I need to carry on...

I'm really quite upset with myself. I stepped on the scale this morning and I have put on 2 pounds since last week. I've had a really difficult week with my family situation but I need to find a way to cope with difficulties other than eating, what does everyone else do? I'm really cross with myself now but determined to carry on. I need to lose this weight otherwise I'm going to feel uncomfortable with myself forever.


  • elli0702
    elli0702 Posts: 16
    I'm feeling the same way. I lost 11 pounds in 2 months for my first time since joining MFP over a year ago. But March has been rough, and I've gained 4 back. If I've learned anything here though, it's that the small changes really do add up over time. There's no such thing as "ruining your diet" over a weekend. You can always come back from whatever mistake you made with food over the weekend - as long as you try your best not to do it again for a long time!
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    when i'm annoyed or stressed i go for a jog! my brain feels better that way:0)
  • Squeezie88
    Squeezie88 Posts: 63 Member
    when i'm annoyed or stressed i go for a jog! my brain feels better that way:0)

    I agree! Whenever I get stressed at home, I tell everyone I'll be abck in 20 minutes and go for a walk. It's a great way to clear your head and get out of the house.

    Plus, when you get back, it's given you the opportunity to step back from the situation and be able to cope with it easier.
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    Go for a walk. If it's crappy outside get a tan. Get a "happy" light. Write in a journal.

    If you must eat, have good choices around you. Carrots, apple wedges, almonds, microwave popcorn... When I really feel like I need to "EAT" to snack I grab a handful of baby pretzels - they seem to work the best for me.
  • ubermagee
    ubermagee Posts: 57
    I have what I call a "no-negativity book" at home. I write in it every day with something positive about my day - maybe I tried something new, or someone told me I look great, or maybe I got some positive praise at work. The point basically is that it's a journal with absolutely no negative feelings, so when I need a little boost or distraction I can look back at all the great things I've achieved since I began my journey. This really helps me when dealing with certain problems I've had in the past. I also agree with the walk thing - I definitely take a walk or a jog if I need to just clear my head a bit. Every teeny tiny step that you take in your journey will either bring you closer or push you further away from your goal. Just depends on what kind of step it is.

    I hope this has helped :)