simcon1 Member


  • Two more gorgeous runs this week—after work yesterday I did an easy 5 miles, and today I did my first tempo run, which was a 5K. It was so much fun! It was a great break from long slowish (but not as slow as I feel like they should be) miles, and my pace was 9:23, which I was thrilled to be able to maintain (3rd mile was…
  • 4 pages in and I’m feeling late to the party! I think I’m in denial that June is here—it’s likely to be a tough month, so I wanted to hang on to May as long as possible. I have two big (long) work trips, one to Detroit for a week next week, and the other to New Zealand close to the end of the month. I just squeaked in with…
  • @ContraryMaryMary I’m so sorry to have disappeared for a while & am super grateful for all of your excellent advice! I’m glad to hear that the winter is mild, and I am totally fine with wet: I live in Seattle where we have a rep for that anyway, so I’ll be sure to pack appropriately! My dates are 6/23-7/3, and that 6/30…
  • Hmm.. I wonder if I did my own challenge effectively! I ate Brown: coffee, waffles Green: Brussels sprouts & asparagus (my two least favorite vegetables!) White: halibut, milk Orange: Peach Red: roasted red peppers Yellow: butter Darn, I think that’s all I can come up with! I’ve been eating blueberries for days, but didn’t…
  • Had a wet and windy mid-50s 10 mile run today—luckily it didn’t start raining until I was nice and warmed up, so I didn’t mind at all. We had an unexpected guest Thursday night (friend flying through got stuck here for a night), and an expected guest from yesterday through next week, so all is a bit hectic and I missed a…
  • I have apples most days, and breakfast every day—and had a Caesar salad for dinner, so got the green in! Here’s my challenge for tomorrow: 7 different colors of foods...
  • Thanks, @Avidkeo! This is just the kind of info I was looking for! Good to know that June (& August!) are generally too cold for camping.... We sometimes go in late fall here near Seattle, but the weirdness of solo camping in the off season would probably also be as uncomfortable as cold temperatures if it’s anything like…
  • My kids are older now, and can do lots of things with us (10 & 16), but we have used many many strategies over the years. It’s helpful not to be too rigid and to incorporate the kids wherever possible. So we carried them in slings and in carriers on hikes (and everywhere really) from infancy to preschool, made use of gym…
  • Four miles with a few hill repeats today—it’s been fun to add these in! Mostly I feel like I’m trying to keep from running too fast during easy or long runs, so it’s really satisfying to have short bursts of intense effort. I incorporated a few fartleks during my HM training on occasion, but mostly felt like I was pushing…
  • Rest day yesterday, then back to bike commute and more running today—I am trying to get to a 20-25 mpw average, but am still in the midst of this month-long bike challenge. Whew! But my run was nice. This one goes right by the Theo chocolate factory. I haven’t yet decided whether those chocolate aromas during the run are a…
  • I had a couple of rough days eating-wise (lots of biking & running but little self control of any sort!), and have been struggling to eat reasonable amounts of vegetables, but today was a bit better. I had cottage cheese & blueberries for breakfast (and a latte), a frozen frontera grill fajita bowl and big salad for lunch,…
  • So we were really waffling about whether or not to do this bike ride today, but we ended up going for it—it’s just such a gorgeous canyon, and I’m so glad we made it there. Unfortunately it was impossible to get the rest of the family moving at any reasonable time, and the ride was 2 hours away, so we only got to do a…
  • 7 miles after work today—it’s been a nutty week, and the weekend has a work trip to Vancouver at the crack of dawn tomorrow and then a 35-mile bike ride on Sunday (which may be logistically tricky to pull off). In any case, I was so delighted to be able to get the run in tonight! May goal: 70 mi 5/1 2 mi 5/2 2 mi 5/5 13.3…
  • Yes! I had a similar experience as @PastorVincent last summer in Seattle. I believe this crew is called “Rent-a-goat”
  • Yes! I had a similar experience as @PastorVincent last summer in Seattle. I believe this crew is called “Rent-a-goat”
  • I’m glad for this Nuun discussion—I accidentally picked some up 12+ miles into my HM and promptly moved to the side to spit it out (it was poured into the white water cup not the blue Nuun cup, and I wasn’t tolerating surprises well at that moment!) I taste tested some at the post-race party though, and it didn’t seem too…
  • Re: running without headphones.. I’d been training with music for long runs but since headphones were discouraged for my HM I didn’t use them. It was fine, and didn’t make a difference, I don’t think, that I hadn’t trained for long runs without music.
  • I have been a bit MIA in the thread, but keeping busy, and reading with lots of likes! I’m 10 days past my half, but wanted to get a lot of biking in to catch up with my May “Bike Everywhere” team. And then there was the color run with my kids—it was kind of an abysmal start, as we spent over an hour in the starting chute,…
  • You might be surprised about the sweating too—I sweat a ton running, even walking, but haven’t found that my bike helmet makes me more sweaty
  • I had about 3 Fitbits (One, Blaze, Ionic) over many years and loved them, and then one lost my run during my 5K PR (where I was very curious about splits), so I moved on to a Garmin, which tends to be more popular with runners. But for syncing and estimating calorie burn, Fitbit worked for me for a long time. I also think…
  • Thanks so much, @quilteryoyo, everyone is optimistic.. but a tough road nonetheless. Congrats, @ereck44 on the Indy mini! And I hope all goes well with the races this weekend, @shanaber and @samthepanda and all the other racers I missed! We had another gorgeous day here, and I did my normal run that I do from work, along…
  • Two ideas here: one is to change apps to something like Couch to 5K, which has progressive weekly goals to lengthen the time you can run. The other would be to run even more slowly—you can run much more slowly than 11-minute miles, and more running slowly helps your endurance
  • Working through recovery following my HM on Sunday.. I was planning on running yesterday, but I’ve been flaking on my May “Bike Everywhere” work team because of the HM, so I wanted to get in some biking miles too. Our captain, who is one of my favorite people in our larger organization, had a stroke the evening before the…
  • You might consider joining a running group where you can meet other runners who are not your ex. They will meet you as a runner on your own terms.
  • I wore my both of mine (now 10 & 16) in slings/wraps and did tons of walking. It helped with the exercise and with not going stir crazy :)
  • What a great racing weekend—I’ve loved reading all the race reports!! Here’s my dispatch: Getting up at 5 really helped with the 7 am start time—and I had plenty of time for some granola, a banana, and some coffee, and found the right bus to take from my hotel to the start line. The weather was in the 50s to start, and…
  • So many races this weekend!! Good luck to everyone running! Just picked up my swag at the Vancouver Expo and checked into my hotel. I’m off to an early dinner with some local friends in a few minutes. My swag isn’t as impressive as @PastorVincent but at least I really like the color blue! May goal: 70 mi 5/1 2 mi 5/2 2 mi…
  • So many races this weekend!! Good luck to everyone running! Just picked up my swag at the Vancouver Expo and checked into my hotel. I’m off to an early dinner with some local friends in a few minutes. My swag isn’t as impressive as @PastorVincent but at least I really like the color blue! May goal: 70 mi 5/1 2 mi 5/2 2 mi…
  • The main thing that stopped me from feeling like I was about to die when I was a new runner was running much more slowly! Good luck.. if you haven’t tried something like couch to 5K, you might consider it. People seem to find it really helpful!
  • Still doing the little taper for my first half marathon here, and I had planned 3 early morning short runs as part of that. Yesterday I decided that I didn’t want my last pre-race run to feel not great (I’m not a fan of running in the early morning yet), so I switched it to the afternoon and it was much nicer. Now to wait…