wgrape Member


  • When I was preparing for each of my tattoos, I always thought about that. I aimed for places that don't tend to change as much..ankle, top of foot, shoulders and middle of my back. They still look perfect now that I have lost weight, and are more fun to show off! Good luck and enjoy! :drinker:
    in Tattoos Comment by wgrape July 2012
  • Special Education teacher...and mom of 2!
  • I only wash with shampoo every other day, but I wet my hair down every day and after each workout. This way, some of the sweat is washed away, but without stripping out the natural oils in my hair. Good luck!
  • You are assuming that he would share!! LOL :noway:
  • Well, the consensus in my house? Mom will be one of the first zombies, so it will be a moot point for me! *moanmoanchompmoan* Hubby? beef jerky 14 yo? Slim Jim 9 yo? Pretzels (we are still working on this one) I will already be dead, dying or chasing them out of the house. Good luck! :drinker:
  • It is absolutely wonderful to see this thread! I respond wearing different hats... I am the big sister to a fabulous woman with developmental delays, cp, and a seizure disorder. My father uses a wheelchair due to a broken back years before I was born. I am a special education teacher who works with children with multiple,…
  • 1. Best: Buying new clothes 2 Worst: Buying new clothes. My hubby told me last night (as I was complaining that my pants were too big again), that I have become VERY expensive! :drinker:
  • Finally figure it out! Although someone else did before me :grumble: Thanks for your patience!
  • I did put the tags around it, but they disappear when I post...hang in there! Still looking :grumble:
  • I like to plan for my late night snack as well. I noticed that I have complete control over my breakfast and lunch (no family to feed during work and they do their own breakfast), but dinner and "snack time" was harder for me to control. I eat a small but good breakfast and lunch, then enjoy a bigger dinner or small dinner…
  • I just completed Day 9/Level 1, and burned 251. That has gone down everyday since I started. Looks like it is time to move up to level 2 for me! The most I burned doing level 1 is 289. Truly depends on your current fitness level, weight, etc. Good luck and enjoy!:tongue:
  • Try slowly decreasing the amount of creamer and sweetener that you put in your coffee. I LOVE my coffee and refused to give it up. I use plain powdered creamer and REAL sugar :love: I slowly picked cream or sugar to decrease and drank coffee for about a week that way. Soon I didn't miss it! I did it again to whatever I…
  • Grilled chicken, veggies and a "light drink" ( I always go with unsweetened iced tea, but some drink diet soda). These are usually the lowest. Chili is usually a great idea as it is typically low in most everything but sodium. Good luck and try to enjoy yourself a little!
  • Tattoos are addicting! I love mine :) Too hard to describe, but 3 across my upper back/shoulder, my kids names around ankle and stars on my foot! I love them and want more...just haven't decided what I will get yet!
    in Tattoos! Comment by wgrape November 2011
  • Lots of people get sick after and it is usually flu-like symptoms. Give it a few days and see if you feel better, if not call the doc! Get better soon...
    in Flu jab? Comment by wgrape November 2011
  • I am going to~ gonna use my phone program to track the walking and base my stats on that!
  • I guess it couldn't hurt to add it to my repertoire, but I don't think I will rely on just this theory! Thanks for sharing.
  • Someone mentioned to me the other day that they drop a jolly rancher into a cup of water for a little flavor and few calories. I haven't tried it since I enjoy drinking water, but it might be worth looking into!
    in WATER Comment by wgrape October 2011
  • Yep! And massive lower back pain...right now. Had to give up all impact exercise for the time being and cannot wait to get back into my walks. Hang in there...don't push it. Not walking for the rest of your life or living with daily pain is not worth it!
  • I am thinking that you are burning more during a normal day that you thought you were! I had this issue after returning to work from the summer months (I am a teacher). The first week back was awful until I realized I needed to eat more. Try aiming for the 1400 calorie mark and see if that makes a difference...I am willing…
  • You will get there! I started at 220, and finally made it into the 160s. I am aiming for 145 as my target. I am also 5'6" with a medium frame.
    in 5"6 GW? Comment by wgrape October 2011
  • ***1. One change at a time (either increase water or decrease cals or change out some fatty foods with healthy, etc)*** I find this to be the most important!! 2. Start an exercise regime that works for your schedule and that you can easily keep up (3x/week walking at a local park) 3. Log everything! The first month is the…
  • OMG hilarious!! Thanks for sharing!
  • Minecraft is awesome! I especially love the new 1.8 release with creative mode! :D
  • For me, this journey was all about 1 step at a time. 1. Ate less of same stuff 2. Changed food up a bit, and watched my calories closely...bam! 30 lbs lost 3. I noticed that I didn't like my body still, so I started walking. My challenge for myself was increase my speed during the same length of time (i.e., walk for 60 min…
  • I don't currently take fish oil, although I have been considering adding it to my repertoire. Here is one link I found good information on, and it mentions that fish oil DOES benefit weight loss! http://www.fishoilblog.com/omega-3/fish-oil-for-weight-loss
  • Record as best as you can. Add a note if it makes you feel better that it was a special occasion!
  • Do an internet search for "sitting exercises" and see what you can find. I work with children with disabilities, and have a father in a wheelchair. I know that he works out at the gym lifting weights and wheeling around the track. Swimming is also a low-impact work out that you can focus on using your arms. I am sure there…
  • I like reduced fat wheat thins or multigrain chips (by Food Should Taste Good) with salsa. Crunchy, salty and carby BUT healthy in all respects!
  • I tend to eat something healthy with protein in it (low-fat cheese sticks, nuts, peanut butter). I have also found that I can make a Yoplait Smoothie with non-fat yogurt blend ice cream for a tasty treat after a workout day. Eating the whole package with 1/2 cup ice cream yields just over 300 calories, gives me some…