Whiskey_Byrne Member


  • As a member of a gym you should b able to get help from one of the trainers to assess you and work out a routine that will help you to reach your goal. This should be included in your membership along with an induction if required.
  • Oxford, England :smile:
  • currently I have 5 tattoos which are: Right Ankle - Hibiscus flower with some tribal around it (memory of a Holiday in New Jersey) Inner left forearm - DILLIGAF (Motto for life (do i look like i give a ****)) Upper left arm - stars (loads of stars in a burst effect just because I love stars) left shoulder - small heart…
  • Welcome and good luck with your journey. I didn't have much will power when i joined but the support on here has really helped. Feel free to add me
  • Don't be so hard on yourself. It can take a few tries to get things sorted and stick to it better. You will get there. I took a while to get on track and the only way I can stay on track is to not cut out the odd treat but factor it in for to my calories for the day. You CAN do this and I believe you will do this.
  • Thanks for all the opinions, they all look to be very helpful options and I will see what works with trial and error. :flowerforyou:
  • I need to eat something in the mornings or suffer with headaches through the day. Maybe it's a question of changing what I have for breakfast and swap 2 slices of toast (no butter) with Marmite for a piece of fruit instead.
  • I have had a similar issue with my family, the way I overcome this was to sit them down and explain that I'm not happy and want to make a change to have a healthier lifestyle and need them to support me. Explain how their comments make you feel and that you are not doing thisto just lose weight but to be a healthier and…
  • Hi, Don't lose faith in your ability. Everyone needs a boost now and again from like minded people and you'll get no end of that here. Good luck and stick with it. :smile:
  • Hi and welcome, hope the arm injury doesn't stop the exercise for too long. Good luck with your journey :smile:
  • Hi and good luck with your journey. I've found this to be the one thing to keep me going, the people here are great support and motivation and offer some fantastic advise from personal experience.
  • Welcome and good luck with your journey. The people here are amazing and offer the best support and information, the motivation from them is second to none and will spur you on no end.
  • I have a wii and although I haven't tried the game you have I do use Wii fit plus and the biggest loser challenge and find that using one of these for 30 mins a day makes a really big difference. I feel good for doing it, seeing an improvement in my weight loss and also find that I have much more energy and get up and go…
  • It's a minor set back that we all at some point will deal with, never give up, keep pushing on and you WILL succeed in the end :happy:
  • Hi Caz and good luck with your journey I had a good few stone to lose when i started and although it's been slow and steady it's all going well and i'm now over 1 stone lighter than when i started. People here are all very motivational and give good advice and encouragment. I see your not that far from me either, I'm from…
  • Thanks for the advice. Yeah I am going to Sonisphere and really looking forward to it. Last day at work today for a week yay!!!! I shall make sure I join in and work out while doing it, and off to the shops tomorrow to get some healthy snacks to take, already have lots of water to take.
  • :happy: heat the pittas in the toaster so they puff up then slit it open to fill it
  • I tend to similar to the above comment as i enjoy salad in a wholemeal pitta with a form of protien. I vary it to stop myself getting bored of it but I also don't use any dressings/ condiments as i don't care for them much. For a more filling lunch I do like to take cous cous to make at work and a grilled chicken breast…
  • All very good advice thank you :happy: I will make sure to pack snacks
  • thanks for this I think you could be right. Hope enjoy Europe!!
  • Not to often to be fair, I do try to do a festival each year (probably where I started to gain the weight) but am determind now to try and stay on track as much as possible
  • Thanks for this, I was thinking the Mosh pit could be good as long as I don't get too deep lol. We have the big 4 this year (metallica, megadeath, slayer and anthrax) along with Motorhead, in flames etc
  • Not totally sure which ones will be there this year, there will be the inevitable burger stands and Hog Roast. Hopefully the noodle bar will be there and there are normally some places that do jacket potatoes, I'm going to scoure the stands on the first day (before all bands start) to sniff out the healthiest places to go…
  • Yeah I think you're right on the replacing my old one. I enjoy it but would like to keep it as exercise and recreational for now, I'm not one for the competitive side of cycling :)
  • Thanks for this I will get to the bike shop with my bike this weekend and see what they say about it, but will also start to save for a road bike (bit skint due to paying for a festival ticket at the moment). Thank you all for the valid points I really appreciate it
  • Welcome and good luck with your journey. Thanks to this site you can have the motivation needed supplied by friendly people. We are all in the same boat and are all gaining valuable info from each other. Feel free to add me if want to
  • I currently have 5 tattoos and haven't had any problems with mine at all. I found that any nappy rash cream (I used Bepathen) is perfect for using during healing and i used a small amount 3 times a day (as soona s i got up, lunchtime and before i went to bed). Having it on your finger is difficult, it could be to much…
  • I work in an office and find it hard when I get in to get motivated, so to stop myself from getting to the Veg stage I get in and don't sit down. I'll start to prepare dinner straight away, then while Dinner is cooking I'll get on the Wii and do some exercise. Have dinner and clean up behind myself (all going towards…
  • Welcome, good luck with your journey I'm sure you'll hit your main goal and all the mini ones along the way. feel free to add me
  • You'll have to options of code it'll tell you which one to use, if that doesn't work it could be an issue with the site and will hopefully get fixed soon.