I'm in the same boat! I've been back at it for a week but I'm struggling to keep going with what seemed really easy. I'll add you :)
Thanks guys! Looks like I'll be heading up the shops tomorrow then :D
Not a desk job, I work at a cinema and I'm on my feet a lot when I am there. But I'm only a casual worker so I'm not there everyday. :)
Agree with finding what you like! I'm not a big fan of jogging but love playing team sports and walking my dogs!
Great work! That's usually my attitude as well, one bad day sends me into a spiral!
Some times you need medication to deal with the symptoms before you can fix it naturally. Since a depressed person won't even get out of bed, it's not going to help by suggesting exercise. I'm on medication for anxiety. This allows me to deal with the thoughts behind my anxiety without a crippling panic attack hitting me.…
A big factor for me was the stress of my previous job and then changing jobs :/
You need to get used to your new body before you'll feel comfortable in your skin. It's true that you may be eating a little too little food which could effect your mood. But positive thinking all the way! Look in the mirror every morning and compliment three things about your body. You'll get used to the new you soon…
Day one for me too!
Hi there! I'd be glad to offer support to you! I'm a 22 year old student :) ill friend you!
I'm in the same boat! Will add you both :)