Trying Again.

I have to try this again. I am ashamed to say I have fallen off the wagon and now weigh more than when I first got on here. I need some friends to help yell at me. I am finding it really difficult to get back into my good habits I once had. Its like the harder I try the worse I sabotage myself. Please feel free to add me or I am more than open to advice! Thanks a bunch!

Fluffy girl wanting to be curvy


  • I'm in the same boat! I've been back at it for a week but I'm struggling to keep going with what seemed really easy.

    I'll add you :)
  • tifftwoten
    tifftwoten Posts: 25 Member
    Yo, me too! I weigh more too. But, whereas before I'd only stay on a week, today I reached my 15 day streak. Hallelujah! Mainly for me I just had to get over that first really hard week of not wanting to admit how much I was eating and seeing my calories exceed my daily goal by a thousand or so. Now though, I am 4 pounds lighter and starting to get a lot more motivated.
  • bbylynn1
    bbylynn1 Posts: 25 Member
    I had this app forever ago and am trying again too, not giving up this time nonono
  • ITS HARD i know but its ok as long as u have ppl that can motivate you(this site) you will get through, i like looking at thinspiration pics and starting with small goals. my goals are weekly instead of." by the end of the month"or"in 5 months" i say in one week i want to lose 2 lbs. try that it might work easier
  • connieelaine24
    connieelaine24 Posts: 59 Member
    I not only fell off the wagon, I rolled down a hill, and fell off a cliff. Climbing up from that fall has taken me a long time just to get ready to ride that wagon again. So I feel your pain. Feel free to add me, I'm a fellow crash and burner.
  • FrankieBenjamin
    FrankieBenjamin Posts: 61 Member
    Been here a year and have gone down and back up in weight. Saw a few similar posts when I first started and thought 'that wont be me', but after a few months and stressful life things happening before I knew it it was me. I have been back on for a few days now and doing well. OP we are already mfpals, so lets work together. Others feel free to add me too!
  • melissa968
    melissa968 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm there too. My starting weight this time is 14lbs heavier than my starting weight when I first started using the app :( I quit smoking 6 weeks ago and have watched my weight go up and up.
    I'm started back on my low carb/high fat diet on Monday and have lost 5 pounds so far. Now that I've got a good handle on the smoking thing I feel ready to apply my dedication to my diet and exercise.
    It's hard getting back on that wagon but I know that if I can get through the first two weeks the cravings will stop and I won't spend every hour thinking about what I can eat next.

    Motivational people who know exactly what you're going through are extremely helpful.
  • b00b00123
    b00b00123 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been trying on and off since April and each time i start i found my self being heavier than the last time. its been a week and i have lost 5 pounds.

    Please feel free to add me as i feel like minded people can help motivate each other as we are going through the same journey.

    Good Luck everyone
  • Calm_Lotus_06
    Calm_Lotus_06 Posts: 104 Member
    I feel better knowing I am not alone with this struggle. Maybe together can can do it!