
Hi!!! I'm a 25-year old female. I was never really on the skinny side. I would always weigh between 130-140 lbs, overweight for my 5 ft. 4 in height. During the last year of my pre-med, I gained 20 lbs. I decided to take a 1-year break before going to medicine proper and gained an additional 20 lbs. I am now in my last year of medical school and weighs almost 200 lbs. I look at my pictures and they're not pretty. I wanna lose weight. And I'm really worried because we have a family history of Type II Diabetes and hypertension. Plus, I like this boy, well, a doctor in the hospital. :)


  • 12bfree
    12bfree Posts: 67 Member
    Where there is inspiration, there is hope. Good luck on your journey.
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    You are at the right place! Welcome.