

  • I think the biggest seller of supplements in the world is and they ship all over. they may have a Canadian warehouse but I'm not sure. I know they have several all over the US.
  • from personal experience going from 18% to about 10 can take 6 months, sometimes longer. if you choose to have a more aggressive calorie deficit it can be done a bit quicker, HOWEVER, you will lose a lot of muscle and look super skinny. I had that problem. weight went from 185 to 152 and people told me I looked anorexic.…
  • personally, I only get side stitches running when I've had too much water to drink. that could be one cause for you also.
  • imo, insanity is the ultimate bodyweight exercises kick-your-own *kitten* into shape. bodyweight stuff is hard, that's why nobody wants to do it.
  • Crossfit is very effective to answer your question. Very sound and well-designed for all around fitness. Of course there are so many different instructors that there are surely those who instruct less effectively than others, or encourage more risky things than others. Watching the crossfit games on TV is crazy motivating…
  • try woodchoppers for 20 reps at a time, that'll get your HR up. or sprints alternating laps in the pool or jump roping for 1 minute straight and trying to build up endurance to get 2-3 minutes straight at a time or sets of 20 squats or try the insanity fit test
  • I prefer to eat my calories then drink them. Drink more water, eat more food. Yummy. You could "sweeten" water with kool aid mix, or the other calorie free mixes, not that they're much better for your cells in the end, but at least they are calorie free. think of how many calories a year saved, if you cut out caloried…
  • I have studied exercise physiology quite a bit for my career and I would tell you that many physicians would recommend a sound and well designed weight resistance training program. I cannot express in just one paragraph the benefits such a program produces in the body both short and long term. I have seen scientific…
  • many weight loss products have been discovered to have harmful effects on the body. really the safest way to lose weight is through a dedicated and well organized eating and exercise plan. if you must use something to aid you, caffeine is probably the safest, though still a drug which can cause negative health changes in…
  • your body isn't really counting calories on a 24-hr clock, in which one day over makes you fat. your body composition changes over weeks, months, a year. so you can make adjustments in your eating and exercise the rest of the week, for example, so that at the end of the week you are at your weekly maintenance calorie level…
  • I've done a lot of running and sprinting over the years. for me, sprinting whether it be in a pool, on an exercise bike, or elliptical machine is how you increase your body's oxygen processing capabitlity. start with this for instance: 2-3 x a week, do an all out sprint on an exercise bike 5 times for 30 seconds on tough…
  • I don't have a prob with that gym. I don't go there because they have no squat rack. that's it. I love the 'BIG *kitten*' fan over the cardio machines. my wife and I laughed about how huge that thing is.
  • I never had to pause but I have great self determination. for me, if you can do insanity, there is no greater physical challenge in one hour and you should feel a GREAT amount of accomplishment for staying with the group or finishing at all. however, remember that the group on the dvd's had 60-90 days of insanity before…
  • this less than intelligent coworker of my wife's announced he was beginning p90x and going on an all fruit diet. he probably lasted 30 hours. how could a human survive on fruit alone?
  • for a one mile race I would do more intervals. if your body adapts to sprinting .33 to .5 miles at a time a one mile race becomes so easy. I had to run and train a lot for speed races and distance for police academy. we had guys running 1.5 miles in 7 minutes or so. it seems like a sprint the entire way!
  • there is no set number. it's whatever your comfortable with and have time for. if it were me, and I was trying to cut for fat loss, I'd do 3-4 moderate cardio sessions a week at 15-20 minutes each, and maybe 1-2 HIIT sessions a week which can be done in about 4 minutes (google Tabata intervals based on the classic Japanese…
  • quick, easy. cook up ground turkey or ground beef. add in tomato sauce of your choice. put 1 cup trader joe's brown rice with it. separate into 2 tupperwares and go. 90 seconds in microwave and you're in business. or cook up ground turkey. add low sodium taco mix. put in tupperwares and bring 2 wheat tortillas. voila, 2…
  • I personally wouldn't fret about it. bodyweight is largely water and large water shifts can occur due to hydration levels, hormonal patterns, having your period, excessive caffeine, etc. I'm a man, and even during my bulk I can weigh 5 lbs more or less in one day to the next. just keep at the plan, it's a day to day grind…
  • it really depends. weigh all your meats pre-cooked, or post-cooked. but stay consistent. I weigh mine after cooking, mfp will often have entries for foods with a cooked weight that someone has entered into the system. rule of thumb: meat will lose 25% of its weight in cooking. so if you eat 6 oz cooked chicken, and the…
  • I would say there's no hard and fast rule. It's whatever you want. If you're happy with where you're at, then start a bulk. But I have also heard some who live by this rule: don't bulk unless you're 15% bf for a male or less. I dieted down to about 11-12% before bulking. I'm up 20 lbs with only one inch gained on waist.…
  • I'll give you real story. A gym where I was a personal trainer, one of our employees was exercise addicted after putting on 90 lbs in a pregnancy. When weight loss slowed or stopped, she cut food. Then she'd cut more food. Then she'd add even more cardio. She was not losing weight and was ramming her head against a brick…
  • maybe. I believe if you eat a calorie surplus and you add assistance work to your powerlifting you will get stronger and add mass. when I get done with the 3 heavy sets of shoulder or bench, I add 5 sets of 10 of shoulder or bench on something different like dumbbells or a machine. and as the weeks go on, my assistance…
  • it's difft for everyone but I would say when your gains slow. as a newbie, your gains will be much faster than the rest of us. from what I read most people do SS and programs like it for 6 mos- 1 year. my advice to anyone new. don't waste time with lots of single joint lifts -- stick primarily to compound lifts which…
  • thx for the replies. I've done a lot of programs over the years and I like this simplicity. I only write down my progress on the main lifts. all assistance work is whatever and how ever much I feel like or have time for. I don't even write down assistance work. couldn't be easier. hopefully more people will get into 5/3/1.…
  • 3 hours of exercise a day probably leads to a lot of cortisol release due to stress. Cortisol destroys muscle and can lead to fat storage. You may have lost weight with it and it worked in that way, but long term is probably not sustainable in a healthy way. Lift 3-4 times a week, do 20 min cardio 2-3 times a week, and eat…
  • I'm on a similar diet for 3,500 calories lean bulk. I do 300 g protein, 400g carbs, the rest fat. if you don't gain then add 200 calories and try that for a week. I ended a diet a few months ago at 1700 calories a day, 11% bfat. I'm up now 15 lbs now and strength keeps climbing
  • There is a science to bulking properly. My advice would be to read the 10 habits of Precision Nutrition eating by Dr John Berardi. It's not a book, I'm not selling anything. You can google it and read them. In a nutshell, you have carbs only at breakfast and around working out. At other times of day due to circadian…
  • my advice is cut or lean down to a point at which you are trimmer than you want to be all the time and then move to maintenance. that way, you have wiggle room over the next few months if bodyfat increases you won't be immediately unhappy. i would recommend doing the fat shredder diet ratio from p90x, even if you don't do…
  • Hey hope u get better real soon. Regarding "losing" your cardio or weightlifting shape, I wouldn't worry about that unless you're out for weeks. Generally muscular atrophy begins to occur about two weeks or so after not strength training a body part because homeostasis determines unneeded muscle tissue should be broken…