DavidSTC Member


  • My breakfast almost every day: Fage 0% fat Greek yogurt mixed with raspberries (sometimes blueberries, sometimes both), slices of banana, a little Stevia extract and less than a teaspoon of sugar. Usually, I mix in some of my spent coffee grounds, as well. I sprinkle on less than a serving of my favorite granola as I eat.…
  • Oh my, I literally LOLed on that one. Ha!
  • Kettlebell is great (just don't drop them), but I'd seriously consider learning from an expert in a class before investing in kettlebells and working out at home. I also have access to YouTube through an app on a video game on one TV and a Roku streaming device on another TV. I can search YouTube for all kinds of workout…
  • Great job! You should be proud.
  • What if you didn't do cardio a few times a week and instead just did strength training those days. You can still burn a lot of calories with strength training. Since I've dedicated more time to strength training, I've increased my metabolism quite a bit. And, by skipping the cardio, you'll have more energy to dedicate to…
  • Yes, exactly. It's got to be worth it. The only time I get upset is if I have some crappy treat somewhere that I didn't enjoy that much. ... Planned treats are the way to go. Plan to have the treats you love and try to fit them into your calorie count.
  • I treat myself all the time, and I lost over 50 pounds. Just keep track of your calories.
  • It's easy to gain weight. We all know that. I have this bit of advice: If you know someone who has lost a lot of weight and is looking a lot better, don't say anything about how they looked before they lost weight. A friend of mine was getting really big, really fast, and that always bothers me seeing people close to me…
  • Geez. That had to be motivating.
  • OK, good points. Strike my comments from the record. They're carby, but do have some protein, so I eat them here and there as a snack when I'm on the run.
  • Clif bars. I buy the 240/250 calorie bars, but we've gotten smaller bars for the kids. I love just about all of the flavors, especially the blueberry.
  • That's exactly how I approach cheese now. We should be MFP friends! Oh, wait. We are. :smile:
    in CHEESE? Comment by DavidSTC July 2014
  • What do you do to chart your food and activity? Do you carefully measure your food and beverage intake? How do you measure your calories burned? People are notoriously bad about eyeballing their food portion amounts. And, MFP estimates for calories burned for activities are notoriously high.
  • LOL! Humphrey
  • Double dark chocolate and roman raspberry sorbetto ... together, side by side, taking a bite of one flavor, then a bite of the other. One of my favorite treats in the world, and not too bad on the calorie count ... if you can stick to a serving. :wink:
  • A change in mindset is a must. You have to work daily and think long-term. You can easily ingest calories, so you can easily put on weight. But, to lose weight, it's a process that will take a while. Patience and persistence are two things you will need to work on. Going from bad habits to good habits may take a while. You…
  • They make donut beer. And beer donuts.
  • I also overeat some weekends. I do several things to limit the damage. 1) If I know I'm going to have a big meal or a party with lots of food, I eat less before I get there and figure on a small snack if I'm still hungry later after the meal or party's over. Most of my calories that day comes from the big meal or party.…
  • Thank you, Jamie! You are a great MFP friend. Another thing I can add to my list: When I joined here, I was just gonna do it to get a ballpark amount on how much I'm eating. I wasn't interested in doing a lot, much less making MFP friends. But, I've got a great a group of friends, and am so happy that I went all-in on this…
  • That's a good point. If you want ice cream or chocolate or some other goodie, do it. Just keep your overall calories down for the day by cutting elsewhere. Through time, I've mastered eating just a little sweet here and there, instead of a huge piece of cake or pie or some other sweet. Or, I do have a donut, but stop at…
    in New to MFP Comment by DavidSTC July 2014
  • 1 pound a week is great! Keep up the good work! I've heard from certified nutritionists that losing slowly can predict long-term success. Keep doing what you're doing. Patience and persistence are two of the key ingredients to weight loss, I've found. You will have some bad weeks, and you will need to have the ability to…
  • I see the difference, even if it's slight. You will see more of a difference through time. You should start feeling the difference in your clothes, though. That's the telltale sign.
  • You go about counting ALL of your calories, and that guides you on how much you can eat. It's a process figuring out what your calorie count should be. Some people don't log when they cheat. I do. Here's why: It keeps me honest in the future. I see how much I ate, and when I think about cheating in the future, I remember…
    in New to MFP Comment by DavidSTC July 2014
  • Yeah, if I know I worked out a crazy amount in one day, I allow for more calories. My body tells me I need them, and I allow them. But, TDEE is best for me because I am happiest eating about the same amount each day. If I'm not active at all for some reason, ideally I'd eat lower than my TDEE. I think the main thing is…
  • Awesome message. And, it's true for me now that a workout does more to clear my head and make things better than binging ever would.
  • I would recommend talking to your doctor or another health care professional about what you can do to offset an issue where steroids is causing weight gain (or weight loss, if that were the case). Perhaps certain types of food are causing you to retain more water, and a diet change is in order. Good luck!
  • What he said. I think many people are surprised at how much they need to cut down on calories when they haven't done it before. Weigh your food, measure liquids, and log your calories consistently. Estimate your calories burned in a day. Weigh periodically to check your progress. If within a month you're not seeing…
  • That was epic! So many good lines. "Jesus already gave me two burrito forks. One at the end of each arm. They’re called (censored) HANDS." :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Wow. The fart and stare-down episode was epic. But, the "you don't police my farts" comment, gift donut and attempted hug take this story to new heights. It's an SNL skit, except much funnier. I am definitely going to tell my family about this. From now on, when one slips, I'll remind them how they don't police my farts,…
  • She said she didn't eat the donut.