Half of a Quest bar, Cookies and Cream is my fav.
My daughter is also 5 and in Kindergarten this year, but they are doing everything she learned last year in K4, so what work she does bring home takes her about 5 seconds because she already knows it all. I'm disappointed since she's not doing anything new, but she likes it because "school is easy"..hmmpph Why didn't you…
I've used it in baking and we always save the bacon grease, except lately the cats eat the bacon grease before I can use it. Guess I should really start putting it into a Ball jar with a lid.
Think of a yummy treat you can make when you get home tonight and look forward to that instead.
This ^^
Great minds thinks alike!
I lost probably 25lbs in a week or two by giving birth. Do that - get knocked up - then give birth. BAM 25lbs gone.
Moms be crazy!
I'm with you sister! I have the eat everything days too, but I don't, but I want to , but I don't. As you can see, sometimes it's a vicious circle. Maybe find a yummy little treat that can saisfy the major cheat craving, but not kill everything you've worked for. That usually works for me. Other times, it's just saying NO…
My husband even did this to me - saying "we can't have that becuase of your diet"...UGH...and I would tell him have whatever you want, I can eat whatever I want too, just way smaller amounts of it. As for the other people, either that as uninformed as my husband or just jealous because it's working for you and not them.…
MMM mini rave in my body... Great, now I want a Coke!
Yep. I say thanks and that's it. No I don't flirt with the guy.
38 - add me too :)
38 here - add me (anyone) :)
Me too - except the chocolate farts. Added bonus?
This. My Mom is the same way. She complains about being fat and "wanting" to lose weight, but then she'll scarf down a monster bwol of ice cream. She doesn't want to lose weight, she wants to complain about being fat and get attention. I've stopped trying. It's her choice to make the change. Nothing you can say or do will…
it's LOSE . Loose and Lose are not interchangable - not even the same definition. Ugh. "I've been trying to loose wight for about two years"
That sounds delicious!!
You said tou get the salad from a grocery store, so just go down the dressing aisle, find one you like with low calories and keep it in the fridge at work.
I went shopping this weekend, and not only am I out of the Plus sizes, but I actually bought a size L - not even XL!!
Love this!!
How has no one said chips, salsa, and cheese dip? I used to get the "Party Pack" and eat it all. Ugh. So good. Oh, and a box of girl scout cookies is nothing, those things are laced with something to make you eat the entire box at once.MMMM....samoas.....