Premature Menopause diagnosed, gutted :(

Ive just been diagnosed with premature menopause, I had a blood test as I have been having night sweats doctor rang me this morning to say I am post menopausal or going through the menopause and he was shocked that I have been getting periods as normal. I feel so upset and just old, I know Im 43 but I just thought I had another 10 years before it would happen. He said I am unlikely to get periods after 6 months or so. I even had PMT this month (but no period).

I have had a bad few months, I was put on contraceptive pill for 2 months in the summer, reacted badly to it (hives, migraine, hair loss, appetite increase, dramatic mood swings) and when I stopped taking it I put on 30lbs within 2 months. (which could have been menopausal). Ive had 3 lots of blood tests and finally this month they tested my hormone levels. Sorry to go on a bit, just I guess in shock.My Mum never had menopause as she had a hysterectomy so hard to know what to think.


  • Oh, Helen! So sorry to hear your news. One of the girls I work with is going through the same. Are they going to look at treatment or do you have to have more tests? You're right that it could explain a few things and knowing there's a cause may make coping easier. Send me a private message if you need some support... X
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    I'm sorry you're feeling down about it. Menopause is a normal, biological process. I haven't gone through it and I don't know what it's like, but it's not a death sentence. I mean that kindly. You have 30, 40, even 50 years ahead of you, and they can be wonderful years filled with health and vitality if you want them to be. While hormonal changes can make it harder to lose weight, it's nothing that you can't conquer by carefully counting your calories and exercising.

    You should have a long talk with your doctor- insist on it, it's his job. Tell him you're feeling down about the diagnosis. Tell him you want to know what to expect and ask him how this will effect your quality of life. Ask him to send you to a dietitian and maybe to a counselor. Discuss the possibility of hormone replacement therapy- they're are pros and cons to hormone replacement, but if you're going to do it, you should do it now and not later. Your estrogen receptors change after menopause and hormone replacement therapy has a different effect the longer you wait post-menopause. If your going to do hormone replacement therapy, you want to do it now.

    Hormone replacement therapy HAS fallen out of favor lately because it's linked to other health issues like breast cancer, but it you go in with eye-wide-open, you might decide the benefits outweigh the risks.

    I'm not exactly saying you should do it- only you can make that choice- I'm just pointing out that it's an option for you.

    But mostly, try not to get too discouraged. It will be okay. Menopause is normal. 43 is a little young, but not outrageous.
  • Dumbell_Diva
    Dumbell_Diva Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks Sarah x Will message you later

    Thanks for your views Labrat, Im not planning to go down the HRT route although am booked in to see the doctor in a couple of weeks time.
  • monet13
    monet13 Posts: 324 Member
    That's really hard :frown: Both physically and emotionally (the hormone rollercoaster) that takes a toll on your body. While it hasn't happened to me yet, I know it's right around the corner, and I feel like I'm rushing to try and lose the weight before it hits. That being said, I agree with LabRat that it is something that can be managed with knowledge - There is a book by Gail Sheehy called Passages that is supposed to be great on the subject. Good luck to you through this tough time - the mfp group is here for you!
  • allie0630
    allie0630 Posts: 139 Member
    It's difficult to hear that but now you know what you're dealing with. Definitely discuss with Dr. but you might also want to research some holistic supplements. Docs don't know a lot about those because they don't learn about it in med. school. I went to a chiropractor who also specialized in holistic, nutritional supplements. It wasn't for menopause but what I took helped tremendously with the symptoms I was having.
    I'm here for support!! I'm not there yet but know it's coming SOON!!
  • lois4468
    lois4468 Posts: 166 Member
    Your lucky, at 40 I was having similiar problems and they put me on the pill, almost died from the blood clot. Luckily I didn't. But a few years later I had a partial hystorectomy but hormones were were still a problem. Night sweats and flashes ever since.. I am now 61 and still have them although lighter now. Make sure they check your thyroid too, it causes major problems and goes undiagnosed way too often. I had that too. Good luck.
  • Dumbell_Diva
    Dumbell_Diva Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks monet13, will have to try that book, thanks for your lovely message

    Thanks alie0630, my chiropractor is very into natural remedies and supplements, might have to give him a call :) Thanks again

    Thank you lois4468. I had my thyroid checked in October as I suddenly gained 30lb in September and October. This latest lot of blood tests was about the 4th lot, finally got to the root of the problem but its emotionally draining as I hadnt expected it. Poor you having a blood clot! Must have been really frightening! I had 2 months on the pill last year and my personality changed beyond belief and I was covered in hives. The doctor said at the time I was probably allergic to oestrogen. Thanks again.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    I didn't mean to make it sound like I was pro-hormone therapy. I think I emphasized that too much. I just wanted to make sure you knew you had options and that you knew that your doctor has the responsibility to guide you through this change in whatever manner you both think is best.

    I wish you the best. Keep your chin up :)
  • jackiebo
    jackiebo Posts: 115 Member
    I can imagine how you might be shocked, being only 43, but I've heard other women say the same thing, that they started early. Menopause isn't a bad thing--it's a normal part of life. There is a huge benefit to not having PMS anymore, and not having to deal with the monthlies. I found that taking soy protein daily helped immensely with hot flashes, but you should ask your doctor what they recommend. If you have a family history of ovarian or breast cancer, just let the PM run its course, go on with your daily life, and continue with your good healthy eating habits.
  • nalliebell
    nalliebell Posts: 61 Member
    Sorry to hear about your bad new but I am 39 and I have been menopausal for the past 5 years. I embrace not having a period with the mess and the cramps but 5 years later I have night sweats like nobody's business.
  • rjtmum
    rjtmum Posts: 2 Member
    Hi hon
    I went through premature menopause at 36 and like you I was gutted. I went down the HRT route and for me that made me feel great. I was told that my FSH levels were that of a post menopausal woman. I would still use some sort of birth control if you don't plan on having anymore kids. I fell pregnant 18 months afte being diagnosed and have a lovely nearly 3 year old addition to our family! I'm now back on the pill which helps with the night sweats and mood swings. Good luck it's not as bad as it seems x
  • cjm109
    cjm109 Posts: 264 Member
    I was done menopause at 42 started it when I was 37, could not go by my mom or sisters either.

    Good luck...hope you're feeling better soon.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    If it makes you feel any better, my sister started menopause at 17 or so and it was a scramble to stop it. Sometimes I wish I could go through it cuz I get tired of having periods lol! Look at the bonuses that come with this right of life.
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    I was diagnosed by blood test just prior to my 40th birthday. Everyone who hasn't gone through it yet thinks it sounds wonderful to not have your period, but when you get there it feels like crap! You feel old, even if you aren't. Your whole body and mood changes and it feels terrible. You no longer have a libido and it is like having PMS 24/7 only now you are a hot sweaty mess too.

    If you are allergic to estrogen then what I am doing will not likely work for you, but if you would like to talk about it, I am here!
  • meltygarden
    meltygarden Posts: 111 Member
    I'm sorry you're so distraught. 43 is a bit young, I understand. Early menopause runs in my family, my mother and grandmother both had it at 30. I am 38 and beginning it myself. I hope you have had the children you wanted to have, at least. If so, then yay, at least no more period hassles, right?

    I am so far not having problems with weight gain (due to hormones, anyway) or hot flashes. Having a lot of trouble sleeping, having a lot of night sweats, and my hair seems to be thinning a bit on my head and redistributing itself onto my chin. :( I'm thinking about getting some Rogaine for my head but am nervous about the risk of increased facial hair growth. I can pluck my chin but my upper lip...that really hurts.

    I hope your transition goes as smoothly as possible, at any rate. Stay strong! You're not old, you can just keep your pretty lacy bits nicer for longer now!
  • applebobbrush
    applebobbrush Posts: 235 Member
    I totally understand the shock and how it makes you feel. I had to have a total hysterectomy 11 years ago (I am 35 now). It was like whammo over night. It is not the end though, these have been some really great years especially not dealing with TOM and planning trips with what to wear, what supplies are needed. You may have some rough patches, but believe me it gets better. Take care of yourself, eat healthy and take vitamins. Look at the positives and not the negatives. I did take estrogen for about 2 years and had to go off for a blood clot. So I have experience with going through this with and without it. If you need any help or just want to vent, feel free to add me as a friend or message me. Hang in there, it does get better.
  • lyn267
    lyn267 Posts: 58 Member
    Sorry to hear its happening so early for you. I went through early memopause at 37. Lots of things to consider. Make sure you discuss bone loss with your doctor. It will be a roller coaster but there are lots of different choices of HRT and natural suppliments that can help. Private message me if you want to chat.
  • mlc3409
    mlc3409 Posts: 45 Member
    Ive just been diagnosed with premature menopause, I had a blood test as I have been having night sweats doctor rang me this morning to say I am post menopausal or going through the menopause and he was shocked that I have been getting periods as normal. I feel so upset and just old, I know Im 43 but I just thought I had another 10 years before it would happen. He said I am unlikely to get periods after 6 months or so. I even had PMT this month (but no period).

    I have had a bad few months, I was put on contraceptive pill for 2 months in the summer, reacted badly to it (hives, migraine, hair loss, appetite increase, dramatic mood swings) and when I stopped taking it I put on 30lbs within 2 months. (which could have been menopausal). Ive had 3 lots of blood tests and finally this month they tested my hormone levels. Sorry to go on a bit, just I guess in shock.My Mum never had menopause as she had a hysterectomy so hard to know what to think.

    Sweetie. You're not old. I know what you are going through. I am also 43 and on Thursday had what they call a RADICAL Hysterectomy. They take everything. Ovaries, tubes, Uterus and cervix. This will send me straight into Menopause since the Ovaries are what control your hormones. It is NOT a sign of getting OLD I look at it as a sign of FREEDOM. Menopause is the time in a woman's life when her work is of being a Baby machine is DONE! It is like retirement ONLY for women. It is a time when you can Focus now on what YOU want to do with your life without the worry of having another child. (even if all you have is one child). Don't look at it as something coming to an end or getting old. I am enjoying the fact that all that worry and responsibility of not getting pregnant is taken off my shoulders. I am SO HAPPY that I will not have to deal with my cycle anymore (you can enjoy that when it stops which I hope is soon for you) Work with your doctor to see the best way for YOU to get through to the other side. Just relax and enjoy the extra youthful time of retirement!!!
  • mcanavan05
    mcanavan05 Posts: 210 Member
    following..for my gf so i can understand and help her more.
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    I had primary ovarian failure (basically going into menopause early) at about 34 yrs old, so i had a very bad time psychologically. not having had kids yet and lots of horrible side effects of loss of estrogen (severe depression, sweats, you name it). Regardless of the facts that I had had blood clots in the past, I insisted on estrogen replacement or I knew I might commit suicide, my depression was that bad. I've had to try a few different types and am not on a birth control pill that works except for occasional heavy breakthrough bleeding. When I hear women complain about their PMS and periods I want to hit them....I still get PMS-y when I have bleeding, but with no likelihood of it being a real period.

    It will take time but just try to to find ways to be okay with it. If you have children already consider yourself very lucky.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I don't have early menopause but go through somewhat similar things. I need to talk to my doctor about getting my uterus removed. All month I get hot/cold sweats, wake up in middle of night drenched and major hormonal issues.
    When I get my TOM, I am useless. It's way beyond heavy and I feel and look like I'm bleeding to death. I also can barely eat, have cramps that remind me of early labor, headaches/migraines, my entire body is stiff and sore, acne, etc. Pretty much every symptom in the book. It also lasts over a week.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I started down that road in my early 40's....night sweats, chills, hot flashes, mood swings, missed or short TOM's... confirmed by blood tests. I am now 48 and still have TOM's, just not "as usual", so don't put much faith in the 6 month time line from the doc. From talking to multiple GYN's over the years the peri menopause process can last up to 15 years (or more). They don't consider you menopausal until you have been without TOM for a full year. Thank goodness I don't have the sweats and hot flashes anymore, and not much of the mood swings. TOM shows up when it feels like it...2 weeks, 2 months... without much warning. I couldn't do HRT, I did try a couple different anti depressants years ago, but they seemed to make the mood swings and sweats worse. The thing that seems to have helped me the most is watching what I eat... lower carb (low "whites"), low fat, low sugar and no soy. I still gained weight, but I seem to be have an easier time of losing it this time around.
  • Dumbell_Diva
    Dumbell_Diva Posts: 175 Member
    Thank you so much to everybody who replied on this thread, or sent messages, really heartwarming to know there are some lovely people on here. Interesting to read peoples stories and viewpoints and to know there are plenty of others in the same boat. Im seeing my doctor in 2 weeks time so will know more about HRT etc then. Still suprised to get the diagnosis but it all adds up with me feeling low, gaining so much weight so quickly and the sweating. My hair started thinning about 3 years ago too and I could never find the reason why, so now Im thinking its something to do with it too. Thanks again everybody x