Grocery Store Snob??



  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Im crap....I see goodies in other people's cart and then go and get exactly what they got.....
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    I try not to be judgmental but can't help it sometimes. I work in. Grocery store as a cake decorator. I love my job but I hate that I contribute to most people's addictions. My job is to make beautiful desserts people can't resist and I am very good at it :wink: I have some customers who weigh 300+ and they visit me weekly to buy full cakes. :cry: I wish I could tell them no. But it's how I make a living.

    You have a lovely job that you enjoy. You are NOT responsible for people's addictions, THEY are. Do not feel guilty!
  • Astacia74
    Astacia74 Posts: 166 Member
    Really, what teasing you about the lettuce and turkey burger???? I would have a hard time not returning the favor and asking about their cheesy poofs, oreos and the ever balancing option of gluton free Chex cereal (yes I saw this in the same cart)

    Hey, that may have been my cart - my hubby does not have issues with gluten so, he gets oreos and other gluten-ey things while I have my GF Chex, GF granola, etc...
  • darkheart
    darkheart Posts: 104 Member
    I've had the lady ringing me up comment on how she noticed I always seem to buy healthy items, but nothing insulting. As a matter of fact, she told me about a natural/holistic/organic food store up the road from where I work that I had no idea existed! I've had other people "checking out" my grocery items on the belt (followed by an up and down glance at me) but again no comments.

    I don't necessarily feel like a "snob", but sometimes when I feel like I've picked out something that I didn't need (too expensive, trying a new item out that I may or may not like), I feel better about my choices when I look at what some of the other people in line with me have bought.
  • andyisandy
    andyisandy Posts: 433 Member
    nope, I could care less about what people have. I know when I used to shop unhealthy I sure as hell didn't want anyone judging me, I am not going to do that to others.
  • CupcakesAndRazorblades
    Nope, I don't care what other people eat. I have too many things going on in my life and you never know why or for whom they are buying what they are buying.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    I would look into your cart full of veggies and lean cuisines and then into my cart full of Potato chips, Beef Jerky, Ice Cream etc. then laugh on the inside and feel really sorry for you.

    Absolutely. I'm still fat, and I'm sure that my cart gets judged at times (we are all 4 very active, and include 2 older teen age boys). The difference is that now when it happens it cracks me up instead of making me self-conscious.

    It probably especially happens during the growing season (half the year here), when there are practically no fruits & veg in my cart because we are gorging on fresh stuff from the garden, CSA boxes, & the farmers market.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I try not to be judgmental but can't help it sometimes. I work in. Grocery store as a cake decorator. I love my job but I hate that I contribute to most people's addictions. My job is to make beautiful desserts people can't resist and I am very good at it :wink: I have some customers who weigh 300+ and they visit me weekly to buy full cakes. :cry: I wish I could tell them no. But it's how I make a living.

    You have a lovely job that you enjoy. You are NOT responsible for people's addictions, THEY are. Do not feel guilty!

    Agree!! I love a uniquely decorated cake. And if those that abuse food didn't buy your lovely cakes, they'd just be in the Little Debbie aisle.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    You have no idea what they have at home!

    When i see a persons cart full of fruits and veggies and meats only i think "well.... have fun when that goes bad in 3 days before you have a chance to prepare all of that. Good try though. ;)
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    This reminds me of a snarky cashier I had one shopping trip.

    It was a BIG trip - my cart was loaded to the top. I happened to be doing a lot of pantry stocking up at the time, as well as my usual produce etc.

    Anyway, I had the usual of cuts from the butcher counter, milk, eggs, low fat dairy products, whole grain breads, lots of fresh fruits and veggies, some oats, spices, noodles, rice, frozen berries and veggies, At the very end of the belt I had placed a package of licorice, a few bags of bulk chocolate covered pretzels/trail mix etc., a carton of vanilla ice cream, and two bags of potato chips.

    When the cashier got the "junk" at the end of the belt - she giggled, and then asked me if I was "stocking up just incase my diet doesn't work out!".

    I asked her very plain and dumbly - "What's a diet?"
  • BeckyAnne4
    BeckyAnne4 Posts: 143 Member
    LOL! As much as I hate to admit it, I absolutely do this! As if *I'm* the one to judge, hah!
  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    I notice but I don't judge as I have a bag of cookies and pop tarts hidden under all my veggies
  • carolynhart01
    carolynhart01 Posts: 73 Member
    You have no idea what they have at home!

    When i see a persons cart full of fruits and veggies and meats only i think "well.... have fun when that goes bad in 3 days before you have a chance to prepare all of that. Good try though. ;)

    I buy perishables every week, for that week, for a family of 5. Both adults work full time so the menu is planned out before the grocery trip. We get through it all before it spoils. And your right I have no idea what they have at home.
  • Lyby
    Lyby Posts: 42
    Because my household is full of a variety of eaters and appetites (from strict vegetarian to junk food junkie), the contents of my cart are frequently oxymoronic and laughable.

    I did notice something the other day that made me step back and think about how we, as a country, grocery shop:
    I live in a small town (5,000 people) and shop in a family-owned grocery store where they still carry my groceries to the car.
    They bought about a dozen new carts last fall --- they are taller, with two shallow racks that don't stick out very far. These carts are the preferred choice for all but those shoppers who are loading up a week's worth of groceries at a time.
    I have become so used to these carts, that I grumble when I have to use the "normal" carts at the regular Walmart next door.

    Imagine my surprise last weekend when I stopped in a Super Walmart in a larger urban area and the cart was HUGE! I swear it was larger than my first apartment after college. I've been known to measure how "done" I am with my grocery shopping by the fullness of my cart --- there is no way a body could actually fill that cart and still have money to pay the mortgage. I made a decision right then and there NOT to shop in that store anymore --- those worshiping dead presidents are enabling and encouraging food addiction and I don't want to add my $ to their till. Does that make me a snob? Probably, and I don't care :)
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Nope. I'm usually way too busy trying to figure out 1) what to make my family for dinner all week 2) how to keep my 10 year old son in check while shopping and 3) how to satisfy everyone while also making food choices that satisfy my own dietary goals. Plus, there's the whole weighing price options while shopping, and if I do happen to peek into someone else's cart, I usually just take in mentally what they have and wonder what is for what and / or analyze what I would or would not use / eat out of it.

    Lots of people, like myself, shop for more than just themselves. I buy strawberries for my husband, but I hate them. I buy skim milk for myself, husband hates it. Twinkies for him and my son, I don't touch them. So yeah, judging someone by their grocery cart is kind of pointless.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    The odd time I go out to the store JUST to stock up for hubby who would prefer to eat kettle cooked chips and Jos Louis in shameful quantities. I feel so stupid bringing 4 items of crap because I usually can't resist picking up something I'm low on... asparagus or raspberries. I need to get over this but knowing that I notice, I am also aware that others do too. I wish I could put stickers on my stuff saying "for my husband with the hollow leg and perfect labs" lol Not fair. lol
  • carolynhart01
    carolynhart01 Posts: 73 Member
    Because my household is full of a variety of eaters and appetites (from strict vegetarian to junk food junkie), the contents of my cart are frequently oxymoronic and laughable.

    I did notice something the other day that made me step back and think about how we, as a country, grocery shop:
    I live in a small town (5,000 people) and shop in a family-owned grocery store where they still carry my groceries to the car.
    They bought about a dozen new carts last fall --- they are taller, with two shallow racks that don't stick out very far. These carts are the preferred choice for all but those shoppers who are loading up a week's worth of groceries at a time.
    I have become so used to these carts, that I grumble when I have to use the "normal" carts at the regular Walmart next door.

    Imagine my surprise last weekend when I stopped in a Super Walmart in a larger urban area and the cart was HUGE! I swear it was larger than my first apartment after college. I've been known to measure how "done" I am with my grocery shopping by the fullness of my cart --- there is no way a body could actually fill that cart and still have money to pay the mortgage. I made a decision right then and there NOT to shop in that store anymore --- those worshiping dead presidents are enabling and encouraging food addiction and I don't want to add my $ to their till. Does that make me a snob? Probably, and I don't care :)

    HA!!! Love it.. And yes, I have noticed those too!
  • iclaudia_g
    iclaudia_g Posts: 148 Member
    I tend not to think about it, because I used to be on the other end and was always self-conscience that people were judging my poor choices of food!!

    I feel this way. I don't always eat like crap and I don't always eat healthy. And how do they even know who you are buying it for? Maybe you are trying to make someone in your life fat on purpose LOL - just kidding.

    Either way ... each to his own. I've seen really thin people eat junk and I've also known thinner people that had higher cholesterol and blood pressure than I have no matter how they ate.

    My blood pressure is always good and my cholesterol is always good on my physicals and I know I eat junk food.
  • carolynhart01
    carolynhart01 Posts: 73 Member
    The odd time I go out to the store JUST to stock up for hubby who would prefer to eat kettle cooked chips and Jos Louis in shameful quantities. I feel so stupid bringing 4 items of crap because I usually can't resist picking up something I'm low on... asparagus or raspberries. I need to get over this but knowing that I notice, I am also aware that others do too. I wish I could put stickers on my stuff saying "for my husband with the hollow leg and perfect labs" lol Not fair. lol

    This cracked me up. Hubby's need grocery stickers!!! Maybe HIS and HERS??
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    You have no idea what they have at home!

    When i see a persons cart full of fruits and veggies and meats only i think "well.... have fun when that goes bad in 3 days before you have a chance to prepare all of that. Good try though. ;)

    I buy perishables every week, for that week, for a family of 5. Both adults work full time so the menu is planned out before the grocery trip. We get through it all before it spoils. And your right I have no idea what they have at home.

    I buy tons of perishables too... I batch cook things like quiche stuffings (ham, onion, spinach, peppers, mushrooms) NO WAY I'm chopping 5 times when I can prepare it all in advance and freeze.