PepeLPew Member


  • Losing weight the second time around with exercise `unlocked something inside me akin to a caged animal. My entire life I've been told I'm too opinionated, too intense, too this, too that. Meanwhile I live and work in a society that itself is too compliant, too docile, too soft, too accepting, and too inert, physically and…
  • 1. Tired of the weight I regained. 2. Tired of being out of shape. 3. Want to tap again into my potential with previous workouts 4. Want my kids to see their old man working hard and improving himself so that they grow up knowing that change can come with hard work and effort along with the importance of exercise 5. Mid…
  • Frigging amazing. You look incredible. So inspiring. Drink in your success - you crushed it!
  • Standing up on my stationary bike for the first time for 5x15 second intervals of 78 resistance at around 60 cadence, 530 wattage. Brutal. The class crushed me. Such a good feeling.
  • Congrats - this is an amazing accomplishment. You have lengthened your life by probably decades. Along with loads of confidence, happiness, energy, etc. Just wow!
  • Same. But I no longer use mine because it's useless for anything calorie related.
  • I usually eat my total caloric allotment in a day (at a deficit) and then I am in a double deficit after I do my biking. I will eat back calories when I feel hungry, but I keep in mind not to eat right back to my original deficit. When I eat them some of them back, I will use fruit, vegetables or something with protein and…
  • Natural sugars aren't an issue, from what I've read. The fruits contain fiber which is thought to create a gelling effect in the intestine, which delay sugar absorption. They've done studies with people ingesting like 200 g of fruit with little or no adverse effects (and possible benefit actually) for body weight, blood…
  • It would help to get an idea of how much sodium is in your diet. Canned goods tend to have a lot of salt as well. Processed foods have insane amounts and restaurants I no longer frequent given the food is either oversalted or plain bland. Try swapping out 1-2 items and replace them with fresh alternatives? It might make…
  • Easy on the condescension. It's a moot discussion given we don't know the specs for the food or the dimensions of the scoop and with "false" readings makes this whole thing pointless. Well if you're going to go that route, throw in smartwatches, bikes, etc even MFP. If I enter things in manually I get a caloric burn that's…
  • You'll get a wide range of answers. I try to keep all of my sugar ingested natural - from fruits only. I eat it every day and so that's sweet enough for me. I'm super mindful of the calories and my lack of willpower and so I ensure the house is empty of them. Plus, after a while of cutting out processed sugar, when you…
  • Yes I'm around 230 watts or so burst wise for the first 20 min or so but will dip to maintain my stamina. My FTP is around 115%. It's what the bike tells me and I think it's well calibrated. I also wear a heart monitor bluetoothed to try to increase the accuracy of the caloric burn ( I know things essentially are…
  • As far as I know, you can't target areas for fat loss. You lift for that area, repeatedly, heavy, over time and build muscle. You don't have any no worries for this happening unless you adopt a programme, start lifting, repeatedly, watch your macros, etc. When you create a deficit, over time, your body will lose fat (and a…
  • Not getting lazy after my weekly high of weight loss as I did before and instead rejigging my diet to increase protein and decrease some carbs. The higher the fibre, the more full I feel and the longest lasting it is.
  • This is basically cognitive behaviour therapy. Such a powerful tool and journalling is excellent. Congratulations for using this tool to increase your awareness and capitalize on changing previous behaviour. "My journey isn't to just look good anymore its to stay at peace with myself " Amazing. Congrats on this super…
  • Awesome! I am right behind you. Started end of April 2021, 16 pounds down, aiming for 25 by mid September.
  • ✊✊✊✊✊✊✊
  • It already IS TRUE. You have joined, you have made important changes. It's already started :smile:
  • It's normal and understandable that you may wish for others to see your changes and let you know, therefore validating your hard work and efforts. I do the same thing. Continue posting updates. The community has been excellent in supporting you and will continue doing so on your journey. But the most important person who…
  • Nice - keep it up. I did very little exercise other than long walks until April 2021. Then I got a Peloton and have been on the thing daily. My first ride of 15 minutes was brutal, my first 20 min ride I was screaming bloody murder then my 30 minute ride was within range. My first 45 min ride I felt exhausted but good. 3…
  • Chickapea ain't bad. It's caloric-dense (300 or so/cup) but it's loaded with protein, fibre, etc. A bit of hot sauce, side of salad, no complaints.
  • That's pretty relative. At the 6min mark, I've hit approximately 100 calories on the Peloton. 20 minutes in, I'm past 300. 35 km/hr, consistent speed, 95 cadence on 45-47 resistance. But yeah - enjoy the ice cream. Don't regret eating specific foods. IMHO, the psychology of temptation and self-management takes time to…
  • Yeah I've noticed MFP is not syncing ANYTHING be it Fitbit or Strava. Even exercise I post. First it was my newsfeed not showing any of my workouts, and now it's not even adding my exercise to my daily dairy. This is a PITA.
  • I got mine in April 2021. Almost at 100 rides. I absolutely love. I try to do 5-6 rides/week. Loving Sam Yo at the moment.
  • Awesome job - 80 pounds is insane. I don't understand the sometimes negative attitudes around cardio if it's the only thing people do. I do around 5-6 rides/week on my Peloton - 45 minutes each at pretty high intensity. Apart from the calorie burn, the stamina building is great along with the positive effect it has on my…
  • Nutrition I would argue is very important, but sleep, stress management and daily exercise are so important they are interconnected in so many ways. I would argue the SAD isn't even a diet. It's almost a devolution of what was once food. The gradual creeping in and pervasiveness of high-fructose corn syrup, along with GMO…
  • Losing a colleague years ago. Made me realize life was precious. Precious enough to appreciate taking things day by day, and that meant making healthy food choices, tracking and letting my inner beast out for exercise.
  • Alisa I'm gonna add you. You speak my language. Congrats - you are crushing it!