Grocery Store Snob??



  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member
    Lol, did that the other day... Glad I'm not alone!
  • vkc1978
    vkc1978 Posts: 63 Member
    My cart is all over the place: organic baby spring mix, chicken breast, Greek yogurt, whole-grain bread, Eggland's Best eggs, cottage cheese, baby carrots, Pop-Tarts, ice cream, Tastykakes, Cap'n Crunch. Some of the treats are mine, some are my husband's and/or teenage son's. I don't much care what people think, but I suppose some might find the mix of items amusing.

    ^^^this. Mine too. We have two sons in the house, 17 and 22 who can and will eat anything. I dont like sweet foods (never did), but they love it and they burn it easily.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Its just as bad as someone ordering a double cheeseburger, large fry and then a DIET COKE!! uGH.....:smile:

    You know...I hate Coke. Like really hate it. I'm a Pepsi girl. If I'm at a restaurant that only has Coke products and I reeeeeaaalllly want a soda, I'll settle for Diet Coke, but never regular. I could be having double cheeseburger and fries or I could be having a salad. For the record, I usually just drink water, but sometimes you just want the taste of a soda with your meal (water+burger=sad) and Coke is just plain awful.

    I just plain hate regular soda. I prefer diet - even with my burger and fries on the odd occasion that I splurge on them.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I do look at what is in other peoples carts, I don't think bad thoughts, I do wonder what people think about my cart when half the stuff I buy isn't healthy....I don't want to starve my kids they are already skin and bones and I have to get things they will eat, chicken nuggets, fries, chips, so its really hard for me to eat healthy in a house full of un-healthy food :/ But I manage!

    This makes no sense. What makes you think your children will starve if you feed them healthy food?

    agreed, buy healthy food, and they'll eventually eat it. even if it is chicken nuggets have then eat veggies/fruit with it. i don't know why people think that kids can pick what crap they want to eat and make their own decisions. if they're hungry enough, they'll eat it

    YES YES YES!!!! Thank goodness for good old fashion common sense. Why if we are choosing healthy for ourselves but not for our kids? I don;t want my kids to be fighting this same fight down the road. I would rather they learn it now!

    Yes, but the thing is, at least in my case, my son is not overweight. He is perfectly healthy. He deserves to live a little, being a kid and all, so if he wants some cookies or chocolate milk, or God forbid - potato chips, he can have them. He prefers junk food, but that wasn't always the case. I cook healthy meals for most of our dinners and he eats them happily, 9 out of 10 times. But, he will choose a bag of chips over a piece of fruit nowadays if I let him, when just a couple of years ago, he did the opposite.

    Kids change a lot. He likes all kinds of healthy foods, so I try to provide them to him - but he is also extremely picky and enjoys junk too. There's nothing wrong with that, because I monitor what he eats and how much of it he gets. I also make sure he gets outside and has active time for exercise, which he loves. He is very active and energetic, so honestly, he can eat pretty much whatever he wants within reason. The problem really isn't what they eat, it's how much of it they eat, and whether or not they are getting enough exercise. Of course I want to make sure he is getting the vitamins and nutrients he needs, so I do my best to ensure that happens, but I wouldn't ever ban him from eating "junk" food like ice cream and cake.

    These things are an enjoyable part of life, an indulgence, and I love good food too. The best thing to do is educate our children to know what moderation is, self-control, and how to be healthy with a balanced diet and exercise. I have done that, so my son is conscious of these things and thus, makes good choices most of the time on his own. Limiting what he eats to only what I deem "healthy" and restricting him from normal foods that most of his friends and other people are allowed to eat is only going to make him feel singled out and deprived, in my opinion. Plus, I think it makes it more likely kids will look at "junk food" as a forbidden pleasure, which will cause them to sneak behind their parents' backs to get candy, sweets, etc. Then, we can't monitor the intake.

    Food isn't the issue. It's lack of education.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Where I really feel like a snob is when on the rare occasion I go to a restaurant and ask for the nutritional information and of course I get the "look". I avoid eating out for just this reason. A girl wants to know what she's eating.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member

    I agree that thinking treats can't fit into a healthy diet is wrong, but that's also not what the OP or most of the replies have said.

    And MY point was that you giggling at people who look at you buying only treats is no different than those who are looking when you don't know their situation either. Maybe they are just thinking "Hmm, those look tasty".

    My take on the thread was that there are an awful lot of people looking at the contents of other people's carts and making judgements. I would guess that my cart gets looked at. Heck, standing in line is boring, what else is there to do? They may just be jealous of my Cocoa Pebbles (as they should be, yum!). But judging me for buying it would be kind of silly - and worthy of a giggle.
  • mistesh
    mistesh Posts: 243 Member
    Being a grocery store snob, you naturally shop at places that cater to your health. I don't see a whole lot of junk in people's carts at say Whole Foods or Trader Joe's, and so you don't really feel like snob because you are surrounded by people like you. Sure, some food is processed, but I don't remember any microwave dinners. The CostCo carts too, from where I'm staring into space and my gaze falls as someone poetically put it, mostly are in that category. It's like going to the movie theater; there is to some extent a correlation between the quality of the films they show and how healthy their concession stands offerings are, e.g. the oil used for their popcorn. You can likely correlate this to the frequency of cell phone offenders as well, lol.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Has this happened to anyone esle? I fear I am becoming a grocery store snob. I look in other people's carts at the checkout and mentally gloat at my healthier choices or I am just totally shocked that the cart half full (maybe 3 bags worth) of junk cost more than my weeks worth of nutiritous food. I try to stop myself because we have all been there but it seems to happen every time.

    Lololol, must be like the feeling when you look at an overweight person's cart of "healthy" foods while you're in shape and have a cart mixed with "healthy" and "unhealthy" foods

    True true.

    Getting judged by fat people who think they are healthy >>>>>
  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    I'm guilty of this! It's just that I've come a very long way in 2.5 years and I know exactly WHY and HOW I got as unhealthy as I did. I've been there, and I just kind of find it hard to just watch others not know how much damage bad food choices can really hurt them.
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    I check out others carts too. When I see someone that is very overweight and all they have is a cart full of junk I just want to put it all back on the shelves and help them shop for better options. I'm convinced if I could just show them how to they can eat healthy on a budget and that it doesn't have to be all rabbit food that they'd change their ways and be healthier and thank me for it.

    You should start a Healthy Shopper business! You might be surprised how many peopel would take you up on it! Been there and still am to a certain degree!! Trying to shop healthy when all you've known is junk can be intimidating!! Having soemone to shop with you ro for you when starting this journey would help many of us get or stay on track. They have Super Nanny! Why not Super Healthy Shopper!!!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I usually just think "what does one even do with that?" We happened to be at a whole foods right after New Years and this guy had a cart full of basically one of every vegetable. I did ask him if he knew how to cook all that or was planning on juicing. Turned out he had also picked up a cookbook :)

    I only go to the nearest grocery store for certain items that aren't available at our normal store. This store is maybe half a step above the typical food desert: it has a small veggie section, mostly just what is common in the local minority culture. After all, that is why it is the only store with some things typical of that cuisine. I looked at tea yesterday and they only had Lipton and the store brand equivalent: not even chamomile, which is more common in the minority culture than actual tea! So when I look at the carts of the elderly and mentally handicapped that stumbled across the street, or the young families whose cars are about to break down, I just feel sad, not judgey.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Has this happened to anyone esle? I fear I am becoming a grocery store snob. I look in other people's carts at the checkout and mentally gloat at my healthier choices or I am just totally shocked that the cart half full (maybe 3 bags worth) of junk cost more than my weeks worth of nutiritous food. I try to stop myself because we have all been there but it seems to happen every time.

    I've never noticed what someone else is buying. Really. I guess I just don't care.
  • Mareebzz
    Mareebzz Posts: 45 Member
    Its just as bad as someone ordering a double cheeseburger, large fry and then a DIET COKE!! uGH.....:smile:

    I've never understood this logic. Not ordering this meal, but why people thik there is something wrong with it. Ordering the diet drink with that meal saved 100-300 calories, depending on the size of the drink. Since when is saving calories a bad thing?

    I *used* to do this (haven't eaten fast food or had a diet coke in about a year now) but back then it was never about 'saving calories' for me. I actually did it because I preferred the taste of diet coke over regular coke. :drinker: :wink:
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    I dont judge others on what they get i am just the type that tries to keep to myself and just grab my stuff and go to the self check out. people usually dont notice me. its great :) lol otherwise if they wanna comment on my cart then yes i would be a snob right back lol but thankfully this hasnt happened yet.
  • toni_myers0915
    toni_myers0915 Posts: 50 Member
    Its just as bad as someone ordering a double cheeseburger, large fry and then a DIET COKE!! uGH.....:smile:

    You know...I hate Coke. Like really hate it. I'm a Pepsi girl. If I'm at a restaurant that only has Coke products and I reeeeeaaalllly want a soda, I'll settle for Diet Coke, but never regular. I could be having double cheeseburger and fries or I could be having a salad. For the record, I usually just drink water, but sometimes you just want the taste of a soda with your meal (water+burger=sad) and Coke is just plain awful.

    ^^ The only soda i drink is DIET!! so ya on the rare occasion i am ordering a cheeseburger and fries heck yah I am ordering it with a DIET DR. PEPPER or maybe in your point of view i should order the regular coke and add and 300+ calories to my meal????
  • LifeOnMars_
    LifeOnMars_ Posts: 720 Member
    Meh, I worry about myself. Who am I to judge what others are eating. I buy junk and healthy stuff.
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    Its just as bad as someone ordering a double cheeseburger, large fry and then a DIET COKE!! uGH.....:smile:

    Well i have ordered that many times and it is actually cuz i think diet coke tastes WAY better then regular coke. plus it does save on calories.
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    Honestly, I used to rarely think about other peoples carts, BUT then one day I was standing in check out and a lady behind me made a loud and rude comment about " how annoying she thinks those" obnoxious people who eat rabbit food to stay skinny ..."
    She went on talk about how she was glad she could enjoy her life and not worry about what people thought about her.
    (She was rather large and DID have the giant cart of Doritos, frozen pizza etc.)
    I DID have fruits and veggies but I also had lean meats, cheese and dairy. Just not a lot of pre-made processed foods.
    It was so obvious I was meant to hear her comments. YES I do notice what people buy and if they LOOK healthy or not BUT I don't do it to gloat so much as just learn from what I see.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I check out others carts too. When I see someone that is very overweight and all they have is a cart full of junk I just want to put it all back on the shelves and help them shop for better options. I'm convinced if I could just show them how to they can eat healthy on a budget and that it doesn't have to be all rabbit food that they'd change their ways and be healthier and thank me for it.

    You should start a Healthy Shopper business! You might be surprised how many peopel would take you up on it! Been there and still am to a certain degree!! Trying to shop healthy when all you've known is junk can be intimidating!! Having soemone to shop with you ro for you when starting this journey would help many of us get or stay on track. They have Super Nanny! Why not Super Healthy Shopper!!!

    I would love to do something like that. My husband says I'm crazy.
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    oh yes!

    at walmart when I went to pay for a portion control plate to help me control my portions and eat healthy the ladies saw the plate in my hand and said someone is sure going to starve tonight? I said umm no I am working on controlling my portions and I began eating 3 meals and 2 snacks I am bye no means starving. I was snubbed for wanting to get a healthy lifestyle
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    Funny thing is, at 266 lbs. when I started MFP, my grocery cart still has not changed much since then. I always shop on the outer isles of the store. Meats, whole grain breads, fruits and veggies, and dairy. I go into the isles for very few items like condiments and such.

    You can get fat eating anything. You can also lose weight eating anything. Being aware of your daily/weekly caloric intake is what matters.

    I wonder sometimes what cart watchers think when they see a very obese chick with a cart full of simple, staple foods. I'd be curious to know how I would be judged. Do they automatically assume I'm on a diet? Because I've shopped this way for years. Do they think I must eat out all the time? Because I might only go out to eat ONCE every 2-3 weeks. (I prefer cooking for myself.)

    Personally, I've never cared about what other people are buying. I hate grocery shopping so much, I just want to get in and get out as fast as possible. If I want to browse, I go to the Farmer's Market.
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    I notice but I try real hard to not pass any judgement on any one for their grocery choices. It's their business not mine. And we have all at one time or another bought something we were embarassed of like condoms.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I really don't have time to look at other people's carts and think about what they are buying. I'm busy with you know, not spending my day off without my daughter in the grocery store pondering the dietary choices of strangers.

    I buy junk and healthy foods because I've come to the realization that the "journey" I started 9 years ago is actually a lifelong process and that process is A LOT easier if I don't sweat the small stuff.
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    I don't see many unhealthy carts where I live but I'm forever fascinated by cart watching, imaging what other people will make and how they are going to prepare their cart ingredients.....and the boring carts make me sad for the culinary unadventuresome
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Sometimes I do get jealous, like if they have a nice cake from the bakery or salmon. We are ultra frugal, otherwise I would have smoked salmon on my salad several times a week!
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    I really don't have time to look at other people's carts and think about what they are buying. I'm busy with you know, not spending my day off without my daughter in the grocery store pondering the dietary choices of strangers.

    I buy junk and healthy foods because I've come to the realization that the "journey" I started 9 years ago is actually a lifelong process and that process is A LOT easier if I don't sweat the small stuff.

    yes i really like ur comment. :)

    so true!!!!
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    I would love to do something like that. My husband says I'm crazy.

    I know I would take you up on it. I've been seriously considering a raw and living food (gluten free) diet for awhile. I used to LOVE being vegan. Not for any hippie, political, animal-rights, or religious reason. I just simply felt better and had more energy. Since it's been so long, I'm doing a lot of research and remembering how I used to meticulously track my macro and micro nutrients to ensure I didn't have a deficiency in anything. I forgot how much work that was....LOL! But I also remember it being very expensive!
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    mostly i just have to explain what ginger, daikon radishes, and bok choi are to the checkers.

    i hope that no one looks in my basket and decides to comment on it, because

    1. what i eat is not necessarily the reason i am so thin. it really doesn't matter what i eat. i'm going to be skinny regardless. i hate having to admit this.

    2. it's easy for me to stick to fruits, veggies, lean meats, nuts and seeds. i like these things. i prefer to eat them. it is not an effort for me to eat broccoli and spinach like it is for some folks. i kinda hate having to admit this too.

    i hope i can be an inspiration for someone who spies my basket. i hope no one looks and thinks "It must be so easy for her..." (because it IS easy, and ppl don't like hearing that)