

  • I find that as long as you have meat, poultry, noodles, brown rice, potatoes, a variaty of frozen vegies, canned stewed tomatoes,and cream of __________ soup...... There are a ton of difrent combos you can make 1 grilled chiken, rice, saute vegies 2 cubed turky sauted with noodes vegies and cream of cheese soup (when using…
  • Sarah, if you dont mind ne asking... Why did they do a body scan for your stomach? I mean like what symptoms made the dr. Think thats what it could be?
  • Thanks aegira.... I appreciate it
  • I have close family members who have had it done, and got to see how different it was for each of them and though you know i could do that..... I know its a lot of work and will power but i could do it...... Now... After 32 lbs lost on my own im starting to think i can do it without surgery.... Im ztill jumping hoops....…
  • Wow i just looked at you profile and your not to far from me! Thats kinda cool... Im new here too and have gotten so much encouragement from just the last few days..... Its a great place to be!
  • Lol ill admit i was just curios what guys would talk about
  • I would imagin that if u put a regular scale on the carpet it wouldnt be right... So a wii fit i would think..... Even tho its made for stuff like that if..... That it could be a little off
  • Eat something helthy before you leave that way you wont be too tempted to over portion. Drink lots of water and keep talking.. Lol i know that im a talker and its hard to eaat when your talking. I try to busy myself too untill its cleaned up and put away... If there are kidos i like to give the parents abreak and busy…
  • I have a client with autism who in an a phase where he is trying to be as loud as he can in order to get what he wants... His parents have chosen to ignore the behavior completly (no eye contact or any other contact) untill he is showing appropriate behavior. Im told that they had some of the same issues with concerned…
  • First of all........... YOU ARE A GREAT MOM!!! . I have no special degree or collage for that matter, but ive been working with children who are all over the autism spectrum for 4 years now. From Assburgers to huge behavioral managment issues to non verbal autistic children. Now i know this is not the disability that has…
  • I think im going to come on here more often.. There really is alot of good stuff here. Thanks Anna and everyone for the support. It really helps:smile:
  • My nutritionalist told me when i first went to here that losing weight was like trying to learn how to play the piano.. Its not easy. Its not going to just come to you. It will be hard. And you will have to practice EVERY DAY. But if you really want to learn how to do it, you will take the time to learn.... I try to remind…
  • I lost the first 25 in about 3 weeks cause i was sick with toncilitis and was only taking in about 600 calories a day
  • Losing 100lbs is my goal for now but to be down to a health size i need to lose about 175 from my start point... (145 From now)if i can steadily lose that hundred before all the hoops are jumped then i would reconsider..... Ive tried several diets and exercise programs and pills and i always find that once i hit the 40ish…
  • Ok so i read on a website about some of the rules u have to fallow when having the gastric bypass surgery. So it said that your body digests liquid faster then solid food and that you will feel hungry sooner when you are drinking... If you drink lots of liquid between meals you will be less hungry, then 30minutes before…
  • I love this recipe.... Gotta try it... Ok so im new at the fitness pall and i keep seeing everyone say bump? Is there some way to save this recipe?
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