12bfree Member


  • If I am trying to loose weight, I don’t drink at all for the following reasons: (1) I experience a 3-5 pound swing, and it takes that many days to stabilize, (2) if food is present, the temptation to graze is overwhelming. During “maintenance mode” I add the calories and adjust my meals accordingly.
  • Depending on your goals, you may want to consider skipping the appetizers and adult beverages for a while (if by “drinks” you mean alcohol). I personally experience a three to five pound swing when I introduce alcohol to my diet. It takes at least three days for my body to stabilize and that is only if I maintain my…
  • After you accomplish your mile, finish with some sprints. Run the mile, walk for one minute, run as fast as you can for one minute. Do the walk/run cycle at least three times. Over the course of a couple weeks you will notice an improvement with your endurance.
  • I have a Fitbit Flex but I only use it to document trends. I never "eat back" exercise or daily activity calories
  • Either a Subway 6” Veggie Delight on honey oat bread or Wasabi’s nine-piece sashimi set with salad and ginger dressing.
  • Congratulations! I wish you continued success on your journey.
  • I add a tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder to my post-workout smoothie.
    in Chocolate Comment by 12bfree July 2014
  • Plain oatmeal is my first choice.
  • After you get past all the colorful diet terms and tactics, you're probably eating too much to loose weight. As others have stated, you need to measure, weigh and document everything you eat. Then reduce the amount of calories you eat at weekly intervals until you start loosing weight. Everything else you do may have some…
  • Nothing is going to work for you, regardless of what you choose to eat, unless you determine the correct caloric deficit for your lifestyle. People can argue about it all they want but it is impossible to loose weight if a person is eating more calories than they expend. Another common error is overestimating calories…
  • Flavored chewing gum and a diet soda pop.
    in Sweets Fix Comment by 12bfree June 2014
  • For the longest time I woke up at 4:30 am to be at the gym by 5:00 am. Did my workout, hit the shower, showed up to work at 6:30. It was the only time of day I didn't have any distractions. You may want to consider a similar schedule adjustment if "life" keeps getting in the way of your exercise. At least you care enough…
  • Welcome aboard! I wish you success on your journey.
  • I’ll go out on a limb and say breakfast is completely unnecessary. However, I’m sure endless college studies will keep the debate alive long after I’m gone. Be your own experiment. People can cite all the studies they want. I suspect most are just giving opinions on what they think they know. Regardless, it’s hard to argue…
  • Various treadmills are designed to achieve different inclines. Incline is a standard measurement in relation to a horizontal surface. So, a 10% incline is a 10% incline on any treadmill (or at least it should be). Evidently your treadmill is designed for a maximum incline of 10% while others can achieve higher inclines…
  • I read about it often but I still don’t understand the concept of a cheat day. I can’t imagine the emotional challenge it must create to have self imposed restrictions. One thing I like about a caloric deficit program is that no restrictions are placed on food, only limits on calories. So, I don’t need to fight any…
  • I am currently on a 1500-calorie deficit plan. I use a Fitbit and I also document calories burned from the treadmill. However, I only do it to evaluate trends. I don’t think it is wise to “eat back” exercise calories. The biggest challenge is the accuracy and it’s too easy to “eat back” and exceed daily-allotted calories.…
  • Where there is inspiration, there is hope. Good luck on your journey.
    in Newbie! Comment by 12bfree June 2014
  • Welcome aboard! Good luck on your journey.
  • Invest in a set of resistance bands. You can do all sorts of upper body exercises with them while sitting in a chair, with no strain on your ankle.
  • I use plain yogurt in my dressings and in my tuna salad. Personally, the mayo never had enough of a flavor profile in my recipes to tell the difference.
  • You've come to the right place. I'm sure you will find information and inspiration here to help achieve your goals.
    in Hi, Im new! Comment by 12bfree May 2014
  • I don’t know why people think pickles are zero calories because they definitely are not. According to the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference 100 grams of dill pickle has 11 kcal. So 3000 calories would be somewhere around 60 pounds. Hey wait a minute, you’re the mathematician; do your own homework.
  • On page one the OP named a list of foods the OP considered to be negative caloric food. It was that list to which I was referring. I am not an authority on English but I believe it is acceptable to use the term "negative calorie" as a noun. Regardless, it should be fairly clear that I was not using the term as part of a…
  • If you fail to get the point, diet is not your issue.
  • I weaned myself from most added sugar years ago. The first departure was sweet tea. Then I discovered some really good tasting tea out there. I doubt it would help anyone to hear my thoughts on processed sugar. So I’ll leave it at this; when I consider the calories and nutritional benefit of adding a tablespoon of brown…
  • OP, Negative caloric foods are a weight loss myth. They continually receive plausibility from various diet blogs and gurus. However, no scientific evidence will support it. Myths such as this will always get attention because some people are looking for an easy method to loose weight and just can’t mentally grasp that they…
  • Steam it for 15 min, salt, pepper, and garlic powder.
    in Recipe ideas Comment by 12bfree May 2014
  • Asparagus.