

  • Correct my impatience with commas on this post lol. They are separate exercises front squats, sissy squats, lunges. In fact to really isolate the quads hams or glutes in a functional manner I have used the combination of heavy duty resistance bands with weights for these. A tremendous activation.
  • Pardon meant quads not glutes
  • Do sprint intervals instead of long distance runs for starters. Focus on anaerobic power endurance rather than the muscle wasting aerobic endurance. Leg press and leg curls are not the best choices for isolating the quads and hams in a functional manner. Focus on hip thrusts proper back extensions (see bret contreras…
  • It shouldn't be if you carb cycle and or do the zig zag diet approach
  • Losing muscle mass no good strength and explosive resistant training in your program. Your results are to be expected
  • Natural food sources pardon
  • What is your current weight and body fat percentage? Remember the key to total daily energy requirements is your lean body mass and bodyfat percentage not your body weight necessarily.
  • I have to start my own group to educate you gals on real glute training. These routines are not going to sculpt Brazilian type curvy bodies. Resistance way too low and wrong exercises for glute activation and recruitment except for the glute bridge.
  • I disagree most plus size models do not have the curvy Brazilian type of feminine body with thick sculpted glute/hips and good waist to hip ratio.
  • As far as the weight ranges for bmi I have had clients that have had good bloodwork even at 30+ bmi ranges because they became more curvy had thicker frames and bone structures and had brought their bodyfat under 28% in the healthy range and their waistline at 0.5 or less. This means as long as a woman that is a certain…
  • Yes I agree that the guidelines in general for women in the pouch area (lower abs) should be at most 35 in for lowest risk of degenerative diseases especially metabolic disorders.
  • So for women in general heathy bodyfat percentages ranges from 18-28% the waist to height ratio is key and should at least augment the bmi as a decent health risk diagnostic tool. But I generally take the measurement of the thickest part if the waistline for my clients instead of the navel or the narrowest part. The ratio…
  • I am so tired of doctors that have no body modification background and professional skill set relying in the archaic bmi test. The best measure of a woman's true shape is through the amount of lean muscle mass and fat pounds she carries ( bodyfat percentage) her basal metabolic rate (bmr) and the waist to height ratio.
  • Look up Bret contreras youtube glute bridges and hip thrusts
  • You should monitor your basal metabolic rate through a special test find out your body fat % regularly to make sure you are gaining muscle and losing fat from now on
  • What was your starting weight and bodyfat% and your current stats ?
  • So frustrating to see this. It's all about gaining muscle mass and losing fat but necessarily losing a particular amount of weight.
  • Depends how many and where they are if it's a cute mole above the upper lip like Cindy Crawford, then I agree. Otherwise it is ugly to me
  • Emg results are conclusive showing that squats are moderate activators of the glute muscles. They are however very good activators of the thigh muscles though. Of course the glutes are activated to a degree with deep squats and lunges. However a glute specialization routine is not only one of the most physically demanding…
  • Thank you. Honestly I want woman to realize the massive amount of misinformation and conflicting pseudo science training and nutritional methods out there. For instance Julian michaels looks like a man to me, has no curves to speak of, and yet the media tries to shove her body type down our throats as the epitome of female…
  • One should start with body weight and use maximal contraction of the glutes before adding significant resistance. Glutes will adapt rather quickly and more resistance is required example A woman that is 170 lbs Glute bridges 3 sets x 8 (first set warm up using 40 lb barbell set 2 50 lbs set 3 60 lbs ) Donkey kick backs x 8…
  • My three glute exercises would be 3 sets x 8 reps glute bridges or hip thrusters 3 sets x 8 reps cable or ankle weight donkey kicks 3 sets x 8 reps (each leg) glute step ups
  • Squats and lunges though helpful in metabolic hormonal response and sculpting the thighs and hamstring are not the most direct activators of the glute muscles. Only glute bridges or hip thrusts at higher resistance with heavy resistance bands and or weights directly activate the glutes of the three exercises listed on this…
  • Glutes are the strongest muscle group in our bodies and we need sufficient resistance to sculpt them, for the beginner that is at higher body weight (200+ lbs) glute bridges on the floor or hip thrusts off the bench for say 3 sets of 8-10 reps with 10 second isolation hold on the last rep is a demanding routine squeezing…
  • I prefer the off the bench hip thrusts with a barbell for low reps high resistance to build and sculpt glutes. The high rep routine tends to flatten out the *kitten* and hips and shrink them so the waist to hip ratio is not enhanced. For instance a woman that has a 36 in waist and 38 in hip goes down to 30in waist and 32…
  • I don't understand the progression of the squats is it one set or several sets ? Also it needs to have a cycling and not the misnomer of contained upwards progression which has been scientifically proven to be counterproductive
  • You need glute and core specialization work to sculpt at least a 0.8 lower waist to hip ratio now good job on understanding that gaining tone and lean muscle mass is the key
  • You lost 37 pounds what was your starting bodyfat percent and your current stats?
  • Quality of food choices I meant
  • Also it is not just about calories but the quality of your finis choices proper meal combinations for your genetic makeup and good fat burning foods tonic and supplements. I agree with the last post instead of lowering your calories you must increase your body sculpting using Exercises specific for the strongest muscles in…
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