For all MFP returnees, why did we gain the weight back?



  • A big factor for me was the stress of my previous job and then changing jobs :/
  • umer76
    umer76 Posts: 1,272 Member
    One of the biggest reason which people don't realize including myself is the portion size. While gaining weight we think we are entering the right number of calories but actually it is not. Since 1st of December I have again started to lose weight and I would say credit goes to the portion control and not going over the calories budget. You go over the calories budget once or twice a week and chances are you will not lose weight in that week. I have tested that time and again. Staying within calories goal is extremely important.
  • OriginalKatie
    OriginalKatie Posts: 119 Member
    I previously lost 40kg, which wasn't easy. I almost reached my goal weight when I hit a plateau. I maintained my weight for maybe a year and then I started developing chest pain (non-cardiac). I then sprained my ankle but the pain never went away. Long story short, I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, because I now have chronic widespread body pain. This pain is what initially stopped me from training. I eventually had to stop because I decided that the training might be making it worse. So then my diet slowly deteriorated after that, and I never got back into the same routine I used to have. Throw in some medication that makes you gain weight, and now I've gained 20kg back. I'm getting married in two weeks time, and I'm disappointed in myself for letting myself get like this, and annoyed that I developed this condition in the first place.

    Now my goal is to find a way of exercising that's not going to flare up my pain, while allowing me to burn fat at the same time. Diet will play the biggest role, as I've let my nutrition go.
  • encho
    encho Posts: 2 Member
    I got nothing.:glasses:
  • smuller73
    smuller73 Posts: 71 Member
    I got pregnant


    Lost weight after my first pregnancy and pretty much kept it off for 3 years and although I was really good during my 2nd pregnancy and didn't gain too much excess weight it was the months at home after, totally exhausted from being up all night and having no energy to exercise or cook a healthy meal, my hubby thought he was helping by buying ready made meals and take away. (Shame, his heart was in the right place) The pounds piled back on and bad habits crept back in. Went through a "I'm going to fat for the rest of my life so get used to it" stage and then woke up to reality and got my *kitten* back in gear.
  • AbysmalFitness
    AbysmalFitness Posts: 32 Member
    night shift totally derailed my weight loss.
  • ReginaM49
    ReginaM49 Posts: 65 Member
    I definitely know that this must be a lifestyle change. But Its just so easy to sit back down on that couch with beer and pizza! Lol. I was down 31 pounds in October and have slowly gained back 6. I'm trying to get back on track. Add me if you like. Good luck! :-)
  • My portion sizes increased, I had more treats than I really should and I stopped exercising regulary. Then I noticed my clothes were getting tight and (this is a very honest confession now!) So, I just thought sod it, I'm getting fat again and ate some more.....Hmmmm, recognise the cycle, I know I do??
    This ^^^^
  • lisanume
    lisanume Posts: 127 Member
    I see a lot of people are "back again" to "finally nail it this time" or words to that effect. Myself included.

    Since quite a long stint on MFP in between 2010 and 2012, where I successfully managed to lose nearly 30lbs, albeit slowly, I have been on an off MFP two or three times last year but never stuck with it. I never actually reached my goal weight. So now, having gained nearly all my weight back I have restarted AGAIN. In total I now have 42 - 50 lbs to lose.

    So I am curious, what brought you back this time? What happened to bring all the weight back? What will you do differently this time?

    OK, I'll go first. I am back because last time MFP kept me on track most of the time and I enjoyed having the support from my MFP friends. My weight came back on because I stopped going to the gym and re-embraced my comfort eating and wine drinking habits and went into a denial about the scale creeping back up. This time I don't think I will rush into a gym membership, only to be enthusiastic about it for a few months then lose interest. I am going to think more carefully about the type of exercise I enjoy and can sustain long term.

    I hope you will be able to share your views on here and hopefully we can learn from each other and really "finally nail it this time" :laugh:

    First I broke my leg in 3 places
    THEN I got lazy
    THEN I got what I called the PLAGUE and was sick for 15 weeks!!!

    THEN it was the holidays

    NOW IS MY TIME!!! back at it!! YAY!!!
  • Thanks for all your replies. A mixture of life challenges, illness and general lapses in portion size, exercise seems to be the consensus on here. So what can we do differently?

    I know my exercise lapsed because I just got bored at the gym. It felt like a real chore particularly as the weights section was often crowded with people just lolling around the machines. So this time I am going to try and find something I like and I can stick to. I would love to try running again, but for now just walking to my meetings in town instead of taking the car is good for me.

    As for eating, well I just got careless as in the post I have quoted above. This time I am not going to stop logging until I actually reach my goal weight. I am seriously hoping to end my tendency to comfort eat for good. I have just started to learn to play the clarinet. It's very hard to eat when you have a clarinet in your mouth!!!
  • THIS!!!
    First I broke my leg in 3 places
    THEN I got lazy
    THEN I got what I called the PLAGUE and was sick for 15 weeks!!!

    THEN it was the holidays

    NOW IS MY TIME!!! back at it!! YAY!!!

    and welcome back!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I started to go down hill two years ago.
    It started with me traded in gym time with playing team sports, (kickball, softbal and flag football) but that includes going out for beers and fried food afterwards so even though I am being active I am countering it with a bad diet. I was able to maintain with only a slight weight gain for about a year of this as I was training for a half marathon also.
    Then my mom got cancer so I traveled a lot to see her until she passed away (2/2/2013) and it is hard to keep up with exercise and diet while traveling.

    Follow that up by getting injured numerous times in the passed two years. Most recently I had a bad sprain on my left ankle and was in a boot the wed before labor day and 2 weeks after I am back up to normal activity I broke my right ankle. This week is the first time I have been back to the gym pretty and all I can really do is the stationary bike which I hate. So I have regained 70 of the 90 lbs I have lost.
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    I got engaged and my fiance and I celebrated a little too much with chocolates and pudding! :P

    Am back now as my engagement is nearing its end and my marriage is about to start!!! :)
  • tigz101
    tigz101 Posts: 9 Member
    Needs some friends on this to help me keep going i have lost 3 stone in the last 3 months and want to keep going please add me And show me some support and i will return it
  • j_ringsaker
    j_ringsaker Posts: 47 Member
    Lost my focus. I'm the type of guys with 100 hobbies and I dedicate myself wholly to the hobby at the time. Be it hunting, woodworking, restoring cars....I made weightloss my hobby. Everything about it. I was completely dedicated. Lost 97 lbs.

    That was 2 years ago and I gained 55 back. I hope to stay focused long enough to kick the weight for good.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I yo-yoed for years, as soon as the "diet" was over I gained everything back. I found MFP in 2010 and was on until June 2012 and lost 20 pounds but my account got messed up and I just stopped logging. I just wasn't done yet and when my doctor wanted to put me on cholesterol medicine I knew it was time to come back and finish what I started.
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    i was doing well losing weight until my husband died. Although it wasn't totally unexpected as he was 25 years older than me and had health probs, we had been married 38 years, and I regained most of my weight loss thru' comfort eating. Then I had a few years of upheaval with moving house and other things, so didn't settle to it. Now I'm back on track as I want to be healthy and not deprive my kids too soon of their only parent! Besides, late husband was so proud of my weight loss, so I feel I'd be letting him down if I don't get it off.

    I just wanted to give you a hug!!! (((((hug)))))
  • Steph13RN
    Steph13RN Posts: 92 Member
    Oh wow, I just posted something very similar!
    I am working on what I can do better ... not sabotaging myself, putting in my mouth what I deem is healthy and not worrying if my kids are eating fast food thanks to the hubby ...

    We all have to do it for ourselves ... but how to you get past the point where you become weak?? That's my problem ... staying focused!

    Good luck to you all~
  • happychic
    happychic Posts: 43 Member
    3 1/2 years of grieving + comfort food = huge weight gain

    Hopefully I'm ready this time....
  • I lost last year with a biggest loser challenge at work. Once that ended I said I was going to continue to eat smart. Well, that expanded and expanded and now I am 7 lbs short of my top weight last year. I don't want to go back to the bigger size. I just can't seem to make it a lifestyle change. I can't log food forever. Now this time my goal is to comfortably wear my summer clothes this summer. I reach goals okay, it is what happens after that where I fail.