

  • looking good! looks like you are making good progress even without the scale budging for you! and I bet you feel great too!
  • That is so funny! I LOVE to bake and my neighbors are going to get fat now instead of me since I still bake but then very carefully portion it out and keep just a bit for us and pass the rest around to friends and neighbors! They love to hate me!
  • love love love it! fabulous post! what makes people act that way???
  • I had 6. hubby ate 1 I had my sandwich and now the kids are home from school and eating 1. that leaves 3. I think I will go right now and make two sandwiches and wrap them all up nicely for my husband for his lunch tomorrow and then there will be just the 1 left for him when he gets home tonight as a treat. I couldn't eat…
  • I only count other activities when they are done in place of my workout. For example I spent two days spring cleaning my house last week and was so tired by the ends of the days that I didn't ride the bike and gave myself credit for 90 minutes of housecleaning. I figured I would have done about that much working out and…
  • my favorite all time workout song is "eye of the tiger"
  • Hi!! I am from Seattle and miss the rain and that whole area so so much!! My husband was stationed in Seattle and treated at Madigan for thyroid cancer about 7 years ago. The facilities there are really wonderful and all of our experiences there were great! Just wanted to tell you that the rain is what makes it all so…
  • Hey all! My husband was in the Coast Guard for 8 years and has been in the Border Patrol now for almost 2. We have been married for the past 6 years and <WOW> our twin boys turned 5 today! we also have an almost 3 year old boy and a 5 month old boy. our family is complete now and there will be no more hormones (except my…
  • But what about what MFP enters for you?? Does this go to just being consistent and always using their system to record my exercises?
  • I am curious to hear the answers to this question too. I also noticed that my recumbent bike always has much lower calorie counts than what gets input to MFP!
  • these sound awesome! I live in a crap little town with a crap little store and wonder if you can tell me what is in the dole coleslaw mix so I might attempt to make it myself??
  • I have not experienced this exactly but I have been a little annoyed at myself for always wanting the "comfort foods" I can see how this could turn into anger. I am trying to let myself have things and cook from scratch and make smart choices to stay in my calorie goal. today I had carrot cake but then had just steamed…
  • I was having a REALLY bad day yesterday so I went to the store in full sweet tooth mode. I came home with sugar free jell-o pudding and Sweet N Lo brand white cake mix. I made the cake into the number of muffins for the proper serving size and had the pudding serving instead of frosting. It was actually very good and I was…
  • I made chicken quesadillas with red and green peppers onions chicken and cheese and just entered all the ingredients individually. I think it came out to around 500 or 600 cals and I gorged myself!!