Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred--Beginners



  • dibroci
    dibroci Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I bought the DVD maybe a week or so ago and I've done it three times this week. The first day I felt great but when I woke up the next morning, I could barely move. Took me two days to recover and Day 2 wasn't so bad. Took me another day to get over that and I did it tonight (well, early Monday morning) and I feel fine. I guess I'll see how I feel later today. I'm hoping to continue this at least every other day (I seriously don't know how Jillian expects people to do this daily.. I feel like my limbs are going to fall off at any minute). I'm doing the Shred on top of Weight Watchers, though, and I've lost about 5 lbs so far. Looking forward to losing some more. Good luck Shred buddies :smile:
  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    L1D8 last night. It wasn't bad except during abs when my son wanted to sit on my stomach! Actually, it just made me work harder.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :happy: L1D4 (2nd time) done! I will definitely be moving on after this rotation--still hard, but getting easier!:happy:
    Going to measure later when I take my shower.
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    L1D1 for me today .... it was just as i was expecting - HARD!

    My left knee is hurting at the moment but apart from that it was ok, heartrate raised to 169 which for me is working hard but not flat out, and i burned 222 calories ( i have a Polar F6 which my kids bought me for xmas :happy: )

    Depending on how my knee is tomorrow i am looking forward to day 2.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :smile: Measured--not too bad.

    B--42 (down 1 inch)
    W-39.25 (down 3/4 inch)
    H-45 (down 2 inches)

    Sure wish my waist would go down faster, but I don't think I EVER had much of a waist!:laugh:
  • TaysMum
    TaysMum Posts: 29
    Hey Guys,

    Good to see you guys' progress!! I'm looking to start The Shred next week Monday , Feb 1st (hopefully), really looking forward to the aches and pains lol :love:
    . Any tips and advice? Is there a plan for the levels of workouts (i.e 1-2-3-2-1)? or do you gradually proceed to the next one whenever you're ready? What works best?

    Thanx :flowerforyou:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hey Guys,

    Good to see you guys' progress!! I'm looking to start The Shred next week Monday , Feb 1st (hopefully), really looking forward to the aches and pains lol :love:
    . Any tips and advice? Is there a plan for the levels of workouts (i.e 1-2-3-2-1)? or do you gradually proceed to the next one whenever you're ready? What works best?

    Thanx :flowerforyou:


    Everyone seems to have a different schedule. I'm on my second time around for level 1, which I'm doing M-W-and F.
    I WAS attempting to do the c25k on T-Th-and Sa but my schedule wasn't up to it and now I start back to work next week so I've decided to walk to work (most days, anyway) and do other routines on my off days.
  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I did level 2 day 8 today (Day 18 overall). I "rested" this weekend and had 2 days of no Jillian. I really think my body needed a bit of a rest from the "every day" grind!

    My leg/knee felt much better and the workout was not as hard - I made it through parts I'd not made it through before! :happy:
  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    I did it! I did it! Got the DVD in the mail today and did Day 1 right away. It was hard, you were all right. But I'm SOOO proud of myself for doing it! I just kept telling myself "it's only 20 minutes, it's only 20 minutes...". Tomorrow I've committed to pushing it just a bit harder. :bigsmile:

    (Well we'll see how I feel, sounds like the next day is when the soreness sets in!)
  • cannon15
    cannon15 Posts: 26 Member
    I did Level 2 Day 1 this morning (after 7 days at Level 1). While I was sweating like a pig, I didn't think it was too much harder than Level 1 and I feel surprisingly good. I've made it 8 days and my goal is to make it the full 30. Good luck, shredders!
  • CCH410
    CCH410 Posts: 47 Member
    Whew! Level 1 Day 4- Done!!! It feels so good to say that and I'm really happy I did it but boy was it like pulling teeth to make myself get up and do it!
  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member
    I did it! I did it! Got the DVD in the mail today and did Day 1 right away. It was hard, you were all right. But I'm SOOO proud of myself for doing it! I just kept telling myself "it's only 20 minutes, it's only 20 minutes...". Tomorrow I've committed to pushing it just a bit harder. :bigsmile:

    (Well we'll see how I feel, sounds like the next day is when the soreness sets in!)

    Great job! I am so happy for you....don't give up. It will get easier!!!!
  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member
    I did Level 2 Day 1 this morning (after 7 days at Level 1). While I was sweating like a pig, I didn't think it was too much harder than Level 1 and I feel surprisingly good. I've made it 8 days and my goal is to make it the full 30. Good luck, shredders!

    Great job! That makes me look forwaed to Level 2. :)
  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member
    So the migrane monster paid me a visit today. I have not been able to complete Day 9. I tried but could not bear the throbbing pain in my head. I am feeling better tonight and looking forward to getting up tomorrow and pushing on. I know I will. I can't wait! I hope all of you continue to well on your journey. I will see ya all here tomorrow!!!! :)
  • Beconsistent
    Good Morning Shredders!

    I did L2 D1 today! What an experience!!! As always, when the work out was over I felt great! It was challenging to say the least but after L1 it was good to see a nice progression. I'm so proud of all of you. You are really very inspiring. Looking forward to L2 D2 tomorrow and day 12 of the Shred overall.

    Have a fabulous day and whatever you do, don't give up!


  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Good morning everyone,

    I just noticed this thread now, so I hope you don't mind my jumping in at this point.

    I too have been doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred.

    Melissa - I just did the Level 2 Day 1 yesterday too, so I'm right there with you.

    I really was scared to begin the level 2 and just kept telling myself "it's just for 20 minutes, it's just for 20 minutes". Well, thankfully, I have lived to tell the tale.

    I am really proud of myself for doing the level 2. As someone already said "it was a nice progression after doing level 1".

    I noticed changes in my body since doing "The Shred". I have lost 11 lbs and 3" off my waist. I do have to be honest and say that I am doing cardio everyday on top of that.

    I'm really excited about doing this. I feel that this dvd is truly unlike any other dvd that I have tried.

    Jillian Michaels is right, "she delivers results".

    I wish everyone doing "The Shred" well and I hope that everyone gets big results.

    Good luck!

  • weebles
    weebles Posts: 50
    So I got my DVD yesterday in the mail!!!!! Got up extra early this am to start it....I can't get the DVD to switch from Recommendations to Workouts!!!! :mad:

    Now will have to wait until hubby gets home to see whats up. Was so worked up I went and did 45 minutes on my Gazelle.
  • okstategurl
    Hello everyone! I recently bought the infamous "30 Day Shred" but have yet to start it in fear that I wont be able to do it....I KNOW excuses, excuses right?!?! Anyway, I am going to start it this weekend and I was wondering if I need anything extra...like a workout mat, ball, weights (which i have)????? I am really nervous about doing this, but I am sure it will be worth it once I start!!!
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    So I got my DVD yesterday in the mail!!!!! Got up extra early this am to start it....I can't get the DVD to switch from Recommendations to Workouts!!!! :mad:

    Now will have to wait until hubby gets home to see whats up. Was so worked up I went and did 45 minutes on my Gazelle.

    Jeepers, that so frustrating! Did you check to see if the batteries in your remote are running low? Maybe try changing the batteries.

    Good job on getting on the Gazelle for 45 minutes.

    Good luck.

  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    okstategurl: You need light dumbbells (I'd start with 3 lb, and maybe work your way to 5 lb. eventually). A mat is helpful, unless you'll be on carpet, because there is some floor work. That's it!

    I was afraid I'd be super sore this morning after doing Day 1...but I'm not! My lower back hurts a little, so I think that means I need to be careful. I'm almost disappointed that I'm not sore. But I KNOW I worked my butt off. So maybe the little bit of working out I've been doing lately helped.

    I'm actually looking forward to doing Day 2 later today! Whodda thunk?? :happy: