LeelaLosing Member


  • Awwww, my little girl is Chloé! lol.....i just adore her and think she is the perfect dog too (as do others, it's not just her mom talking!), my girl can be 'snappy' and 'growly' with dog she doesn't like but never a real fight.....sometimes it's jealousy and asserting her place over foster dogs I bring home. Other times…
  • thank you for rescuing your dogs! esp your beagle (i do beagle rescue!).....i agree with the other comments, it happens if they did not get so aggressive as to hurt each other, it was like humans yelling I'd guess as to animal behavior equivalent.....and if they stopped on their own, even better.
  • Yes, this! You need to make sure you are eating 1100-1300 a day, seriously. I can't remember your height, if you're above 5'2" then at least 1200-1300
  • Stop eating half your exercise calories back for a few weeks and see what happens.....Some days eat none of them back and then other day eat quarter of them back if you're really hungry you might be off on how many calories you are really burning. Stick with it, it will trend in the right direction keeping up with it. Good…
  • fork for soup and yogurt, spoon for meat and tomatoes....very sporting to chase the food around
  • I didn't know it was current thinking but common sense would have me do the same thing.....unless it's a safety or real health issue I think it's best to teach children early to trust themselves and their desires and intuition. If a child does not want to eat, why force them? It makes no sense and just seems like an adult…
  • I don't see many unhealthy carts where I live but I'm forever fascinated by cart watching, imaging what other people will make and how they are going to prepare their cart ingredients.....and the boring carts make me sad for the culinary unadventuresome
  • I would probably not recommend all the calories that would add up eating it ALL day long.....but whatever Unless I'm going for (authentic) European full-fat, Fage 0%.....tried the TJ's 0% Greek and it just didn't do it for me....and Costco carries the super large Fage so it's a great price.
  • You need to go heavier, you are not locking out at the top of the movement and yes, your hips generally come forward a bit, and you need to drop the bar once it's past your knees and pick it up again with each lift. You are not completing the movement. Try the correct form and then see if your back feels better. Lifting…
  • this is inspiring!!! i can't wait to get the first taste of that again :-)
  • Most of these are the kind of restrictive, fad stuff that sells books and TV shows but does not support people learning for themselves what works for them.... Some are based on science and good while other are opinions and in the end everyone is different. What is a good long-term strategy for some is not for others.
  • Bump....I'm 5' 0.25" and my goal weight is between 125-130. I too have been lower but never with a lot of muscle and I looked thin. This time around with more muscle I think I'd look best between 125-130....but we'll see!
  • it's only muscle soreness. tell yourself that instead of the negative reel you have going now, it's not going to help anything. ice, advil and some rest.....then resume your run for friday but light
  • you're gonna do great, you're ready physically and mentally. if you stick to your pace, you will probably be able to kill it the last two miles....with the race adrenalin on your side :-)
  • I read a novel years ago "My Year of Eating Meat" with the back story of feedlot farming part of the plot and the proliferation of hormones and pesticides turned me off, so I went off meat for several years. I also became more aware of studies such as the yearly "Dirty Dozen" that measures the highest level of pesticide…
  • yes, i remember some of this, but could you elaborate on specifically what you find to be important and efficient and especially those of us with lower back issues, what are the do's and don'ts?
  • did you think of singing back "it's a small world, after all, it's a small world, after all......"
  • i think everyone should have the option of being naked everywhere, except in the grocery store.....
  • this is one of the silliest, funniest posts i've ever seen.....Gone with the Bacon i'm deeming a winner!
  • good call.....having clothes that fit you are a mega confidence-booster. whether you are going up or down the scale i've found :-)
  • sorry to point out the obvious, but really..... WHY in the hell would you go to a forum post with "Romney" in the title if you want to avoid anything political? and then COMPLAIN? and how would you fail to understand the content of the post about animal cruelty, NOT politics? If you stick to reading forum posts that you…
  • my friend and i sprinkled them on top of tilapia fish filets before broiling, added a little crunch, easy way to get some in! they don't work in a regular blender for a protein shake, never feel like using my vitamix for a shake, but sure it would work like others have said...
  • the writing is pretty awful and redundant, but the sex crap never gets boring.....and the fantasy of having a sexy, gorgeous billionaire who gets a 10 in bed.....priceless
  • i go through periods when i'm barely hungry then when i'm super hungry, during those times i up protein even more (1g for almost every lb as close as i can), lots of fiber and fruit. popcorn is my snack of choice when i've starving, fills me up quick like nothing else.
  • i stay all-natural in my beverage consumption.....water, grape/yeast/hops-based drinks and bodily fluids...no artificial anything for me
  • i'm way over 100....oh yes
  • i totally agree, it depends on the person. some people feel they are entitled to do whatever they want and have the best of both worlds, other people learn from hurting others and mature....i also think there are a large contingent of people (i've noticed more meant than woman) who don't have the balls to get out of a…
  • I had primary ovarian failure (basically going into menopause early) at about 34 yrs old, so i had a very bad time psychologically. not having had kids yet and lots of horrible side effects of loss of estrogen (severe depression, sweats, you name it). Regardless of the facts that I had had blood clots in the past, I…
  • High protein (not high fat protein.....beef under 4g fat serving, chicken, turkey, cottage cheese, protein powder, lean pork, beans, tofu) and high fiber (high fiber tortillas, breads, hot cereals, raspberries, blueberries, pineapple, banana, sweet potatoes) will fill up and help weight loss.