having a hard day!!

typing it out to avoid going back for more... and more... and more....

I brought home fresh bolillos from the local bakery (white bread rolls) as they are my husband's favorite and I let myself have one. I made a turkey sandwich and even allowed myself some mayo. logged it all into my day and will still be doing fine for my cals. BUT I WANT ANOTHER! I feel like I could eat 3 or 4 more! I really have not been depriving myself at all since I started MFP. I don't go hungry I just make better choices and try to cut out some snacks and seconds. But today, for some reason, I just feel this almost insatiable need to eat and eat and eat!! I wonder if it could have to do with the birthday cake and ice cream I had last night for my sons' birthdays? I hadn't had much in the way of sweets around the house and I left room in my calories yesterday to enjoy the birthday foods without remorse but I wonder if opening the window to those empty calories is why I am feeling so empty today?? any ideas?? I will not go make another sandwich. I will not go open the bag of rolls and smell them. I will not wander through the kitchen and look at them forlornly... I WILL be strong. I WILL drink lots of fluids to stay full. I WILL ride the exercise bike for awhile. I WILL get through another day!


  • EvilMomma
    EvilMomma Posts: 70 Member
    Stay strong! Yes, the cravings are almost certainly related to the sweets from yesterday. I find that when I let myself go (had sushi with the rice and other yummies on Friday) that I am in for a crave-fest the next day. If I don't give in it usually goes away in 24 hours. I follow in the footsteps of friends in AA--one day at a time; when that fails, I go one meal at a time (I have 6 meals a day planned). I can usually put off the cravings for a few hours and each time I do I feel stronger to deal with the next set. If you must eat something, a small piece of cheese and a little protien (roll a bit of cheese up in a piece of lunch meat for example). The fat in the cheese helps with the craving. Good Luck!!
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    You bought too many. Buy 1 for you and just enough for rest of family. We have a drawer full of chocolate chips that I can't allow myself to open, but knowing they are there makes me unhappy sometime. If they weren't there -- no problem. I'm going to toss them. You should toss the rolls too. I have a problem with letting food go bad and throwing out edible food, but it is better for me to do so. Throwing it out helps me make better buying decisions too.

    Now, take 2 of those rolls outside and throw them as far as you can. You are strong! Do It Now! SAVE YOURSELF!!
  • rowennahathaway
    I had 6. hubby ate 1 I had my sandwich and now the kids are home from school and eating 1. that leaves 3. I think I will go right now and make two sandwiches and wrap them all up nicely for my husband for his lunch tomorrow and then there will be just the 1 left for him when he gets home tonight as a treat. I couldn't eat the last one since they are for him! I think I am already better for having vented it out. it can just be very hard sometimes to change a lifetime of bad habits and overindulgence. I actually keep small chocolates on hand at all times since I will not deprive myself or this lifestyle change will not work. I would rather have one small candy when I have a craving then end up at the store buying a whole chocolate cake or a king size candy bar! (been there done that gained the poundage!!)
  • TenaciousTAZ
    TenaciousTAZ Posts: 135 Member
    Processed foods are very addictive in nature and should be considered a drug. Proteins and fats will make you feel fuller than bread. Just stay the course and be strong! Best to take some of the leftover bread to a friend. When I bake brownies...I take the pan to my work..with one square missing which is for me.
  • rowennahathaway
    Processed foods are very addictive in nature and should be considered a drug. Proteins and fats will make you feel fuller than bread. Just stay the course and be strong! Best to take some of the leftover bread to a friend. When I bake brownies...I take the pan to my work..with one square missing which is for me.
    That is so funny! I LOVE to bake and my neighbors are going to get fat now instead of me since I still bake but then very carefully portion it out and keep just a bit for us and pass the rest around to friends and neighbors! They love to hate me!