badats Member


  • Hello serial starters! What a perfect name for a chat thread! I have lost count at how many times I have started..... one day I will be done, one day. Anyway hi all, badats is a mixture of my kids initials, I have 2 lovely boys and am coming to you from NZ :)
  • Hi Shannon, Yes we are currently on "summer" vacation, summer has been terrible though. Start back on the 31st of Jan. I teach high school Maths (Years 9-13, kids aged 13-18). Was only my first year last year, really looking forward to this year and knowing a little bit more about what it is I am doing! :) Went away for…
  • Ooh you're a teacher! Me too :) Still on holiday here in NZ though, and yeah I hear ya on the peeing thing! I have to remind myself to go during breaks even if I don't need to go. 40 mins on my walker thingee tonight, legs were hurting but it was made easier by watching netflix as I went lol.
  • Hi, I am keen to join a monthly goal thing. Did one years ago and found the small, short term goals were really motivating. I think we used to do 3 goals, 1 for fitness, one for food/water, and one for weight :) Anyway my goals are 1) Drink more water - currently drinking next to no water, so trying to stop the coffee…
  • How we all doing this week? I started the week tracking everything really well, all food and exercise, then was sick on Wednesday, had a not so good food day yesterday (out to dinner, difficult to log the food). Really want to be successful so back to tracking tomorrow I think :) Oh and by the way I've gone on an adding…
  • Hi can I join in?? Another Palmerston North local here :) Was pretty active on MFP a few years ago, lost some weight, then fell off the wagon! Keen to get cracking again and would love to build a network of friends :)
  • Good morning all :) Well morning in NZ anyway. And happy February!!
  • It's also my son's birthday on the 29th, his first real birthday :) I am quite excited. Would love to join this challenge, like the idea of having a support network and being accountable :) Currently 92kgs (203lbs I think) not sure what to set as a goal... a guess just any kind of loss!
  • 10.13pm in New Zealand, last meal was dinner at about 6pm, enjoying some water now and probably off to bed soon :)
  • WOW! I love your monthly pictures, you can see you steadily shrinking, inspirational, thank you for sharing!
  • Done Di, had a read of your profile I would love to do beading etc, I just don't have the patience! I also got brave and added a pic to my profile, that is me and my youngest in January of this year.
  • Thanks guys will add you both :) MrsBee, I am hoping to get married Feb 2013 so would love to lose a bit before than, it's a long way away so plenty of time to get my act together I think :)
  • Hi Adrienne, All the best, I have recently started too and really enjoying the site, learning a lot about how many calories are in some foods! And slowly discovering the messageboards :) Jocelyn
  • I know what you mean, I seriously lack motivation sometimes and think I need people to give me a kick up the bum sometimes :) Will add you now :)