Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred--Beginners



  • I LOVE Jillian Michaels. I never watched Biggest Looser, but got addicited to her workouts via my "On Demand". My husband bumped up our package in April of last year and that is when I noticed her. I started with her No more trouble zones and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism which totally kicked my tush. Anyway, I could tell a difference when I did her workouts. What was better...my husband could tell a difference. wink! wink!

    Anyway, in July I went on a two week vacation and then planned a party for my sister and totally got off routine and my on demand only had her shred, so I would do 1 and 2 when I could and even for 20 minutes I was sweating hard! I think they are great especially for beginners. I highly recommend Jillian Michaels. Anyway, I have rambled enough...really I just wanted to say....GO FOR IT! :wink:
  • Twinmom413
    Twinmom413 Posts: 70 Member
    It is GREAT to read everyone's positive comments, successes and struggles. So much to help motivate me to keep on going and to see that I'm not the only one dealing with some difficulties.

    I just did L1D4 yesterday. Definitely feel stronger, although those push ups are still tough for me! Those 20 minutes go by really quick and I always feel GREAT when I'm done.

    The one thing that is completely bumming me out is that I'm starting to feel it in my knees. I know I'm doing all of the lunges, etc... correctly...I think it's the jumping jacks and jump rope that is causing me the issues. I don't want to stop doing them, but also afraid I might be causing an injury. Any thoughts on this....anyone???

    I'm still trying to convince my husband to start with me!!!

    CONGRATS to everyone for keeping up the shred and making such fabulous progress.
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    what is the best way to check your measurments cause i dont have a measuring tape that u can wrap around u properly?

    You can use a string, mark it off, and measure it with your stiff tape-measure.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :happy: hi, everyone! It looks like another beautiful rainy day in the Pacific Northwest!:laugh: Good thing I don't mind rain!

    Mellissa--The job is going well. I worked there last season but not this early in the year so a lot of it is new. But I love working with plants and having a job that it so physical!:smile: I thought for sure I was going to be sore this morning after moving a bunch (about 20) of trees that had to weigh at least 40 pounds each! I'm not:happy: and I really think its because of this workout--and I haven't even moved off of L1 yet!:laugh:

    I will be moving on to L2 over the weekend so I'm glad to see that everyone seems to be surviving it!

    Twinmom--and everyone else--take care of your knees! I know I have to modify the jumping jacks because of old leg injuries but I still get my heart rate up!

    Have a good day everyone. I'll try to get back later.:flowerforyou:
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    It is GREAT to read everyone's positive comments, successes and struggles. So much to help motivate me to keep on going and to see that I'm not the only one dealing with some difficulties.

    I just did L1D4 yesterday. Definitely feel stronger, although those push ups are still tough for me! Those 20 minutes go by really quick and I always feel GREAT when I'm done.

    The one thing that is completely bumming me out is that I'm starting to feel it in my knees. I know I'm doing all of the lunges, etc... correctly...I think it's the jumping jacks and jump rope that is causing me the issues. I don't want to stop doing them, but also afraid I might be causing an injury. Any thoughts on this....anyone???

    I'm still trying to convince my husband to start with me!!!

    CONGRATS to everyone for keeping up the shred and making such fabulous progress.

    I found on level one that i really really had to stick my butt out for the side lunge, arm raises or my knees hurt. The other exercise i have to really watch myself is in the forward lunge bicep curls. I have a hard time keeping up in good form.
    Glad you are liking it too, i'm loving it. Today is leveloneday8 for me.
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Well, just finished Level 3, Day 4. I am really happy with the fact that I am feeling stronger each day I do this workout. When I look at myself in the mirror, I am starting to see some real changes to my midsection. YEAH!! When I stand sideways, I can see that that my tummy has changed its shape too. I'm really happy with this dvd, as hard as it is, it is worth all that hard work with Jillian.

    Keep up the good work everyone and go get "shredded".


    awesome! that really encourages me to keep going. Today is leveloneday8 for me.
  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    OK, here I go again. I've missed several days of the Shred and I have decided to totally start over, try it every single day for thirty days and see what happens. Parent/teacher conferences are today so I don't have to go in til noon. I'm about to do Day 1 Level 1 for the second time around. I also took my measurements, which I did log. I'm almost in tears. Weight is one thing, but seeing those numbers for each body part is an eye opener. I honestly had no idea how big I am. I have GOT to get healthy so I can be here for my son. Here I go.

    By the way, I'm so excited that so many people have joined this thread. It seems like everyone is doing such a great job! You all inspire me!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    OK, here I go again. I've missed several days of the Shred and I have decided to totally start over, try it every single day for thirty days and see what happens. Parent/teacher conferences are today so I don't have to go in til noon. I'm about to do Day 1 Level 1 for the second time around. I also took my measurements, which I did log. I'm almost in tears. Weight is one thing, but seeing those numbers for each body part is an eye opener. I honestly had no idea how big I am. I have GOT to get healthy so I can be here for my son. Here I go.

    By the way, I'm so excited that so many people have joined this thread. It seems like everyone is doing such a great job! You all inspire me!

    Glad you decided to jump back in! It's never too late and you will never see results until you fully commit. Atleast now that you know your numbers, you can have something to compare them to and see your progress. So just give it your all and you will see those numbers drop. I just started this week so tomorrow I'm doing Level 1 Day 3, today I had to take a break for my knees. Good luck!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    It is GREAT to read everyone's positive comments, successes and struggles. So much to help motivate me to keep on going and to see that I'm not the only one dealing with some difficulties.

    I just did L1D4 yesterday. Definitely feel stronger, although those push ups are still tough for me! Those 20 minutes go by really quick and I always feel GREAT when I'm done.

    The one thing that is completely bumming me out is that I'm starting to feel it in my knees. I know I'm doing all of the lunges, etc... correctly...I think it's the jumping jacks and jump rope that is causing me the issues. I don't want to stop doing them, but also afraid I might be causing an injury. Any thoughts on this....anyone???

    I'm still trying to convince my husband to start with me!!!

    CONGRATS to everyone for keeping up the shred and making such fabulous progress.

    I had to take a break today becuz of my knees too. Not sure what I'm doing wrong but would also like some tips from others. I'm only 23 and shud NOT be having knee issues just yet.
  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    Stupid flu! I've missed 2 days doing the shred. I'm still really tired today, but I'm going to do the shred this afternoon anyway. I'm expecting it to be difficult since I missed two days, and I'm still not 100%. But there are bound to be bumps in the road, right? So time to get back up and get back into it!\

    The good news: In the past, I would've been glad I had an excuse to skip working out. I was actually DISAPPOINTED this time! I think the change is finally sinking in. (Change in lifestyle, change in thinking...that's what leads to success.)
  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    When I logged my exercise after doing the shred, I realized I had taken a whole week off. I thought it had been four or five days at the most. Jeesh. Anyway, got through ALL the jumping jacks AND all the push ups today! Woohoo! That makes me feel more motivated.
  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    Good job missyjane!
  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    Since I'm currently having leg/knee issues and there are heaps of comments about hurting knees, I thought I would share this with you all:

    Taken from "Shredhead's" blog: http://www.motherhooduncensored.net/shred/2009/12/a-more-kneefriendly-shred.html

    Level 1 Knee friendly link: http://www.motherhooduncensored.net/shred/2009/06/making-shred-easier-on-the-knees-level-one.html

    Jumping jacks
    Sorry, Jillian won't modify these and neither do I. If I'm hurting on these I stop and do some extra warmup. Sometimes keeping my feet from going too far out helps, but usually I'm just not warmed up enough. Those dumb little knee circle things have really been helping me lately.

    Pushups (if you have your knees on the ground)
    When I was starting out I had to do pushups with my knees on the ground and the pressure hurt. Try putting a folded up towel under them for extra padding.

    Squats w/shoulder press
    Watch your form and make sure your butt is really going back enough. Try making it go back further. Also, you can try not going all the way down. Or, depending on your knees, try not coming all the way up. Try using lighter weights, too.

    I end up using my calf muscles more than my quads for this, and I don't bend my knees so much. But don't lock your knees - that's probably not good. Don't try to jump so high, and use your arms more to get the cardio in.

    Squats w/rows
    Really stick your butt out and use the weights as a counterbalance in front. Make sure your feet aren't too far apart. If it still hurts, try squatting down more (or less) to find a spot that your knees like. It may be harder, but feel better overall.

    Lunges w/biceps
    I almost always have to keep my back leg a lot straighter (and therefore further back) than "the girls" do. Some days it's practically straight. Just make sure your front knee stays over the heel.

    Butt kicks
    Miraculously I can do these without hurting my knees. If you have problems, try doing high knees. If those are no good, then just jog in place.

    Wide squat w/punches
    Changing your foot angle can help. Try pointing your toes out a little. Or a lot.

    Side lunges w/biceps
    Good form is the only way I've found to make these not hurt, and some days that doesn't help me either. When I'm doing these right, my butt feels like it's going abnormally far back during the lunge. If I can't make the lunge feel good, I just do biceps at twice the pace they do to keep my heart rate up.

    Do each stretch for at least twice as long as they do, and I do the quad stretches for a minimum of 20 seconds each leg. More if they're tight, and I often do a few other stretches as well. If you've seen a doctor (if you have knee problems you should) or a physical therapist, get stretches from them. It'll help. I think they really skimped on the stretching on this DVD.

    Level 2 Knee friendly link: http://www.motherhooduncensored.net/shred/2009/06/making-shred-easier-on-the-knees-level-2.html

    Jumping Jacks
    As I mentioned in Level 1, Jillian won't modify these and neither do I. If I'm hurting on these I stop and do some extra warmup. Sometimes keeping my feet from going too far out helps, but usually I'm just not warmed up enough. Those dumb little knee circle things have really been helping me lately.

    Walkout pushups (a bonus shoulder modification)
    Okay, this isn't a knee modification but it's one I really had to do early on. My shoulders didn't really like this one at first, particularly the walking back part. I bent my knees while I was pushing back toward my feet to make it a little easier on the shoulders until I built up the muscle.

    Squat w/row
    Again, just like in Level 1, really stick your butt out and use the weights as a counterbalance in front. Make sure your feet aren't too far apart. If it still hurts, try squatting down more (or less) to find a spot that your knees like. It may be harder, but feel better overall.

    High knees
    If your knees don't like these, try either doing butt kicks or just jog in place.

    Squat thrusts
    You've got to be kidding, right? These tend to destroy my knees, so I often follow Anita on this one. If it's too easy to do it Anita-style, try doing it at double speed. Or turn them into plank twists (work the obliques).

    Static lunge w/rows
    I don't have a problem with these, as long as I'm careful about what position I end up in and how I get in that position. You may need to use your hands on the top of your front knee to help you get into a position with good form. Once you're there, fire up your quad and let go with your hands.

    Pendulum lunges
    I usually have to keep my back leg a lot straighter than they do on the video, especially on the "back" swing of the pendulum. Somehow keeping that leg straighter helps both knees feel better.

    Oblique twists
    Usually I don't have a big problem with these because, like jumprope, I try to use my calf muscles more if my knees are hurting. Also, you can try having your knees together or apart...it feels different to me when I change that. If it really doesn't feel good on your knees, just substitute another cardio move here.

    Yeah, so there are definitely no "big explosive jumps side-to-side" for me on these - 95% of the time I have to follow Anita. The slower side-to-side action lets me focus on really crunching my abs, though, so that's okay.

    Military press w/leg extension
    The only thing to help your knee here is to keep that leg lower, and make sure your form is good. As you get stronger it will get better, or at least it did for me.

    Chair squat w/v-raise
    Form, form, form. Get your feet the correct width apart, push your butt way back during the squat and use the weights to balance yourself. It really should be like you're about to sit down. Well, except your muscles should be leaping out of your skin. :)

    Plank jacks
    Following Anita is the easiest way to keep your knees from hurting on these. I find if I follow Natalie, I have to keep my legs straighter. If I bend them like she does, my knees start to complain.

    Double jumprope
    No. Single jumprope.

    Stretch, stretch, stretch! Do each stretch for at least twice as long as they do, and I do the quad stretches for a minimum of 20 seconds each leg. More if they're tight, and I often do a few other stretches as well. If you've seen a doctor (if you have knee problems you should) or a physical therapist, get stretches from them. It'll help. I think they really skimped on the stretching on this DVD.

    Level 3 Knee friendly link: http://www.motherhooduncensored.net/shred/2009/06/making-shred-easier-on-the-knees-level-3.html

    Double jumprope
    Yeah, even on Level 3 I'm still doing single jumprope. Oh well.

    Butt kicks
    Like before, if my knees hurt I sort of think butt kicks, high knees, and jogging in place are interchangeable.

    Mountain climbers
    I usually follow Anita on these. Try them at double speed, and turn them into oblique twists while you're at it for more fun. By the way, Natalie is doing a different version of these than Jillian - she doesn't put weight on the foot that comes front. I think Natalie's version is easier than Jillian's, but still harder on the knee than Anita.

    Plie pose jumps
    Don't jump very high, and make sure your knees aren't moving away from directly above your ankle.

    Dumbbell cleans
    Again, how far apart my feet are makes a big difference for me. It helps me to keep one hand on my butt as a reminder that it needs to move back as I squat down, and if it still hurts don't squat as far. Huh, I didn't think that would sound as strange as it looks in print.

    Jumping lunges
    Ha ha ha! Yeah, it's Anita time on these, and even those hurt my knees a little when I'm tired. Which is lots of days lately. I often keep the back leg straighter than she does, but if they still hurt, try putting your hands on the front knee as you drop down and start to push back up. Use your hands to support you only as much as you need it. If you push too hard with your hands you won't get the benefit of the lunge.

    Weighted butt kicks and jumping jacks
    You may want to drop the weights, especially for the jumping jacks. Form is really important.

    Jump squats
    You can do a couple of things to make these a little easier on your knees. You can squat down less before you jump. You can do a full squat but don't jump. Or you can put your hands on your knees for a little extra support. If none of those work, substitute another cardio that does work.

    Rock star jumps
    Nope, it isn't happening over here. I do butt kicks instead. Feel free to substitute something that's hard but not painful.

    Last, I'll remind you once again to stretch, stretch, stretch! Do each stretch for at least twice as long as they do, and I do the quad stretches for a minimum of 20 seconds each leg. More if they're tight, and I often do a few other stretches as well. If you've seen a doctor (if you have knee problems you should) or a physical therapist, get stretches from them. It'll help. I think they really skimped on the stretching on this DVD.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Wow I'm glad I foudnt his thread! I was about to start my own. I have had this DVD for a month or so now but have not been consitant in doing it until the passed week and I can say I have already seen results. The inches show quicker then the pounds I have noticed. I'm guessing because you are gaining muscle as well. I have already lost about an inch off my waits. I still struggle but not nearly as much as I use to! Thinking about possibly advancing to level 2 in a week or so. Happy shreding everybody!
  • mommydiva
    mommydiva Posts: 7 Member
    Hello! I'm Kellee and I plan to start Shred tonight. I have a fellow MFP member who put me on to it and I've been anxious to try it. Currently, I am 14 pounds down and exercise about 5-6 days a week for a 1/2 hour. I mix it up so that I stay engaged with physical activity (I get bored easily) so I doubt I'll be doing this every day. Nonetheless I am very eager to get started.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    @pz5wjj - thnx for the knee advice~
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    Since I'm currently having leg/knee issues and there are heaps of comments about hurting knees, I thought I would share this with you all:

    Taken from "Shredhead's" blog: http://www.motherhooduncensored.net/shred/2009/12/a-more-kneefriendly-shred.html

    Level 1 Knee friendly link: http://www.motherhooduncensored.net/shred/2009/06/making-shred-easier-on-the-knees-level-one.html

    Jumping jacks
    Sorry, Jillian won't modify these and neither do I. If I'm hurting on these I stop and do some extra warmup. Sometimes keeping my feet from going too far out helps, but usually I'm just not warmed up enough. Those dumb little knee circle things have really been helping me lately.

    Pushups (if you have your knees on the ground)
    When I was starting out I had to do pushups with my knees on the ground and the pressure hurt. Try putting a folded up towel under them for extra padding.

    Squats w/shoulder press
    Watch your form and make sure your butt is really going back enough. Try making it go back further. Also, you can try not going all the way down. Or, depending on your knees, try not coming all the way up. Try using lighter weights, too.

    I end up using my calf muscles more than my quads for this, and I don't bend my knees so much. But don't lock your knees - that's probably not good. Don't try to jump so high, and use your arms more to get the cardio in.

    Squats w/rows
    Really stick your butt out and use the weights as a counterbalance in front. Make sure your feet aren't too far apart. If it still hurts, try squatting down more (or less) to find a spot that your knees like. It may be harder, but feel better overall.

    Lunges w/biceps
    I almost always have to keep my back leg a lot straighter (and therefore further back) than "the girls" do. Some days it's practically straight. Just make sure your front knee stays over the heel.

    Butt kicks
    Miraculously I can do these without hurting my knees. If you have problems, try doing high knees. If those are no good, then just jog in place.

    Wide squat w/punches
    Changing your foot angle can help. Try pointing your toes out a little. Or a lot.

    Side lunges w/biceps
    Good form is the only way I've found to make these not hurt, and some days that doesn't help me either. When I'm doing these right, my butt feels like it's going abnormally far back during the lunge. If I can't make the lunge feel good, I just do biceps at twice the pace they do to keep my heart rate up.

    Do each stretch for at least twice as long as they do, and I do the quad stretches for a minimum of 20 seconds each leg. More if they're tight, and I often do a few other stretches as well. If you've seen a doctor (if you have knee problems you should) or a physical therapist, get stretches from them. It'll help. I think they really skimped on the stretching on this DVD.

    Level 2 Knee friendly link: http://www.motherhooduncensored.net/shred/2009/06/making-shred-easier-on-the-knees-level-2.html

    Jumping Jacks
    As I mentioned in Level 1, Jillian won't modify these and neither do I. If I'm hurting on these I stop and do some extra warmup. Sometimes keeping my feet from going too far out helps, but usually I'm just not warmed up enough. Those dumb little knee circle things have really been helping me lately.

    Walkout pushups (a bonus shoulder modification)
    Okay, this isn't a knee modification but it's one I really had to do early on. My shoulders didn't really like this one at first, particularly the walking back part. I bent my knees while I was pushing back toward my feet to make it a little easier on the shoulders until I built up the muscle.

    Squat w/row
    Again, just like in Level 1, really stick your butt out and use the weights as a counterbalance in front. Make sure your feet aren't too far apart. If it still hurts, try squatting down more (or less) to find a spot that your knees like. It may be harder, but feel better overall.

    High knees
    If your knees don't like these, try either doing butt kicks or just jog in place.

    Squat thrusts
    You've got to be kidding, right? These tend to destroy my knees, so I often follow Anita on this one. If it's too easy to do it Anita-style, try doing it at double speed. Or turn them into plank twists (work the obliques).

    Static lunge w/rows
    I don't have a problem with these, as long as I'm careful about what position I end up in and how I get in that position. You may need to use your hands on the top of your front knee to help you get into a position with good form. Once you're there, fire up your quad and let go with your hands.

    Pendulum lunges
    I usually have to keep my back leg a lot straighter than they do on the video, especially on the "back" swing of the pendulum. Somehow keeping that leg straighter helps both knees feel better.

    Oblique twists
    Usually I don't have a big problem with these because, like jumprope, I try to use my calf muscles more if my knees are hurting. Also, you can try having your knees together or apart...it feels different to me when I change that. If it really doesn't feel good on your knees, just substitute another cardio move here.

    Yeah, so there are definitely no "big explosive jumps side-to-side" for me on these - 95% of the time I have to follow Anita. The slower side-to-side action lets me focus on really crunching my abs, though, so that's okay.

    Military press w/leg extension
    The only thing to help your knee here is to keep that leg lower, and make sure your form is good. As you get stronger it will get better, or at least it did for me.

    Chair squat w/v-raise
    Form, form, form. Get your feet the correct width apart, push your butt way back during the squat and use the weights to balance yourself. It really should be like you're about to sit down. Well, except your muscles should be leaping out of your skin. :)

    Plank jacks
    Following Anita is the easiest way to keep your knees from hurting on these. I find if I follow Natalie, I have to keep my legs straighter. If I bend them like she does, my knees start to complain.

    Double jumprope
    No. Single jumprope.

    Stretch, stretch, stretch! Do each stretch for at least twice as long as they do, and I do the quad stretches for a minimum of 20 seconds each leg. More if they're tight, and I often do a few other stretches as well. If you've seen a doctor (if you have knee problems you should) or a physical therapist, get stretches from them. It'll help. I think they really skimped on the stretching on this DVD.

    Level 3 Knee friendly link: http://www.motherhooduncensored.net/shred/2009/06/making-shred-easier-on-the-knees-level-3.html

    Double jumprope
    Yeah, even on Level 3 I'm still doing single jumprope. Oh well.

    Butt kicks
    Like before, if my knees hurt I sort of think butt kicks, high knees, and jogging in place are interchangeable.

    Mountain climbers
    I usually follow Anita on these. Try them at double speed, and turn them into oblique twists while you're at it for more fun. By the way, Natalie is doing a different version of these than Jillian - she doesn't put weight on the foot that comes front. I think Natalie's version is easier than Jillian's, but still harder on the knee than Anita.

    Plie pose jumps
    Don't jump very high, and make sure your knees aren't moving away from directly above your ankle.

    Dumbbell cleans
    Again, how far apart my feet are makes a big difference for me. It helps me to keep one hand on my butt as a reminder that it needs to move back as I squat down, and if it still hurts don't squat as far. Huh, I didn't think that would sound as strange as it looks in print.

    Jumping lunges
    Ha ha ha! Yeah, it's Anita time on these, and even those hurt my knees a little when I'm tired. Which is lots of days lately. I often keep the back leg straighter than she does, but if they still hurt, try putting your hands on the front knee as you drop down and start to push back up. Use your hands to support you only as much as you need it. If you push too hard with your hands you won't get the benefit of the lunge.

    Weighted butt kicks and jumping jacks
    You may want to drop the weights, especially for the jumping jacks. Form is really important.

    Jump squats
    You can do a couple of things to make these a little easier on your knees. You can squat down less before you jump. You can do a full squat but don't jump. Or you can put your hands on your knees for a little extra support. If none of those work, substitute another cardio that does work.

    Rock star jumps
    Nope, it isn't happening over here. I do butt kicks instead. Feel free to substitute something that's hard but not painful.

    Last, I'll remind you once again to stretch, stretch, stretch! Do each stretch for at least twice as long as they do, and I do the quad stretches for a minimum of 20 seconds each leg. More if they're tight, and I often do a few other stretches as well. If you've seen a doctor (if you have knee problems you should) or a physical therapist, get stretches from them. It'll help. I think they really skimped on the stretching on this DVD.

  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Thank you Pz5 for posting this!!! :flowerforyou:

    I knocked out L1D4 and I am HAPPY to say that I almost did all of the 1st set push ups without using my knees! :happy: (I missed it by 5) I also think pushing through the push-ups killed me on cardio. The 2nd set of jumping jacks I couldn't push through b/c I was beyond feeling winded. For the rest I did a good job! I rode my spin bike for 15mins & my body screamed "Thank you Jesus" when I finished!!! I iced and took 2 Aleve a hr before my workout & I really think that helps because my knees were good throughout the whole thing, I suck on my butt kicks because, I have my knees wrapped that it's hard for me to bend them far enough to reach my tush!
    I am POOPED!!!

    Have a great night Ladies & Keep pushing through! :heart:
  • elle23
    elle23 Posts: 19
    I know I'm late but I just bought the dvd today. I'm so excited about starting tomorrow morning! I will measure tonight.
  • Twinmom413
    Twinmom413 Posts: 70 Member
    pz5wjj.....THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking the time to write all of that info regarding the knee problems some of us are experiencing!!!! It was very helpful and I will definitely think about it as I'm shredding tonight :bigsmile:
This discussion has been closed.