Looking for top 5 tips from all of you successful people...



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    1) Don't over complicate things

    2) Eat foods you like (including "unclean/junk" foods)

    3) Consistently stay in a caloric deficit

    4) Don't sweat going over maintenance every now and then

    5) Lift heavy
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    1) Eat

    2) Back

    3) Your

    4) Exercise

    5) Calories
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    2. EXERCISE! it took me 3 months to actually form a habit out of it. It's hard at first. but the more you sit there and wait to exercise, the more time you have to psych yourself out of ACTUALLY getting it done. COMMIT TO IT and DO IT!!! you WILL see results
    4. PORTION CONTROL. it's okay to have a slice of pizza, as long as you stay with in your calorie range and exercise ( i have a double scoop of ice cream which is 250 cals, or a chocolate bar which is 210 cals, EVERY NIGHT at MIDNIGHT. but i stay with in my calorie range. and have lost 58 pounds in 6 months and one week)
    5. GET BACK ON THAT ROAD the next day when you mess up....i have had my days where i just splurge! but dont make a week out of it, or even a weekend. JUMP BACK ON THE NEXT DAY.


    **Not to make things complicated, but i dont eat back my Burned calories and have lost almost 60 pounds
  • queennahs
    queennahs Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks heaps for the tip... This will be a big change for me, but I'll give it a shot! :)
  • These are all great! Thanks!!! Keep em' coming!!! A few I like...even if i mess up, try not to go above my maintenance cals so I am not gaining weight, never thought about ti but it is a good one. I will never regret exercising but I will regret not doing it! Completely right! I HAVE to start putting everything in my diary that I put in my mouth, and I do need to limit processed foods, not eliminate but definitely limit. Water, Water, Water!!! Any more?!?!
  • Be super organised. Plan meals and shop well in advance and do not buy junk or anything remotely like it! Therefore either shop online and get food delivered or go and shop when you have already eaten.

    Log everything you eat!! Remember that "good food will be here tomorrow" - you do not have to eat everything today!!

    Remember that nothing you eat will ever taste as good as being slim and healthy! This is your ultimate goal.

    Dont give in to pressure from others to eat stuff you dont want to. Just say, no thanks, I'm having a big dinner later or no thanks, I dont want to undo all the good work I've done so far. that's all you have to say!!

    Dont ever go out hungry! Always have healthy snacks in your bag/purse for emergency purposes and a bottle of water.
  • txmike64
    txmike64 Posts: 57 Member
    I feel like I am stuck in a rut that I can't get out of. I have tried numerous times to eat healthy/exercise more/lose weight and have not been successful yet. I have no excuses...I know why I haven't been successful...it's because I don't do what needs to be done. I skip a few days here and there of working out...I don't stay within my calorie range because I just have to have that second slice of pizza or another chocolate chip cookie. And I know I am not the only one who has been in this position...you have all started somewhere and dug yourself out and have reached your goal or are on your way to reaching it. So what I am looking for is what tips do you have for a fellow MFP who has not been successful yet. Everyone is different so hopefully I find a few that work for me!

    What are your top 5?!

    1. plan ALL meals, calorie count ahead of eating
    2. remove pizza and cookies from view...treat them as rewards for making goals
    3. ensure a good mix of protein and fiber in diet
    4. when you miss calorie range, exercise more to close deficit.
    5. look in the mirror...realize you can be your own worst diet enemy
  • Nancy_hc
    Nancy_hc Posts: 123 Member
    1. Make GOALS - I have an overall goal that I've broken down into monthly goals (my overall goal divided by the number of months i want to achieve it in), as well as weekly goals - divide monthly goals by 4, and even DAILY goals - gotta make sure I'm sticking with my calorie intake/workouts to meet the weekly goal.

    2. PLAN your foods. OR, log them before you eat them. It helps you SEE what you're about to eat and whether or not its worth the calories. My meals are basically the same everyday. I see what meal plan works and just repeat repeat. Once or twice a week I'll try something new so that I can mix it up.

    3. DIET/WORKOUT buddy!! My sisters and I started this site together and I have someone I work out with. Its easier when you're accoutnable to someone. I chose my sisters for my diet bc I knew I could be totally honest with them and not feel judged and they would be honest back.

    4. WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN. You can track foods and workouts on here and also track your progress and how you feel in your diary section. I make daily goals all the time. "Man - that candy bar was NOT worth it... No deserts tomorrow!"

    5. Sugar free gum - I use to only chew peppermint for my breath but now I have discovered all these WONDERFUL flavors! I have a HUGE sweet tooth and this new chewing habbit has helped me kick those cravings. Keep some with you ALWAYS! Hard candies work well too. Something sweet and small as a treat, but be careful, even these can add up.
  • hrobinson416
    hrobinson416 Posts: 207 Member
    Stew, eat back your exercise calories? Really?

    I think I would feel odd doing that.

    Is this about not going below your minimum calorie intake and therefore not slowing your metabolism?

    I've set my activity level to sedentary as I'm an office worker, but I do make sure I get in some high intensity workouts 5 days a week (two days derby training, three days gym, two walking/gardening etc days). So on those days my deficit can be quite high.

    Yes, do the research. Theres lot of info here. Eat back those calories. Too high of a deficit does the opposite of making you lose...........Why you question this after 1000000000 threads on this I dunno..
  • alicebud
    alicebud Posts: 72 Member
    1. Read the labels at the grocery store. There are a lot of healthy options in most products and the nutrition varies a lot, even within the same brand (thinking spaghetti sauces)
    2. Avoid junk food/fast food. And, look up the restaurant menus online BEFORE eating there.
    3. Meal planning at least one night in advance (week is better)
    4. Get Moving!!! Even if it only standing instead of sitting, that is something
    5. Keep healthy snacks available - I love to snack, and having almonds/dried fruit at my desk keeps me from going to the junk machine.

    I've made my goal weight, now I just keep up the good habits and keep the weight off. Good luck to you.:flowerforyou:
  • nothing much new in my top five that others have not covered, but wanted to share as it's a good reminder for myself! and decided i have a top six!

    1. no junk in the house (i even stopped buying butter, as it means i can't cook cakes or biscuits)
    2. take some exercise every day. don't say 'i'm going for a 30 minute run', say 'i'm going for a brisk walk and i may run a block here and there'. that way you you will meet your expectations and probably even exceed them, rather than being disappointed and giving up half way, or saying 'i can't do a 30 min run so i'm not going to bother at all'. and have an apple or a banana before you go, to give yourself energy.
    3. just say no to naughty food. someone once said to me that after they ate the chocolate, they didn't feel any different, so what's the point in having it in the first place? works for me. the only thing that's different is that i've eaten the chocolate. i will just want more in an hour.
    4. plan ahead. think about what your dinner will be during the day, then stop at the shop and buy the things you need. don't get home to no food, then order a pizza.
    5. keep healthy snacks close by. i have little tins of tuna with ryvita crackers in my desk drawer at work. i have that (approx 100 calories) rather than going for a coffee and a cake or a tea and a chocolate bar. and it keeps me full.
    6. treat yourself in moderation, and recognise it for being a treat, not something you do every day. eg: once a week having a meal out and sharing a pudding with your friend and having a glass of wine, after you've done a good hour of exercise in the day.
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    I feel the reasons I have been successful this time around are:
    1) portion control.....you do not need a 2nd helping of anything but you can enjoy a treat once and awhile
    2) exercise....I started out walking for 10min or so. I am up to 30-45 min a day
    3)discipline....you are worth a healthy lifestyle. The longer you are able to avoid cookies,fast food etc the more it will become a part of your daily life
    4) water....you keep hydrated, your feel and look better
    5)MFP....read the success stories. They are so inspiring....everyone is just glowing in the after pics. Picture yourself glowing too!
  • bump
  • 1. It gets better over time
    2. Workout hard, don't waste time in the gym if your exhausted. It will just bring you down. If you need a break, take one!
    3. Be motivated, set up a chart that has your break days, cheat days, and days your really going to go hard at the gym.
    4. The second piece of sweets, or the McDonalds run is NOT worth the extra 500 calories.
    5. The feeling you get after an accomplished victory is priceless! :) Keep at it!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    1) Don't over complicate things

    2) Eat foods you like (including "unclean/junk" foods)

    3) Consistently stay in a caloric deficit

    4) Don't sweat going over maintenance every now and then

    5) Lift heavy

    and I would add, learn how to healthify your favourite recipes :smile:
  • NLG139
    NLG139 Posts: 11
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    1) Don't over complicate things

    2) Eat foods you like (including "unclean/junk" foods)

    3) Consistently stay in a caloric deficit

    4) Don't sweat going over maintenance every now and then

    5) Lift heavy

    and I would add, learn how to healthify your favourite recipes :smile:
    Ditto to all of this - Learning to cook and LOVE food has been my secret weapon :bigsmile:

    Also - work hard, stay committed, but know that we all need to extend ourselves some flexibility when life doesn't afford us the time and tools to be "perfectly healthy"

    Just eat well, stay on track when possible, and enjoy what you're doing or else you won't stick with it!
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I wouldn't say I'm anywhere near done yet, but I have lost 40 lbs and kept them off for a long time...

    1. Strength training! So many women cheat themselves into thinking it's not necessary or that it will make them look bulky. It's absolutely essential, IMO even more so than cardio. It will raise your metabolism (more muscle= more cals burnt throughout the day), prevent you from burning off muscle and getting "skinny fat" and IME creates the most dramatic body changes. I never thought I cared what my shoulders looked like until I saw them looking all strong and curvy, which in turn motivated me to work out more. Even better do circuit training- get your strength and cardio in at the same time and fast.

    2. Prioritize and make time for it. Everybody has 24 hours in their day. You can find time to work out and you can find time to prepare healthy food. Pretend your workout is just plain something you HAVE to do that day. It's up there with showering, dropping kids off at school, showing up at work... and preparing food takes a little planning but ultimately it still takes less total time than driving off to buy food somewhere.

    3. Work out in the morning. I know this isn't what every successful person does, but it's what I need to do to be successful. At the end of the day I can think of 392820 excuses of why I shouldn't work out, I'm tired, somebody invites me to go out with them, etc. Yes it stinks to get up early but then it's over with and done.

    4. Weigh in every day. Again I know this isn't for everyone but it's absolutely essential for me and I think most people.

    5. Be motivated as much as you can by your health rather than your looks. Personally brain cancer and dementia run in my family and I'm super scared of getting those things someday but exercise and healthy eating go a long way to preventing these and many other problems! Truly the closest thing to the fountain of youth!

    And I just have to add one more. Use MFP to the fullest! Track everything, make friends, post on the forums, and join challenges. It's great motivation!
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    1) This is going to be your life..so you gotta make the most of it..no need to torture yourself! Enjoy your food, don't engulf it, like its your last meal!

    2) Plan meals out when you can..ahead of time, the night before, is helpful

    3) Do eat your exercise calories!

    4) Eat your dark greens..need the fiber and roughage for better digestion, keeps the cravings down, helps with your iron level

    5) Drink your water..at the very least 8 glasses that means 64oz....(keep a bottle of water with you so you remember)
  • wgrape
    wgrape Posts: 40 Member
    ***1. One change at a time (either increase water or decrease cals or change out some fatty foods with healthy, etc)*** I find this to be the most important!!

    2. Start an exercise regime that works for your schedule and that you can easily keep up (3x/week walking at a local park)

    3. Log everything! The first month is the "hardest" until you establish your new norms

    4. Take before pics and measurements!

    5. Find ways to make your junk food faves healthier (i.e., low cal/fat ice cream)

    Good luck!
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