"All About That Bass" Rant



  • I would really like the song if it didn't have those nasty digs at thin women in it. I am overweight, and have spent most of my adulthood obese/morbidly obese. Even at my biggest, I never needed anyone to put down skinny, fit, non-curvy, or any other shape of women on my behalf. My mother grew up very small and underweight, and was hurt by people making fun of her for being skinny. I especially hate when people use "anorexic" as an insult.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Don’t think her original lyrics are offensive? Show me ONE hypothetical situation in which calling a girl a “stick-figure silicone Barbie-doll” would not be inappropriate, impolite, or a just plain awful thing to say, and I will donate $200 cash to the charity of your choice.

    It's appropriate when you're talking about Valeria Lukyanova ..

    The November Coalition appreciates your donation.

    OP - are you going to post the receipt?
  • in4nomz
    in4nomz Posts: 230
    This is why I listen to classic rock and country music. Both genres don't care what shape you are as long as you have a vagina and don't look like a foot.

    :drinker: :drinker:
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    Personally, I think it is a catchy tune. I seen it on YouTube before I ever heard it on Pandora. At first I thought she might have been bashing on skinny girls but couldn't get the beat out of my head. I have since really listened to the lyrics and disagree with the OP.

    I would agree with some others that Nikki Minaj's new song is awful. She took a song that created a lot of controversy in its day and made it even more controversial if not down right nasty. Then again, anytime I see or hear her I either want to scratch my eyeballs out or stuff my ears full of cotton. I do not understand how that woman ever made it in the music industry.

    Watch the video to Anaconda. Glorious. Glorious!

    I took your advice.

    Very Very Interesting!!!:blushing:
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Welcome to America, where obesity is "genetic", but being gay is a "choice"
    The song basically tells skinny people that they need to eat a sandwich in order to find love.
    The fact is obesity has become a norm. in america, and people are looking for excuses to stay unhealthy, including shaming people for being skinny or in shape.

  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    Wait OP I'm confused are you about the bass or treble ? Lawl jk I guess I understand to some extent (I say some because being a male and what not) I agree that its perfectly fine to be comfortable with your body big, small, ect. I also agree that its not appropriate to put down any body type. However at the end of the day if you listen to that song and say to yourself I should get fatter to become more attractive then there was probably no hope for said individual in the first place.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Alright fools. It's been enlightening, fistpumping, eyerolling, and at times just plain hilarious up in here, but I got to bounce, it's time for work. I shall return later in the evening.Try not to have too much fun while I'm out, will ya? Mkthxbai.
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    Can we get back to the anger about the barbie comment? Cause I have images for that.

    Barbie vs. realistic human proportions:

    what happens if you try to turn yourself into a barbie (many surgeries required):

    Edit: fix second pic sizing issue
  • Jess__I__Can
    Jess__I__Can Posts: 307 Member

    the real issue I had with it was I thought she was black till I saw the vid..disappointed...

    ^ This
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    This thread should be nuked just for getting that moronic song stuck in my head.

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Personally, I think it is a catchy tune. I seen it on YouTube before I ever heard it on Pandora. At first I thought she might have been bashing on skinny girls but couldn't get the beat out of my head. I have since really listened to the lyrics and disagree with the OP.

    I would agree with some others that Nikki Minaj's new song is awful. She took a song that created a lot of controversy in its day and made it even more controversial if not down right nasty. Then again, anytime I see or hear her I either want to scratch my eyeballs out or stuff my ears full of cotton. I do not understand how that woman ever made it in the music industry.

    Watch the video to Anaconda. Glorious. Glorious!

    I will not. You can't make me!!


    I watch all youtube videos on mute, unless they are for the wu tang clan.
  • retropactum
    retropactum Posts: 75 Member
    I'll just leave this right here.....


    Edit: FYI, at different times in my life, I have been skinny and fat.


    Personally, I cannot stand the song. Also, although I am obese, I am not one for the whole fat activism movement either. However, this article hits the nail on the head.

    Body shaming against any body type is unacceptable and I wish it would stop. That being said, however, as this article lays out, your offense to the words of one chubby girl's one-hit wonder, while justified on a personal level, does not change the societal norms nor effect your "privileges" as a thin person; so yes, I feel the parody is grossly less offensive than the Meghan Trainor lyrics.

    As a thin person, you are subject to substantially less rejections to jobs, passed up on dating sites, or ridiculed at beaches simply based on your body type alone by people who believe it is there societal birth right to mock fat people or who have subconsciously been taught that fat is the worst thing a person (women, specifically) can be. Again, while I believe body shaming in general should stop, I am not going to take time to be offended by a song that simply sends a different message to young girls. Girls who may need to hear that those curves that their mama gave them don't change who they are and that someone(s) will find you simply amazing the way you are... all mixed in to a catchy tune and preteen-risqué lyrics because let's face it, it's still bubblegum pop music. When my thirteen year old sister can walk through a grocery store without being bombarded with magazine targeting women to strive for unattainable/unsustainable goals on either side of the spectrum, then I will consider this song be offensive.

    Reverting back to the article, your grievance vs. oppression. Obese people are made to feel like they don't deserve the space they take up in our society on a daily basis, which thin people in our society cannot say the same for. A song that will get a few week's of radio play is merely a retaliation to the fat shaming in our face every day. While it may challenge, it does not change the social norms or the oppression of fat people, which put a thin person ahead.

    I am fat because I choose to be; I haven't had that *ping* movement yet. When everything in our society says 'skinny, skinny, skinny...,' I truly find it funny when people want to get their panties in a twist because someone has challenged that norm. I wouldn't waste my time finding offense to retaliation lyrics, and rather work towards overall body acceptance.

    (Edit to add: Oh yeah, I forgot that the misinformed masses see the word "feminism" and run)
  • DavidSTC
    DavidSTC Posts: 173 Member
    This is why I listen to classic rock and country music. Both genres don't care what shape you are as long as you have a vagina and don't look like a foot.

    Oh my, I literally LOLed on that one. Ha!
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    My thoughts may not be the popular opinion, but here they are: If someone is skinny, cool. If someone is curvy and they are happy with that, cool. Someone writes a song about being skinny, I don't cry about it. Someone writes a song how being curvy is in, I don't care. A song doesn't dictate how I feel about myself...if someone prefers a girl skinnier than me that's their choice, it doesn't bother me. If someone wants a girl that is 500lbs, okay go for it. Basically I don't let a song, a persons opinion, societies view of beauty etc, dictate how I feel. It's actually kind of amusing that a song can make someone so angry. Lol

    I agree. I've been skinny my whole life but I don't find the lyrics insulting. It's just a song. I like it - I don't give it anymore thought than that.
  • retropactum
    retropactum Posts: 75 Member
    Blurred Lines was a hit song about date rape. There's another song out by a lovely gent who brags about putting molly in women's drinks and having his way with them without them remembering.

    But you ladies keep right on being outraged if someone called you fat/thin. The struggle is no doubt real.

    x2. If we're really in the mood to write rants this long about a dumb song, I would think there are better songs to boycott than this little diddy you're so up in arms about, OP. Chill out.

    For real! There are so many bigger problems (or lyrics, for that matter) to be offended by.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    She doesn't once tear down anyone in that song. Are you mishearing lyrics or do you just interpret things in a certain way so you can rant?

    Exactly what I was thinking. I don't get the hate. Whatever... typical forum rant. I clicked in here cuz I like the song, when I hear it my toe taps... until now I didn't even know what the lyrics were, I had to google them. Now I like it more. Everyone is now jumping at the 'fat trending' but realistically, she's probably singing about the size 8 or 10 girls that are still considered 'fat' in this culture. A size 22 is fat, a size 10 isn't. Anyway, this thread is just going to continue to spiral.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Personally, I think it is a catchy tune. I seen it on YouTube before I ever heard it on Pandora. At first I thought she might have been bashing on skinny girls but couldn't get the beat out of my head. I have since really listened to the lyrics and disagree with the OP.

    I would agree with some others that Nikki Minaj's new song is awful. She took a song that created a lot of controversy in its day and made it even more controversial if not down right nasty. Then again, anytime I see or hear her I either want to scratch my eyeballs out or stuff my ears full of cotton. I do not understand how that woman ever made it in the music industry.

    I have a theory.
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    Personally, I think it is a catchy tune. I seen it on YouTube before I ever heard it on Pandora. At first I thought she might have been bashing on skinny girls but couldn't get the beat out of my head. I have since really listened to the lyrics and disagree with the OP.

    I would agree with some others that Nikki Minaj's new song is awful. She took a song that created a lot of controversy in its day and made it even more controversial if not down right nasty. Then again, anytime I see or hear her I either want to scratch my eyeballs out or stuff my ears full of cotton. I do not understand how that woman ever made it in the music industry.

    I have a theory.

    Does it involve how thin she is? *giggles* Cause that would be amusing to me given the context.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    Personally, I think it is a catchy tune. I seen it on YouTube before I ever heard it on Pandora. At first I thought she might have been bashing on skinny girls but couldn't get the beat out of my head. I have since really listened to the lyrics and disagree with the OP.

    I would agree with some others that Nikki Minaj's new song is awful. She took a song that created a lot of controversy in its day and made it even more controversial if not down right nasty. Then again, anytime I see or hear her I either want to scratch my eyeballs out or stuff my ears full of cotton. I do not understand how that woman ever made it in the music industry.

    I have a theory.

    ROFLMAO.... ooop I just spit my coffee up, yep, I think you're onto something. lol.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    Admittedly, I did not read all the posts.

    Also, *hangs head in shame*, I shake my size 8 money maker to this song every time it comes on.

    I guess I just like the beat and don't take it all that seriously.
  • Don’t think her original lyrics are offensive? Show me ONE hypothetical situation in which calling a girl a “stick-figure silicone Barbie-doll” would not be inappropriate, impolite, or a just plain awful thing to say, and I will donate $200 cash to the charity of your choice.

    It's appropriate when you're talking about Valeria Lukyanova ..

    The November Coalition appreciates your donation.

    OP - are you going to post the receipt?

    I'll just leave this right here....
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Meh. It's just a song. No offense but you should get over it and move on.

    Meh. Ebola is only in other countries. No offense but they should get over it and move on.

    The Crimean Peninsula is just a piece of land. Ukraine should get over it and move on.

    Scotland is part of the United Kingdom. They should get over it and move on instead of voting on their independence.

    Seriously? Let's just get over everything and care about nothing and move on. That will make the world a better place, for sure!
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    It's a fun song. I like it. I think it's funny and I have no problem with it. Also, I too am bringing Booty back.... ;)
  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
    Yeah I like the song but dont really pay too much attention to the lyrics. I dont get offended easily, so someone can call me a fat, ugly, short, pointy nosed b!tch and I would let it roll off my back. My new theme song is Taylor Swift's song Shake it off :)

    But I keep cruising
    Can't stop, won't stop moving
    It's like I got this music
    In my mind
    Saying, "It's gonna be alright."

    'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
    And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
    Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
    I shake it off, I shake it off
    Heart-breakers gonna break, break, break, break, break
    And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake
    Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
    I shake it off, I shake it off

    I never miss a beat
    I'm lightning on my feet
    And that's what they don't see, mmm-mmm
    that's what they don't see, mmm-mmm

    I'm dancing on my own (dancing on my own)
    I make the moves up as I go (moves up as I go)
    And that's what they don't know, mmm-mmm
    that's what they don't know, mmm-mmm
  • Tallawah_
    Tallawah_ Posts: 2,475 Member
    This thread should be nuked just for getting that moronic song stuck in my head.


    ^This...I hadn't even heard of the song until I bumped into this thread...:huh:
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    Watch the video to Anaconda. Glorious. Glorious!

    I was very very bored today and watched about 60 seconds of it before getting the urge to punch my monitor.
  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member
    Unless you've called out every single instance of fat-shaming you've been confronted with, you have no right to throw down about this song. Thin privilege is a very real thing and the "f**k skinny b****es" attitude that you are encountering now in media and music by Nicki Minaj, Meghan Trainor and others is a response. A response to what? To the fact that the vast majority of thin people have zero issue with soul-crushing body-shaming vitriol being slung around when it doesn't pertain to, or affect, them. To the fact that if you're not thin, you're viewed as lazy, stupid, etc. To the fact that if you're not thin, you're often seen as being unworthy of basic human decency and respect. If you've ever shrugged off another person's obvious humiliation and pain at being fat-shamed, but take issue with Trainor's tune (in which she doesn't actually even body-shame thin women), you're just awful.
  • mikeshockley
    mikeshockley Posts: 684 Member
    This is why I listen to classic rock and country music. Both genres don't care what shape you are as long as you have a vagina and don't look like a foot.

    "Don't look like a foot"! LMAO!!!!
  • determined24girl
    determined24girl Posts: 382 Member
    I loved this song until today. I was waiting on my mother in law to drop my daughter off with me and this song came on. I did my usual thing and started dancing around in the car. Then i stopped and actually listened to the lyrics. I worked my butt off, sacrificed most of my favorite food, stopped drinking, stopped smoking, to get where i am. I have lost 40lbs and am finally happy. Then this song comes on basically saying that I'm less attractive now than i was when I was fat? Umm... no. I'm all for making ppl feel good about them selves, thats awesome. but if you have to bring other ppl down to do it, you can go screw yourself.
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    As a mother of 4 teenagers, I don't think it's bad to have a song which sends a message that you DON'T have to be skinny. So many girls of normal weight have such huge body issues, thinking they're fat because they're not squeezing into a size 0. And as a woman, I can tell you a good percentage of boys DO like a little more to cuddle. I don't think this song promotes being fat, it simply sends the message that being healthy and having a little meat on your bones is ok. And it is. Would I like to lose weight? Yes. Would I like to be thin? Hell no.

    Honestly, the **** you people find to get upset over ...
This discussion has been closed.