Would you like to be my friend?

badats Posts: 17 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
HI all, joined this site ages ago but never really got into it, have rediscovered it and really enjoying it. It's really got me thinking about what I eat now!
Um a little about me 28yr old Mum of 2, 94kgs (207lbs) wanting to lose weight to be healthier and look better, and have more energy for my boys :)
Would love to have more friends on here to share the journey with, even those who have lost weight and are now maintaining it, you guys are so inspirational.


  • Vrewalk
    Vrewalk Posts: 4
    I'm new, but would really like to keep up with people who are positive and can keep me from being tempted, lack of motivation is my biggest issue..
    bout me im 25 3 kids weigh about 300lbs, would really like to get some energy back, since my kids tell me i dont do anything with them ..
  • badats
    badats Posts: 17 Member
    I know what you mean, I seriously lack motivation sometimes and think I need people to give me a kick up the bum sometimes :) Will add you now :)
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    Add me if you like, i try to give hope and positivity where i can. I'm 25 married for a little over a year and trying to get rid of the 2-3 stone i put on over the 5 years of being with my hubby!!

    Good Luck x
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Feel free to add me if you would like guys! they more friends the merrier!
    I am 27, 5'8 and weigh about 74kg- 163lbs i have two boys 7years and 21 months, they keep me very busy!
    Good luck with your weight loss journeys!
  • badats
    badats Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks guys will add you both :)

    MrsBee, I am hoping to get married Feb 2013 so would love to lose a bit before than, it's a long way away so plenty of time to get my act together I think :)
  • Diana35bha
    Diana35bha Posts: 292 Member
    Great to hear you're getting into the swing of MFP. It is a great site.
    Add me if you like. I am 59, mum to 2 daughters, one in her own house, the other at uni. Semi retired so now I have time to try to get my health better so I can exercise more & start losing my excess weight.
    We're all here for the same reason, so lets help each other

  • badats
    badats Posts: 17 Member
    Done Di, had a read of your profile I would love to do beading etc, I just don't have the patience!

    I also got brave and added a pic to my profile, that is me and my youngest in January of this year.
  • Hi,
    I'm relatively new too - found the site ages ago but didn't get into it. Rediscovered this week and hopefully its going to work for me!
    I am 39 - mum to 3 - 12 year old son and twin daughters aged 9 - at the moment weigh 200lbs - lost 5lbs this week which is amazing!!!
    Looking for some support for the long haul - feel free to add me - could do with some buddies - my friend list is empty !!
    helen xx
  • nads2184
    nads2184 Posts: 124
    newbie here to, 261lbs with loads to lose.

    feel free to add . x
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    Thanks guys will add you both :)

    MrsBee, I am hoping to get married Feb 2013 so would love to lose a bit before than, it's a long way away so plenty of time to get my act together I think :)

    Yes you have plenty of time to get to where you want to be, but it will go SO fast so don't think oh it doesn't matter too much it's not for another ?? time, thats what i did and altough i was very happy with how i looked on my wedding day i wish i was about a stone lighter!! i put most of my weight on after the wedding on honeymoon and after as i just said oh who cares i'm married now, were having fun! Well, you can still have fun with out stuffing your face!! now i have to deal with being a fatty! but we CAN do this and together WE WILL!! :-)
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    I'm relatively new too - found the site ages ago but didn't get into it. Rediscovered this week and hopefully its going to work for me!
    I am 39 - mum to 3 - 12 year old son and twin daughters aged 9 - at the moment weigh 200lbs - lost 5lbs this week which is amazing!!!
    Looking for some support for the long haul - feel free to add me - could do with some buddies - my friend list is empty !!
    helen xx

    Ahhh twins, wow, me and my husband are hoping to get pregnant after september time and we have put it off a little as we think we might have twins as it runs in both our families (his mum being a twin plus his nana had 2 sets of twins and his mum told me that the other sister she has was also a twin but it died in the womb so that means his nana could have had 3 sets of twins!!) my uncles are twins too!
    On another note, we can all lose together and give each other motivation and help when ever needed!! x
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    I'm 27, and from the UK. Started out at 242, and now 224. Feel free anyone to friend me :smile:
  • jes0704
    jes0704 Posts: 15
    Feel free to add me too :) I am new too, its been one week for me. I am also a mom but of 1 and Im turning 30 on Tuesday and its time for a change. I want to be healthy and be more active.
  • Lorna1976
    Lorna1976 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi all. Started yesterday and want to lose about 2 stone. I am fairly tall at 5.7 with a small frame so am constantly told that i do not need to lose weight. But i am not happy, I am 2 and a half stone heavier than I was when i fell pregnant which was 9 years ago and want to try to get back to somewhere near. My clothes are now tight and uncomfortable, muffin top is increasing :o(

    I am a real chocaholic, need lots of support and encouragement. Luckily my boyfiend is doing this aswell so we are helping each other.

    Good luck everyone x
  • Anyone can add me if they wish. I've been here for over a month, and I've missed my old support network from FatSecret.com..... I've reached my goal weight, and I'm now struggling to maintain and not lose anymore. I have my own issues with food/eating, but I have gained quite a bit of info on nutrition and fitness now. ^_^ We're all here to help ourselves as well as give support to others
  • cokolina
    cokolina Posts: 48
    I started this week, anyone can add me;)
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