Does my calorie goal sound right?

I'm a 23 year old female, 5"3 and weigh 158 pounds. I want to get to 138 pounds and set my goal loss at 1 pound per week.

MFP has set an calorie intake goal of 1470 with my lightly active lifestyle. Does that sound correct? Previously I've worked with 1200 calories and I'm a bit nervous about increasing!


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Yah that sounds fine to me...I would presonally change that to 1/2 lb a week tho since you only have 20lbs to go.

    As well lightly active??? do you have a desk job? sit a lot...if so move that to sedentary otherwise all is good.

    As for being nervous don't be...I weight just a bit more then you and eat 1600 a day and lose..and I am 2x your age...
  • Not a desk job, I work at a cinema and I'm on my feet a lot when I am there. But I'm only a casual worker so I'm not there everyday. :)