg ouchie I went back to Level 1 because there isn't has much jumping. I did do the jumping jacks, butt kicks and shadow boxing with weights like in Level 3, and I tried to follow Natalie as much as possible. I even got in 5 "real"…
  • I did Level 3, Day 6 today. Yesterday I twisted my knee at the end so today I wrapped it up and gave it a go. I had to modify most of the lunges and squats and jumps! My leg killed when I was done. :cry: So, tomorrow I think I'm going to have to try and take it easy. I was talking to my husband about possibly resting the…
  • Hey everyone! I did Day 26 today - Level 3 day 6. Yesterday I twisted my knee at the end so today I wrapped it up and gave it a go. I had to modify most of the lunges and squats and jumps! My leg killed when I was done. :cry: So, tomorrow I think I'm going to have to try and take it easy. I was talking to my husband about…
  • L3D5 Done this morning and I twisted my knee on those dang rock star things and now I may have to "rest"! 25 days and then I get hurt! If I can't do it tomorrow, I'll try doing just the upper body stuff because I am NOT giving up!
  • Hey everyone! Great job with all the work outs and staying on task! Debbie, you're singing my song! I do the same thing as you - but haven't lost that much weight yet! But I'm losing inches and that's more important to me! So, I am on day 25 today - Level 3 Day 5. And wouldn't you know it, on the Rock Star jumps at the…