Have you tried GLP1 medications and found it didn't work for you? We'd like to hear about your experiences, what you tried, why it didn't work and how you're doing now. Click here to tell us your story
It is easy and fun. I started with saurkraut, then went on to brining dill pickles, and ended up making ginger ale.
Calculated calories here is based on gender, weight, activity level, and weight change goal. A calorie deficit of 500 per week will drop your weight by one pound per week. You can eat whatever you want and it will be as accurate as the calories you attribute to it. Highest accuracy is achieved by entering the weighing the…
welcome, you'll get a better response on the introduce yourself board
it works for me. I have no breakfasr, an apple and banana around noon then eat health 5-9. I sleep great and just get hungry about 11am, Mentally I had to learn that it is OK to be hungry sometime and drink a lot of zero calorie liquids.
When I eat small amounts, I go from daily regular to third day regular. Fiber keeps me daily. Psylliym being natural is probably better than other forms.
try using some vegetable wash. maybe try organic versions, but wash would be more effective because there are some nasty organic sprays too.
i love my old fashioned https://www.ebay.com/itm/Detecto-437-400-lb-Capacity-Eye-Level-Physician-Beam-Scale/173449316629?epid=1200189533&hash=item2862628915:g:q~AAAOSw64ZdngU3 It is so precise.
I'm hoping to go natural, but it hasn't been working out so I'm back to counting. I think finally stop falling back into old habits and psych faults I will be more successful. Maybe logging must just become my permanent replacement habit for some of the bad ones. Deeply learning about mindful eating and habit change is…
start by walking slow, maybe just 500 extra steps. when that gets easy, go 600. i did that every day for 18 months and now can do 7 miles (14k steps) when i have time. you use calories to improve weight, exercise to improve strength and stamina, and nutrition to control health. the future you will be happy with all three…
i blame mama
I'm down with this thread :) I got myself a kayak for my birthday. Skydiving is still on the bucket list for maybe next birthday. I made plans yesterday with my grown son to hike up Pike's Peak when I get some time off.
make fit a habit instead of a goal and you will always be fit
I started near the top of my scale's range and just breathing would make it float. I got one of those big balance scales you used to find in Dr office off ebay and just love it. So precise and I know if I gained or lost if I have to slide the weights up or down.
free advice: change to healthy behaviors and the extra pounds will fall off. you have these levers under your control...calories control weight, exercise controls strength and endurance, food choice controls health. don't over do it, just do a bit outside your comfort zone and do it every day. platejoy.com really helped me…
I just walk. But I have to count calories to lose weight. Here's what I discovered: use calories to manage weight; use exercise to manage strength and endurance; use food choices to manage health
The goal is less calories but the method is behavior change. Learn about mindfulness (www.mindful.org) and habit reinforcement cycle (https://jamesclear.com/three-steps-habit-change) . When someone offers donuts, I say that I am allergic to donuts, then pause briefly while they think about that, then add "they make me fat".
Another trick is to order a to-go box to come when your meal is delivered. Then before taking a bite, put half into the box. I've got a strong psychological urge to finish everything on my plate (thanks Mom) and this lets me do so with half the calories.
I know what I am going to order before I walk into the front door. Sometimes the nutritional info is only available on the internet anyway and the phone is too hard to read. The social pressure to order quickly when the waitress is waiting or standing in line can be completely avoided and the best food choices are made.
I drink a LOT of diet cola and an equal amount of water. Over a gallon per day combined. It is my only indulgence. Most of it is room temperature. It doesn't make me drunk but highly stimulated and full. There's a local store brand (HEB) I prefer over coca cola zero that is under 20 cent per can. It is a fairly harmless…
Boiled hen eggs last a long time and are good in green salads and soups Chocolate eggs should be left in the sun or inside pocket while you sweat off an equal amount of extra exercise calories
i found it is delicious with cookies, but to lose weight i have to eat real food. keep those total daily calories accurate and on plan and you'll lose weight. there's no tricks or shortcuts. make a long term commitment to losing weight and learning how to maintain a lighter healthier you.
i like oatmeal.
Lots of good ideas above. I have some experiences to add. I've never been to England but I hear the winters are gloomy and that brings a seasonal depression to many. Maintaining weight through the winter holidays counts as a win! As we seek increased happiness we too often neglect the happiness we already have. Look into…
planning REALLY helps me and I don't do well at it. I recommend a free trial from platejoy.com to see if it works as well for you as it does for me. After setting up your profile, it takes about 10 minutes for my wife and I to plan the week of delicious variety well suited to our likes and needs along with shopping list…
one day at a time. don't be disappointed when next week isn't that big of loss. as a somewhat past middle aged man, i wish i'd begun managing calories and exercising regularly sooner. it is one thing to lose a few lbs just to return to past behaviors and gain them back. it is much better to live healthy all the time.
i sleep great after 300 cal of oatmeal
learn here how to accurately measure calories in and calories out then do so every day. choose to modify your eating so you eat fewer calories than you burn. how to modify is up to you. there are a lot of ideas here and none work for everybody. i suggest a different way of expressing your goal. instead of 'want to lose…
As a morbidly obese person, the disadvantages grew with my weight. Until they were enough disadvantages to make me choose to change my habits so my body would become standard size. As time past, I became standard size and as a result I will live healthier and probably longer and definitely enjoy it more. For me, the…
Boneless skinless breast is what my wife wants but they taste like cardboard if cooked as-is. Get a meat tenderizing hammer to flatten them out, get the hang of how much to hammer with trial and error but don't beat them into ground chicken. This helps them soak in whatever dry or wet flavors you're cooking with plus makes…