1111ace Member


  • Will check it out thank you
    in Day1 Comment by 1111ace November 2017
  • Haha that's funny. I meant a wheatgrass shot, I run it through a juicer. It's shouldn't be that hard to learn health and nutrition, there's too many marketing gimmicks out there and not enough free resources.
    in Day1 Comment by 1111ace November 2017
  • Lol that's great to hear at least I know what it takes!!! There's always something new to learn though. Being fat and happy can only go so far lol
  • Didn't work lol
  • <b>just testing out my html skills </b>
  • If your body feels like it's not getting enough nutrition it will hold on to fat and won't let go until it feels like there is more than enough nutrition there. Hope this helps also any toxins will prevent weight loss as well.
  • Good job for getting started 18 pounds is a lot of body mass keep it up. Feel free to add me as a friend for motivational support
    in Hello Comment by 1111ace April 2016
  • Good job for getting started. Life changing circumstances are one of the most common reasons people put weight back on. Feel free to add me if you want some motivational support :smile:
  • Thank you. "Rome definitely wasn't built in a day", at least the health benefits are instant, though they are often the underlying situation we can't feel or see.
  • Lol that's awesome. I have a good one too for exercise. "If you want to be comfortable then stay home". When I get it right again I'm definitely getting more after pictures to motivate me later on. Its definitely easy to focus on the now and not so much the later. I think the effort it takes to plan has a lot to do with…
  • Thank you. What foods do you eat that are easy options to replace bad ones? I know that keeping a nutrition journal helps a ton. I lost a lot of weight last year thanks to it. This site is a great resource for that. I had no idea till yesterday.
  • I definitely know how that is, this site seems to be a valuable resource for that reason. I recently did a strict 30 day paleo style diet (whole 30) and when I went to my dads they tried feeding me all sorts of junk, it was tough but since I didn't want to mess up my 30 day commitment it was easier to say no. The only…
  • That's an excellent quote, I'm going to save it thank you :smile:
  • Thank you. I'm glad to hear about your success. Junk food definitely isn't as good after going without it. I'm a sucker for cake though. Wish it wasn't so good. Need to find a good substitute for that for sure. I'll try to substitute more that's a great idea thank you :smile:
  • Thanks for your feedback friend :) I agree with you, I quit smoking 7 years ago and it seems like after 3 days I was well on my way. I've also noticed that my nutrition seems to really affect me 2 or 3 days after. Different subject but similar idea. Anyways scheduling out for 3 days doesn't seem that bad. I'll try it thank…
  • Thanks for your nice post, life does seem to be an endless roller coaster. I wish I would have taken more after photos before I gained weight back, next time. Staying consistent for your family is definitely better reason than any. There's definitely a lot of good gems on this site. I'm glad I found it, thanks again and…
  • Thanks for your nice feedback, I know how it is to be motivated enough. Last year I got into great shape lost about 50 pounds then gained 20 back over the following year. Motivation is key, I definitely need to get better at being able to remember why I am, so I don't forget when life hits me fast.
  • Definitely I can help, anyone can feel free to add me for accountability support.
  • I'm still trying to master breakfast too, some greek yogurt does sound good, plain with some berries? better late than never:smile:
  • Nice thank you Bridgie...I've definitely been thinking about making a set schedule for my meals. That's a great way to stay consistent and the less thinking I have to do the better, especially when bad choices are involved.
  • Thanks for your nice feedback, I like to cook eggs ahead of time so there ready too. Sometimes I even peel and slice them too. I just have to stay consistent with good habits like that. I wonder how it would work making my whole breakfast the night before, definitely food for thought thank you.
  • [/quote]+1 for doing what seems right for you. I believe in breakfast. I know (from experience) I eat smarter all day if I eat a good breakfast. [/quote] Thank you, should eat smarter for sure, a lot better than just an emergency donut on my break, geez.
  • Bridgie101 thanks for your nice feedback, I'm glad you feel the same way I do, and know how important breakfast is. I'll try your idea :smile:
  • Thanks for the feedback that's definitely a great option, its better than nothing. Though I would avoid drinking my calories if possible. Because raw foods are harder for your body to break down, and stay with you longer.
  • Thanks for the welcome. If your body is digesting food it is metabolizing it, hence metabolism, and in turn is burning calories, without anything to digest there is not as many calories being burned. If you are constantly metabolizing food, your body should stay that way and burn stored calories (fat cells) as well, since…
  • Got to have time to get those calories in, and if I don't, later on my choices aren't as good either, since my energy levels would also be lacking.
  • Braandi making food ahead of time definitely helps. Breakfast wise I could utilize that more. What do you usually cook?
  • Got to make sure your eating enough or your body could retain weight. you might just need to adjust your goals settings.
  • I want to eat breakfast to speed up my metabolism early, and also if my food is digesting while I'm active, my net calories will be less. Will also help me ensure I'm eating enough instead of just a meal or two. I tend to drink to much coffee as well...someday soon I won't rely on caffeine as much, that's a different…