

  • The rowing machine can burn 100 calories in 5 minutes if you're doing it right. It's hard to do it for more than 5 though!
  • Dec 1st - 155.6 lbs
  • I agree - get rid of them. One of the reasons I got back on MFP after not logging in for a few months was that I got rid of my bigger clothes, couldn't fit into the newer smaller ones, and couldn't afford to buy new bigger clothes (nor could I bear to try on larger sizes at the store again!) Definitely added motivation to…
  • Sounds great! So challenge is 60 minutes of cardio 6 days a week to lose as much weight as possible? Since I started exercising my weight has actually gone up 4 lbs (I'm telling myself its all muscle), so I'll set a December 31 goal of 7 lbs down to 150. Looking forward to buying a new New Years Eve outfit if I reach it!
  • Sorry - I'm a day late starting this! CW: 155 30 day GW: 140 Ultimate GW: 134
  • I agree. The weeks I count calories on weekends are the only weeks I lose weight. I'm up 3 lbs this month due to not counting my calories the last several weekends, so I definitely recommend not getting into the habit of cheat days. I would be so much farther along than I am if I just counted my calories those two days a…
  • I'm feeling the same way. I lost 11 pounds in 2 months for my first time since joining MFP over a year ago. But March has been rough, and I've gained 4 back. If I've learned anything here though, it's that the small changes really do add up over time. There's no such thing as "ruining your diet" over a weekend. You can…
  • The 30 Day Vegan Challenge book has some pretty amazing recipes. Most can be done in a crockpot so they are quick. Very few rely on soy and most are pretty cheap to make. One suggestion the author has is to cut up all your veggies the day you buy them (for about an hour or so on Sundays for me), which makes the actual…
  • Okay ladies, I need some serious help. I just keep failing to stick with my plan. I'll do two weeks on a MFP on a 1300 a day diet, lose a pound, then stop counting calories for a week and gain 2 pounds. I've gained 8 pounds since I started my fitness pal in this manner. Any suggestions about how to stay motivated and keep…
  • Oh dear --- Guess I'm the first one to "check in" Current weight is 165. (down from 170 this weekend, but I've still gained 5 lbs since starting MFP... a little discouraged :( ). Hope everyone else has some success on the scale this morning!
  • Sounds good. I'm actually pretty nervous about stepping on the scale tomorrow since last time I did I was up 6 pounds. I'm drinking water and crossing my fingers!
  • Good morning everyone. I'm new to the whole challenge thing -- so my question is, when we weigh in tomorrow, do we write directly on the googledoc, or write our weight here? Thanks!
  • Up 6 pounds from the weekend. I hope I'll be ready for the Friday weigh-in! My mini challenge for this week is drinking more water. Thanks for the suggestions everyone!
  • I'd love to join too. i need some help staying accountable and sticking to my goals! SW: 160 CW: 164 (oops.... don't know what happened here) GW: 144 (by the New Year!)
  • Thanks everyone. I'm going to try to not be discouraged and get back in there. Thanks for the support and advice!