

  • Bump
    in Running tip Comment by jyt2573 June 2012
  • I was told that I have the right to remain silent...
    in ANSWERS ONLY Comment by jyt2573 May 2012
  • Check out the Skinny Girl recipes and books. She always has HUGE portions, yet manages to keep everything pretty sensibly caloried out.
  • I have tried the 100 calorie Jello pudding mousse cup thingies. I keep them in the fridge and they satisfy the chocolate cravings. Good luck!
  • This post is adorable! I'm straight too, but I'll give you a big MFP wink!! :wink:
  • I'm a Kashi Go Lean cereal gal. One bowl keeps me going throughout my whole morning workout. My body really misses it when I don't get it!
  • I shop at both, although since Whole Foods tends to be WAY more expensive, I'll usually try to get everything I can at Trader Joe's. That being said, WF has a better selection of fresh vegetables and fruit, plus a huge bulk food section. I also like the organic and chemical free health and beauty aisle too! At Trader…
  • I catch myself finding women in the gym who look like I USED to look. I watch them move, sit, sweat and try to hammer into my head where I was and where I will be back to if I don't keep going. I don't have any negative judgements about them. It is more of a carrot/stick situation for me. I especially like it when they…
  • Apparently, my body is deciding to do a Tango back and forth across this line. I'm obese-I'm overweight-I'm obese, cha-cha-cha. Grats on crossing the line and I can't wait to join you (in a more permanent fashion) over there!! Jennifer
  • Going on my first hike with a local group. (I may even sneak some Geocaching in.) :happy:
  • Put in .5 of a serving of 1 cup. :wink:
  • While I agree for the most part about not hiding your healthy new lifestyle, I can totally understand the want to surprise them this summer. You could always claim something last night "did not agree with you" and your that stomach hurts. Thay way, they won't worry about you being sick, but not eating what they are used to…
  • Are you a fish eater? Grilled tilapia is nice, along with a tuna or salmon sandwich or salad. I also loved to spread a whole wheat pita with hummus and fill it with spinach, bean sprouts and 3 oz. of random meat: turkey, ham, chicken. For an extra kick, I would add lemon juice to the pita and some oregano. Are you an egg…
  • Here's my fav healthy Blueberry Muffin recipe. I usually double up on the blueberries, as I am kind of a fanatic about them! Light Blueberry Muffins Ingredients • 1 cup all-purpose flour • 1/3 cup sugar • 3/4 teaspoon baking powder • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda • 1/8 teaspoon salt • 5/8 cup low-fat buttermilk • 2 tablespoons…
  • Funny, I just started tracking sugar yesterday as well. I picked up a book by Jorge Cruise and he is all about reducing our sugar intake. He recommends that we take in no more than 15g of sugar per day. My milk in the morning is 11g alone! It's a whole new way at looking at eating and it is a lot to wrap my head around all…
  • You need a new challenge. Do you run? Signing up for a 5k is a great way to find the incentive to get out and run more than you would otherwise. I did that last year and almost hyperventilated with fear after I sent in my check. The fear made me go out on days when I would have rather stayed in bed, just to try to stack…
  • This made me laugh out loud!
  • The strategy that works best for me in these situations is to simply laugh at them. Once I realize they are a one-upper, it takes all the validation out of anything they say. I once had a one-upper in my life that got so crazy, the things she would say to 'one-up' the conversation could not, under any circumstances have…
  • I'm thinking that quinoa is kinda like grits. No real taste of its own, so I add some depending on the dinner I am making. I usually make it with chicken broth instead of water and I throw lemon juice and garlic in it. This really jazzes up the taste. I will also add steamed veggies (broccoli or asparagus) in it for a…
  • I instantly feel better reading everyone's comments here. I KNEW this was the place to vent. Thanks so much all! Enmaku, I love your post. I haven't been as technical as you posted, but I have been weighing in on my Wii which plots all weight loss on a chart. I can totally see the trends of dots down with occasional rises.…
  • http://foodportions.com/ This is a good jump off point.
  • I wish I lived on Maui. I wish I could come to your classes, but, I just really wish I lived on Maui. :flowerforyou:
    in ZUMBA Comment by jyt2573 January 2011
  • [Copied and pasted from an earlier post] Let me just say, Zumba really DOES work. It is the whole deal - cardio, toning, balance and coordination. It has everything except weight training, and there are even classes now that do use weights. I have only ever taken live classes (not from a dvd) but the workout I got from…
    in ZUMBA Comment by jyt2573 January 2011
  • Oh happy day! I can't wait to try this!!
  • Here is a good nutrition and calorie calculator. http://nutritiondata.self.com/tools/calories-burned That being said, nothing can beat the expert advice of a dietician who knows you. If you can find any way possible to just get in once to get a meal plan, it will give you all the tools you need to win this game. I tried…
  • Congratulations!! I am too afraid to get my rings sized down (prolly a committment issue) so for a stop gap, I went to a jewelers and got a ring guard put on. I can adjust the size as I need and until I am ready to make the leap and cut that band, it will keep my rings in place. (and stop that awful spinning!) Another…
  • Heck no, you're not the only one. The other morning, as I straightened up from spitting out my tooth paste in the sink, I too saw my collar bones for the first time in...forever. I was just fascinated with the way they moved when I flexed my arms, when I breathed, when I hunched my neck over... And then I noticed my…
  • Exactly! This is my favorite trick. I love beer, but the water in between really helps me moderate how much I actually drink.