Wondering if I should increase cals or work out less

I just had my RMR (resting metabolic rate) tested today and it came out at 1598 calories, which is great :) so now I;m just trying to make sure I have my numbers right for the last 6 pounds!
I have been eating somewhere between 1450-1500 calories daily (since November), where 40-45% come from protein, 30-35% from carbs and 20-25% from fat. The high protein is for not losing the muscle. These are my workouts:
M/W/F: Either StairMaster for 45 minutes in low level (fat-burn zone), or a group class for 45 minutes involving cardio and weights.
T/Th: 50 minutes of weights with personal training, and some afternoons I also do 45 minutes of walking/stairs in fat-burn zone.
Saturdays: Some weights and at least 60 minutes of cardio.

The test puts me in a weight loss zone of 1280-1598 calories. I am wondering whether 1500 is ok to continue. The guy who tested me told me he thinks I could even go up to 1600 because I work out 6x/week, assuming I burn around 300 calories doing that. But since I don't really know how accurate the machines are, I don't know how much calories I actually lose. So I'm going back and forth between increasing to 1600 calories and trying it out, or getting one day less of working out. I've been losing consistently around 2 pounds/month, and I don't know if this would cause me to lose slower or if, on the other end, I'm just going below what I should be and I should increase my intake. He thinks that maybe I am eating fewer than I should and that could cause the slower weight loss that I always see.


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    When I got down to my last 10lbs or so, I upped my cals. Weight loss may be slower, but inches lost and fat reduction were steady. My BMR (through online calculators, never "officialy" been tested) is just over 1400, so I eat much higher than that to properly fuel myself for daily activity and workouts.

    If I were you, I'd definitely eat higher than 1400, and stick with your new goal for at least 4-6 weeks before deciding whether or not it's working. Take measurements and progress pics too, as the scale doesn't always show your progress, especially as you get closer to goal.

    Knowing my BMR and TDEE and eating in between those two numbers has been the best, most sustainable move I've ever made, and I've had steady success with it.
  • TheWeightOfFood
    TheWeightOfFood Posts: 58 Member
    Since exercise has so many health benefits aside from weight loss, maybe increase calories. Add a tablespoon of nut butter to your diet (if you can) or something else that's healthy and enjoyable. Your resting metabolic rate doesn't factor in the walking and such that you do during the day, too. Then again the last few pounds is the hardest, so do what feels right for you without getting into a rut :) Good luck!
  • nespinosa3
    nespinosa3 Posts: 116

    Knowing my BMR and TDEE and eating in between those two numbers has been the best, most sustainable move I've ever made, and I've had steady success with it.

    Do you eat the same amount every day regardless of activity? Like one day you work out a ton so you eat 1600 let's say, but in a rest day you eat closer to 1400?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member

    Knowing my BMR and TDEE and eating in between those two numbers has been the best, most sustainable move I've ever made, and I've had steady success with it.

    Do you eat the same amount every day regardless of activity? Like one day you work out a ton so you eat 1600 let's say, but in a rest day you eat closer to 1400?
    Pretty much the same every day. Some days more, some days a little less, sometimes based on activity, sometimes not! :tongue: It evens out, and I keep an eye on my deficit for the week as well as daily. But knowing my top number helps for the days when I do go over goal due to a party, holiday, or whatever, as long as I stick close to the TDEE number I know I won't gain.

    My diary is open, feel free to have a look if you want.