

  • I did Insanity a couple of months ago.....I would suggest pausing that and starting with a not necessarily easier, but lighter for your body workout. I did P90X, the Lean version, first and it helped me so much to get in better shape to then be able to do Insanity. If you really like it though, my best advice is don't…
  • Crackers with peanut butter or tuna Granola bars Protein bars Fruit with yogurt Protein shake Yogurt with almonds
  • Well I should say, I ate 1400-1500, hit a plateau, and then went up to 1600 and kept losing until my goal weight. Since it's holidays and I didn't eat well at all during September and October (but didn't gain anything!), I kept on eating 1600 so it's less than whatever my maintenance is. So I was losing a little bit and…
  • I will assume you are logging and measuring your food correctly, so hopefully that's not the problem. Some things I am thinking might help after going through my own plateau: 1- If you are not starving, reduce 100 calories for a couple of weeks and let's see how it goes. 2- However.....I don't think reducing calories is…
  • +1....I had one person tell me that my face used to be cuter because I had bigger cheeks and now it doesn't....and I am still like 3 pounds away from being "overweight" for my health (although I don't care about those charts so much)
  • People who, after knowing I was able to lose the weight: 1- Get upset because I don't go on an eating binge since "now I'm done" 2- Think that they still need to watch over what I eat and let me know when I'm eating too much because "oh be careful! you'll gain it all back!" me, I KNOW what I'm eating, how is that…
  • Yes, I weigh everything in either ounces (for meats) or grams (for the carbs).
  • Most supportive definitely my husband :) he has been so awesome...he takes care of any errands we need to while I go work out, carpools with me early so I can go to the gym (we have one car), has learned how to weigh food. He's not on any diet, but he doesn't bring anything on the house that would tempt me. If he ever…
  • I know for a fact my body has changed a lot, none of my old clothes fit anymore, I've had to replace all jeans and there are some shirts that don't look right that's a good sign. I am super close to my goal, but I've been fighting this current weight for more than a month now...I just don't know how much more…
  • Chill out :S it was harsh seeing that number, and since I wasn't losing weight at a normal rate, for a second I believed that I really had a low metabolism. After reading more about it here, I realized the number was too low and the test was off...not everyone is born with that knowledge ;) And just as an update...thanks…
  • "Losing weight is not hard/complicated at all" "You might be eating more than you think you are!!! Are you logging and measuring everything???" Right after I clearly specified that yes I do log/measure/weigh everything "Here's everything you need to know: guide to sexypants"
  • Alright I think mostly my doubt is whether someone has gone from relatively low calories to higher ones and be successful. I'm terrified about increasing my calories, but all these other methods make me wonder if 1500 is okay, high or low. I did try a couple of weeks of less than that and I have tried the 1200 calorie…
  • So in reality, I am doing something similar to that in terms of tracking the macro nutrients. I eat 1500 calories, but have exact percentages: 40-45% from protein, 20-25% from fat, 30-35% from carbs. However, these methods give me an estimate of around 1700 calories to eat daily :S and I just wonder...I'm barely losing…
  • I forgot to say, I did add HIIT and exactly twice a week :) so my routine is strength training 2-3x, HIIT 2x, regular cardio (jog/walk) the rest of the days to make a total of 6x a week most weeks. I tried a couple of weeks of adding in one larger meal on Fridays and see if it helps...but usually it just makes me "gain"…
  • bump? I know it's a long post...but pls, I just need some advice or tips
  • Best thing you can do is get up earlier and chip at it before the day gets busy. Usually I'm at the gym by 6-6:30am, get in a good workout and I'm at work by 8am. Also, learn how to be flexible. There are days where I just don't/can't get up that early, so then I plan to work out during lunch or afternoon. For example,…
  • I *completely* understand, it's scary how similar your situation is to mine. I'm also 5'5 and 26, have been between 149-152 for 2 months now and I'm doing exactly the same thing I had been doing, it just *stopped* completely on May. I do think some of us will never be "thin" without starving ourselves and being miserable,…
  • You are definitely in the right to vent, some people are just jerks about this situation. I'm guessing it makes him feel bad in some way that you are eating healthy and looking great while he can't get the determination to stop eating cupcakes, so seeing you eat them will make him feel better at some point. In my work area…
  • This happens to me too XD I know "we shouldn't care about what others think" but that is a process, easier said than done. I have had people come up to me and say "omG you look so much prettier now that you've lost weight" -_- that reality, people should just not make any comments on weight, you never know what…
  • Yes, thankfully I do measure my body fat% every 3 months. Everything goes down 1-3 millimeters so that's good. But overall I just lose like 2% every 3 months, which is okay. But yes, making some progress in that front :)
  • I don't estimate them, I just eat 1450-1500 calories daily. The days where I don't work out I try to keep it at 1400
  • What would be a very high activity level? I never know if I'm moderate or high, so I'm afraid of trying out the TDEE and just gaining weight. Usually I do 2-3x/week of resistance training, 2x/week a group class of cardio and a little bit of weights, and about 3x/week cardio on low intensity, with one rest day.
  • Pretty sure I'm not eating maintenance, they measured my RMR and it's almost 1600 calories - I'm eating 1500 daily. I do know about the diary :( hopefully this gives you more or less an idea of my food. 1500 calories - 20-25% from fat, 30-35% carbs, 40-45% protein. Usually this is what my day would look like: Breakfast -…
  • Patience :( it's taken way more time than I thought it would and it seems like it will never end. I just force myself not to quit on those bad days and hope it gets better.
  • Thank you so much for this just made me go from super frustrated to determined :) Probably a couple of repeats but here's what I've learned: - My body has changed so much more than I think it my mind, "just 15 pounds", but nothing fits me, I can hardly recognize my now-shaped arms, and people are even…
  • For maintaining, how much are you working out? Do you do 5-6 days a week or just take care of your diet and work out 2-3 times a week? How did you modify your diet to lose as much fat as possible, and not as much muscle or other things?
  • So the thing is, this is actually the only time I've lost weight at a steady rate :S any other time I've tried I've never been "this" successful. So that makes me happy...I just haven't found a way of losing it even at a better rate. Moving to less calories wouldn't work :S because of all the workouts, then I start getting…
  • I just feel like I had to "give up" things, not a 100% of the time but I pretty much can't be eating rice every day, even not every week. There are some foods that are just not worth the amount of calories, and that's fine with me; I just thought that all these lifestyle changes would bring more results. Right now, for…
  • Do you eat the same amount every day regardless of activity? Like one day you work out a ton so you eat 1600 let's say, but in a rest day you eat closer to 1400?