

  • Potatoes, rice, pasta, oats, done.
  • I cant say much about the recovery apart from ****in well done! And stick to it. But i know what its like to be hungry all the time. Im dieting and am used to eating up to 5000 cals a day. Heres what i do. I schedule my my most filling foods for later in the say when im most hungry. Foods like oats, pasts and potatoes are…
  • Diet pop. I drink tons when im craving sweets and im dieting. Its pretty satiating too so could satisfy hunger aswell as the craving. Or you could just work a sweet into your calories for the day, simple, wont do you any harm aslong as its within your calorie requirements.
  • There will be cals in the broth but probably less than the solid food. If you are eating a whole tin then you're eating all the calories stated in the info. If you skip the soupy part then you will be losing some calories but the net effect will be practically nothing id imagine.
  • Liquid cals are the best. Make a shake with oats, milk, nutella, honey, olive oil, anything you can throw in, tons of cals! Also exercise makes you hungry. Go for walks or do any low intensity cardio for 20-40 mins to boost appetite. One thing i also find useful is to eat regularly. Get something, anything in first thing…
  • Aswell as eating crisps, chocolate, mcdonalds, doughnuts, cheese, bread, beef, whenever i want to jump up a few kilos i have this, 100g oats, full fat milk, honey, nuttela, olive oil, all in a blender, blend till nice and smooth and you have a calorie bomb in a glass. 1 or 2 of them plus what you're eating and you'll gain.
  • @rainboweager Forget paleo, its bull****. The fact that it has you agonising over which powder to get is ridiculous. Get any decent brand, Reflec, CNP, Optimum nutrition, theres loads.
  • Im 230lbs, train heavy full body 3x per week and only have 180g protein a day. There are people a lot smaller than me here eating way more, its unnecessary really. Just eat bigger portions, eat meat and add shakes. A good serving of protein powder can give you half or more of your daily protein. Its really not that hard.…
  • Porridge shakes with milk and or protein powder. Eat more meals, or eat bigger portions. Eat more calorie dense food. Liquid calories is the way to go if your appetite is ****.
  • Doesnt matter what you have really, it just depends how you feel while training. Some people train fine fasted, i cant i need food. I eat w/e, i just make sure to leave an hour before training. If you need glucose then have a banana or other fruit, or even a carb drink. Dont worry about it just find the way thats good for…